  • Celery for weight loss

    Therefore, the more celery is included in the food we eat, the sooner our body gets rid of toxins and fats.

    If every day to eat celery, then the magnificent figure will be preserved for many years.

    Celery has a pronounced diuretic property, therefore, including in the diet of celery, we help the body to get rid of excess fluid.

    That's why celery today becomes the most popular product among dieticians' recommendations!

    The uniqueness of celery is that every centimeter of the plant has medicinal properties. And roots, and petioles, and celery leaves are literally impregnated with useful substances: mineral substances, essential oils, vitamins.

    Thanks to its composition, celery is multifunctional in its use. For dietary purposes, it can be used as a means of improving the work of the digestive system and excretory system. He completely copes with the task of removing from the body not only toxins and toxins, but poisons and decay products. Perhaps, therefore, this plant manufacturers of biologically active additives are included in the composition of drugs popular among people who care about their health.

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    Celery contributes to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract by increasing the secretion of gastric juice, so it is actively involved in the process of processing food, heavy for the body. If you are planning to prepare a meat dish, then directly put a celery in the pan with it or cook a side dish, which includes celery.

    Nutritionists are advised to eat celery for people obese or prone to fatness. And if you were diagnosed with obesity, then celery should become the main dish on your table every day.

    Juice, which is derived from freshly squeezed vegetables and fruits, has always been valued as a special dietary product. And this is justified! After all, any juice is a storehouse of vitamins, minerals, microelements and carbohydrates, which are easily absorbed by the body. And most importantly - it's always delicious.

    Celery juice is no exception. The presence in the juice of B vitamins, vitamin C and PP makes it particularly attractive for people prone to fatness.

    The dietary properties of the juice prepared from celery, allow to put it on the first step on useful actions among all fruit and vegetable juices.

    It not only strengthens health and promotes elimination of harmful substances from the body, but:

    will normalize your appetite, so it's good to use it for those who can not cope with the constant need to absorb a huge amount of food;

    will help you get rid of the excess fluid and stool accumulated over many years in your body. Therefore, if you carry out along with the diets and cleaning procedures, then the celery juice will help you in this long, but very important process of healing the body;

    if, at the onset of the summer heat, take the rule twice a day - in the morning before work and at lunch time - drink a quarter of a glass of celery juice, then you will help to start the body's natural thermoregulation of the body. As a result, during the day the need for a large amount of liquid will disappear, which means that you will be able to avoid edema.

    For people with excess weight, the intake of celery juice every day should become the norm.

    In dietary nutrition, celery juice can be used as an independent product, or as a part of mixed juices. No less useful drinks with the addition of celery juice to dairy products: cream, milk, yogurt.

    Juice Depending on the ingredients and composition of the drink, the mixture of juices can have different calories, a combination of minerals and vitamins, and therefore, have different therapeutic effects on the body. For more than ten years T. Zaitseva has been looking for a different combination of the components of diet drinks. Below are the recipes, which are not easy for her to taste, but also led to the best results. And, of course, the main ingredient of these drinks is celery.

    If you decide to go on a diet without consulting and close monitoring of a nutritionist, you may face the problem that during the time you were on a diet, your body along with calories and extra pounds lost a fair amount of beneficial minerals. Therefore, it is recommended that you include beverages in your diet.

    Drink with increased mineral content

    Celery - 1 pc.

    Any part of celery can be used to prepare the juice, so do not spend a lot of time looking for the right ingredient. All that is available for you in the store, boldly acquire and take a hold. Celery should be thoroughly rinsed, cleaned of contamination and damaged areas. With the help of a juicer to prepare juice, in the absence of this miracle device, use a banana grater with their / b cloth. To obtain juice in this way, it is enough to grate the celery on a fine grater and squeeze the juice through the cloth. Cake, obtained from the manufacture of juice, do not throw, but add to the salad or attach to the second dish. Celery will be a perfect addition to any product. Celery juice should be consumed three times a day for half an hour before meals by one third of the glass.

    Vitamin drink

    Juice of celery - 1/4 cup

    Carrot juice - 1/4 cup

    Juice of parsley root - 1/4 cup

    Apple juice - 1/4 cup

    Prepare juice from vegetables and fruits as indicated in the previous recipe. Shift all the ingredients of the drink and take half a cup twice a day: morning and evening.

    Drink that improves the secretion of gastric juice

    Celery juice - 2/3 cup

    Carrot juice - 1/5 cup

    White cabbage juice - 1/2 cup

    Prepare vegetable juices using a juicer or grater, as described in previous recipes.

    Shift all the ingredients of the drink and take half a cup for 30 minutes before eating.

    There is a generally accepted opinion: to quickly lose weight, you just need to close your mouth. Many tried this method on themselves. It helps, but not for long. Within a short period of time, the restriction in foods and the amount of food taken helps to lose up to 10 kg in 1-2 weeks. But as soon as they achieve the desired effect and allow themselves a little more, the body breaks down and begins to absorb everything that he does not offer. And all efforts come to naught.
    Any woman is concerned today with just one thought: to eat this to lose weight?

    Just 2 weeks of a celery diet, and visible results on the face: a mild weight loss of up to 8 kg.

    And, in order to avoid boring the diet, it is necessary to periodically change part of the celery, which is the basis of the diet. The first week - the root of celery( 16 kcal), the second week - stems( 0 kcal).

    1 variant
    The basis of the diet is a celery soup. The variant of a diet is pleasant to that, except for soup, it is possible to eat any vegetables, meat of low-fat grades. Of cereals are included in the diet of Fig. All these products are eaten in small portions, but if the feeling of saturation does not appear, then celery soup can be eaten in unlimited quantities. And, there is it can be at any time of the day, which is very important for those whose working day is not standardized.

    Preparation of soup

    Celery( petiolate) - 1 bunch or

    Celery root - 1 pc.

    Onion( medium size) - 6 pcs.

    Carrots( medium size) - 4 pcs.

    Cabbage - 1 small head

    Tomatoes - 3 pcs.

    Pepper( green) - 2 pcs.

    Garlic - 1 large head

    Spices: curry, cumin, coriander - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Greens: coriander, parsley, onion, dill - 1 bunch

    Vegetable oil for frying. Cut the onion into rings and fry. Add the resulting mass of spices and finely chopped garlic. Stir all ingredients, cover and allow a little to extinguish. Cut the vegetables into small cubes.

    And then you can improvise. We offer you two methods that are most often used, but anyone who is interested in the proposed diet, based on culinary skills and their cook preferences, can bring something of its own.

    1 way

    Add the vegetables to the onions and put out 10 minutes. The resulting vegetable mass is transferred to a saucepan. Greens chop, add to vegetables. Pour in a pan of water 2 cm above the level of vegetables. Add the soup to a boil, reduce the heat so that a weak boil is maintained. Keep in this state for another 10 minutes, then remove from heat and allow to stand under the lid.

    2 way

    Place the onion and vegetables in a saucepan with a volume of at least 4 liters. Pour into a saucepan 3 liters of water, put on a strong fire, bring to a boil. With strong boiling, keep the soup on the stove for 15 minutes. Turn off the stove, chop the greens and add to the soup. Do not remove from the stove, let the soup brew under the lid.

    Day 1: During the day, along with soup, you can eat any fruit, except bananas. Drink a lot of liquids: water, tea or coffee without sugar.

    Day 2: Today, instead of fruits, you can eat vegetables - in any quantity, in any form, in any combination. Do not forget to add a salad to vegetables. For lunch, cook your own baked potatoes. Do not forget to drink plenty of fluids during the day.

    Day 3: Combine the soup with vegetables and plenty of water, as on the previous day, but only baked potatoes are contraindicated on this day.

    Day 4: Any amount of soup today can be combined with fruits and fresh vegetables. Do not limit yourself to the amount of eaten fruits and vegetables. You can eat bananas, but do not get too carried away - only 2-3 pieces. Remember the liquid: 2 liters per day is your norm.

    Day 5: On this day you can add lean meat to the soup. It is best to beef or chicken, but only with it you must remove the skin. Add to this also fresh tomatoes, and the day will not look as gloomy as it might seem. And most importantly, do not forget about the liquid.

    Day 6: On this day you have to replace the tomatoes with root crops: fresh, boiled or stewed. The exception is from potatoes. All the rest is unchanged - soup of celery and liquid in unlimited quantities.

    Day 7: On the finish line, it is allowed to add rice to the diet. With it you can cook soup with celery or boil it with vegetables. Water replace with fruit juices, preferably freshly squeezed. Well, if the composition of drinks will include celery juice.

    To fix the effect, I recommend repeating the diet after 2-3 days.

    The next cycle is best not to start earlier than in a month and a half, because a large number of vegetables and fruits can be a severe test for the stomach.

    2 variant
    Preparation of soup from celery, no matter how simple it is, it takes some free time.

    This diet will also be to the liking of those who experience discomfort, if from its diet to exclude protein foods.

    The basis of this diet is a salad of celery. Duration of the diet, as in the previous version - 2 weeks.

    Preparation of salad
    Celery( petiolate) - 3-4 pcs.


    Celery root - 1 pc.

    Apple - 1 large or 2 small

    Olive oil - 1 tbsp.spoon

    In equal parts, rub celery root( cut celery stalks finely) and apple. Fill with oil and mix thoroughly all the ingredients. If the taste of the salad during the diet starts to become boring, then you can add to it a leaf salad or canned olives, which I prefer to cut into large, usually divide them in half or 4 parts( if the olives are large).In the case when you add olives to the salad, you have to refuse or replace it with oil, for example, linen.

    Breakfast: With a salad drink coffee or tea without sugar, eat a boiled egg and 1-2 slices of bread, better rye or cooked from wholemeal.

    Lunch : Salad and fish of any variety, steamed or microwave without oil. To fish, cooked in a microwave oven, it was not dry, you can pour a little water and sprinkle with lemon on the bottom of the tank where the fish is cooked, so that it is not completely fresh and tasteless.

    Dinner. Salad and low-fat cottage cheese or kefir.

    During the day. At any time in any quantity, as soon as there is a need for food, they eat a salad. And be sure to drink 6-8 glasses of liquid.

    Any diet that you prefer will necessarily bring the desired result. It is only necessary to follow exactly all the instructions that the diet prescribes. However, as soon as the time for completing the cycle of dietary procedures ends, very often the indicators roll backwards.

    After a diet, on the menu for each day should be included dishes or foods that, by their properties, have the ability to consolidate the "weight loss" result.

    After the diet, add as much root and celery as possible to your food. The use of celery will not only prevent metabolic disorders, but also for many years will keep the result achieved during the diet.

    At us the main component of all dishes is a potato. It is known that those who want to get rid of extra pounds should limit the use or completely exclude from the diet this product.
    It turns out that celery in a stewed or boiled form is not inferior to such a potato, familiar from childhood.

    Replace in the recipe for salads, soups and side dishes potatoes on the root of celery. To the taste of celery is not inferior to potatoes, but, unlike her, the more you eat celery, the sooner you lose excess weight. Try it, and the result will not be long in coming.

    1. Celery( root) - 1 piece.

    Carrots - 1 pc.

    Turnip - 1 pc.

    Lemon - V2 pcs.

    Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Salt to taste.

    Rinse the roots, peel them. Do this best with an acute thin knife, then the waste is much less. Rub the vegetables on a large grater. Stir all the ingredients, add salt, add the juice from the half of the lemon, mix again and refill with oil. Transfer the salad in a salad bowl and serve to the table, on top the salad can be decorated with finely chopped greens. The main difference is, which greenery you will use, no.

    250 g of celery roots and 250 g of unpurified apples are cut into small cubes, add 100 grams of chopped nuts( walnuts).100 g of mayonnaise mixed with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, a little salt, you can add a little whipped cream. All this mixed with a salad and put in the cold. Salad served on salad leaves.

    6. Port-Said salad( Egypt)

    2 servings of

    2 celery root, 2 bananas, 2 apples, 20 grams of green salad, 2 tomatoes, mayonnaise.

    Clear bananas. Do not discard the rind. Celery peeled, cut into strips, bananas - slices, peeled apples cubes, lettuce strips. Mix everything, add the finely chopped tomatoes. Season with mayonnaise. From the banana peel make cups, fill them with a salad.

    7. Grace salad( Australia)

    2 servings of

    2 celery root, 2 green sweet peppers,

    2 red sweet peppers, 2-3 apples, mayonnaise, salt, black ground pepper.

    Celery root and sweet green pepper cut into strips, sweet red pepper rings, apples slices. Mix everything, season with salt, black pepper, mayonnaise.

    8. Salad from celery and oranges

    1 portion

    1 celery root, 1 orange, 1/2 cup olive oil, lemon juice.

    Celery root cut into small strips, mix with orange slices, peeled and cut into four parts. Season with olive oil. Beat with lemon juice.

    9. Celery and mushroom salad

    2 servings of

    100 g of celery root, 100 g of potatoes, 100 g of mushrooms,

    60 g of mayonnaise, 1 egg, salt, black pepper, dill.

    Boil potatoes, celery and mushrooms separately. Slice vegetables into slices, and mushrooms - with straw. Mix everything, season with salt, pepper, mayonnaise. Top with chopped dill and chopped egg.

    10. Celery salad with pumpkin

    3 servings of

    150 g of boiled celery, 50 g of boiled( or stewed) sweet and sour pumpkin, 100 g of tomato puree,

    300 g of mayonnaise, salt, black ground pepper.

    Celery and pumpkin cut into cubes, mix, add salt and pepper. Mayonnaise mix well with tomato, season with salad. Mix. Garnish with parsley.

    Tomato soup
    Bulgarian pepper( green) - 2 pcs.

    Celery( root) - 1 pc.

    Cabbage - 1/2 small fork


    Cabbage - 1 bowl

    Beans - 2 handfuls

    Tomato juice - 2 l

    Greens: parsley, dill, coriander - 2-3 sprigs each

    Olive oil for frying.

    Celery and pepper rinse, peel and cut into small cubes. Fresh cabbage chop straw, sauerkraut rinse with running water and throw in a colander, giving the opportunity to drain excess water. Haricot beans, remove the stems and cut into large( approximately 2-3 parts of each pod).In the frying pan, heat oil, put the vegetables, with the lid open over a large fire, stirring constantly, fry until half-ready. After that, reduce the heat in such a way that there is not a violent boil, close the lid and put out 10 minutes. At this time, rinse the greens, scrape, remove the damaged twigs and chop. If the container in which you extinguished the vegetables is deep, then you can cook soup directly in this container, if not, then put the vegetables in a capacity of at least 3 liters. Add tomato juice to the vegetables, do not put salt in the soup. Heat the mass until the juice begins to boil, but it is not necessary to bring it to a boil. Once the soup has boiled, add greens to it, close the lid, turn off the fire and leave it on the stove on which the soup was prepared, to reach its full readiness. After about 20-30 minutes, the soup can be served to the table.

    Soup with celery
    Celery( root) - 1 pc.

    Carrots - 1 pc. Potatoes - 2-3 pcs.

    Pine nuts - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Garlic - 2 cloves of medium size

    Wash potatoes, peel and cut into small cubes. In the pot, pour 2 liters of water, bring to a boil and put there sliced ​​potatoes. While the potatoes are being cooked, wash the carrots and celery, peel it with a sharp knife and grate on a large grater. Pour oil into the scorching pan, I prefer olive oil, but it is possible and vegetable, but only odorless. Put the grated vegetables in the oil and put it under the cover for a little over medium heat. When the potatoes are left for about 1-1.5 minutes, add the vegetables to the soup. Bring the resulting mass to a boil, add salt and turn off the cooker. Do not remove the soup from the stove, leave it until you make a refueling so that it sticks. Nuts burn in a frying pan without oil until caramel color. Cool and rub with finely chopped garlic or skip the garlic through garlic. Refueling can be put in soup, and then pour it in portions and serve to the table. Serve the dressing separately. Everyone can put in a plate as much fuel as he sees fit.

    Celery is a very valuable food plant that has a beneficial effect on human health. It rejuvenates the body, increases vitality, helps to get rid of neuroses and obesity.

    For a short period of time, extra pounds go nowhere, if one of the main components of the diet will be celery .And this is not an accident!

    Celery with a small number of calories at the same time contains a large amount of fiber, so to fully absorb the product the body has to spend additional calories, which for many years were stored in reserve in the most unexpected places. Therefore, the more celery we consume, the sooner we get rid of the hated extra pounds.

    When using celery, even in small quantities, a sense of saturation without adding extra "gambling" extra grams.

    The composition of celery includes virtually all microelements and vitamins, which affect the improvement of metabolic processes in the body. The content of nutrients is one of the first places among vegetables: in leaves about 80% of ascorbic acid, 7 mg% carotene, about 50 mg% of vitamin B1, 40-100 mg% of vitamin B2 and vitamin PP.In the celery, vitamin Y is found( needed by a sick ulcer), and other substances are contained: asparagine, tyrosine, sugar, mannitol, pectin substances. It is rich in salts of calcium, magnesium, iron and especially potassium, which has a diuretic effect( in leaves and stems it is 11 times larger than in root crops). 100 g of celery contain the following amounts of vitamins( mg%): carotene - 0.015, vitamin E -2,600, vitamin K - 0,100, vitamin B1 - 0,036, vitamin B2 - 0,070, vitamin РР - 0,900, vitamin C - 8,250, vitamin B6 - 8,250.In 100 g of celery, the amount of mineral substances( mg) reaches the following values: sodium - 77.7, potassium - 321.0, magnesium - 9.3, calcium - 68.0, iron - 68.0, phosphorus - 80.0,iodo-2.63.

    2. The salad is cooked very quickly, so it is done when guests come unexpectedly or unexpectedly, or when there is no time to mess around in the kitchen, preparing various pickles.

    Celery - 2-3 stems

    Carrots - 1 pc.

    Apple 1 pc.

    Honey - 1/2 tsp

    Cream( 10%) - 1 tbsp.spoon

    On a large grater, rub celery, carrots and apple, add honey and mix thoroughly. Season with cream and serve to the table.
    3. Celery - 2-3 stems

    Carrots - 1 piece.

    Cucumber - 1 pc.

    Eggs - 2 pcs.

    Sour cream( low-fat) - 1 tbsp.spoon

    4. Wash the carrots, put in a polyethylene bag, add a few tablespoons of water and close tightly. Place the bag of vegetables in a microwave oven and cook for 5-10 minutes, depending on the volume of vegetables. After the timer went off, do not rush out the vegetables from the oven, let them stand for 2-3 minutes, because the effect of microwaves during this time continues to bring the dish to the ready. Celery and cucumber wash, root to peel, and all this cut into small cubes. Boiled eggs and carrots are cleaned and cut into cubes of the same size as fresh vegetables. A little salt, season with sour cream and mix thoroughly. Salad ready!5. Salad "Walldorf".