
Diet with gastroduodenitis, symptoms and treatment of the disease

  • Diet with gastroduodenitis, symptoms and treatment of the disease

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    Any disease associated with the stomach and digestive system, appears, as a rule, from malnutrition and the abuse of harmful food and alcohol. From this follows the banal conclusion that the treatment of such diseases should begin with a diet that excludes all harmful.

    Food and diet for gastroduodenitis should be not just curative, the very intake of food is special. Only warm food, only its regular receptions. Necessarily in the menu there are soups - meat, chicken, fish, mushroom. And more - dairy products, fruits, eggs, cereals, vegetables, lean meat.

    As you can see, there are no particularly strict prohibitions, everything, as always: you can not overly salty, fatty, strong broths, peppery, alcohol, soda, coffee, raw vegetables, chocolate products, ice cream.

    To determine that you have this particular ailment, it would be nice to know the symptoms and treatment of gastroduodenitis. This disease is compound. Duodenitis in acute form plus gastritis. These are inflammations in the stomach and duodenum, because of which normal processes in these organs are broken and severe pains arise, which in the chronic variant are permanent. Symptoms may be as follows:

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    • bloating, heaviness in the stomach
    • pains - spasms or aching
    • "rumbling" in the abdomen
    • constipation
    • diarrhea
    • weight loss
    • salivation, nausea
    • vomiting

    The stomach will be sick for about 2 weeks, but under pressure -about a month. In chronic form, after an exacerbation, a temporary relief comes, which will end as soon as you again gain something forbidden or nervous.

    Treatment depends on the classification of this disease:

    • Surface course of the disease - you need to adjust the acidity of the stomach, maintain immunity. Assign physiotherapy, exercise therapy and diet, medications.
    • Chronicle - with exacerbation of gastroduodenitis bed rest and diet( at least a week).Assign painkillers and many other drugs.
    • Erosive gastroduodenitis. Nutritional regimen, diet( very strict, since this is the most dangerous form, in which there are minor hemorrhages, ulceration may develop).More drugs than in the previous case, plus vitamins.
    • Mixed form. Treatment - depending on individual indicators.

    Diet for chronic gastroduodenitis - there are two options: diet number 1 and number 5.

    Table number 1: food is frequent, fractional. All food is rubbed off, cooked for a couple or boiled. Food should be less salted. Bread - only in the form of biscuits. Berries, fruits - only in processed form, raw can not. All that can not be described above. You can almost everything, only it should not be fat, not canned, not sharp, processed( boiled, steamed) and rubbed necessarily.

    Table No. 5: Almost the same, you can go to this diet when the condition improves, because you do not need to grind food, but you need to chew it thoroughly. You can add bread from rye flour, greens, tomatoes, sausage and sausages boiled.

    With the onset of improvement and even on recovery, continue to abandon harmful products to prevent regression. With each "breakdown" from proper nutrition, significant deterioration in the condition, acute pains, which can be removed only by anesthetic, is possible.

    Do not force your stomach, pleasing the taste buds. The taste you will feel once, and suffer from pain will be much longer, regretfully remembering that "extra" glass or fatty cake. Remember that you eat right for your own good, do not give a fleeting desire to eat something tasty to prevail over a reasonable decision.

    Of the allowed products, it is quite possible to prepare yourself something delicious. Look for suitable recipes, exercise, spend time in the fresh air, drink plenty of clean water, strengthen immunity. And become healthy!

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