
Useful and medicinal properties of wild garlic( flasks, victorious bows)

  • Useful and medicinal properties of wild garlic( flasks, victorious bows)

    Victory Onion( Allium victoralis L.) is a small perennial bulbous plant with garlic odor, lily families with two or three large elliptical leaves and flowers collected in a half-spherical or spherical inflorescence. Bulbs conically-cylindrical, dressed with greyish-brown mesh filamentous membranes. Bulbs long, covered with mesh shells, sit on a small rhizome, stem up to 75 cm tall, up to 6 mm thick, straight. Flowers are small, whitish-green, collected in an umbrella. Blooms in May-June. Fruits - boxes with black seeds. The plant has a strong garlic smell. It occurs in the forests of the Urals, Siberia, the Far East, and the Caucasus. In the forests of the European part of Russia and the Caucasus, there is another species of wild garlic - a bear bear.

    Essential oil and vitamin C are found in all parts of the plant. Acute taste and a significant amount of ascorbic acid( vitamin C) impart nutritional value to the wild garlic.

    Useful properties of

    Medicinal raw materials are leaves. The plant contains ascorbic acid, essential oil with a sharp garlic odor, protein, soluble mineral and nitrogen-free extractives, lysozyme and phytoncides, which have a strong antibiotic effect.

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    As a medicinal plant, it is often used for scurvy and atherosclerosis. It also has an antihelminthic effect, enhances intestinal peristalsis and has a pronounced antimicrobial effect.

    Apply wild garlic for the treatment of pustular diseases of the skin and other diseases. For the treatment of trichomonad colpitis from wild garlic, the Ursall preparation proposed for the treatment of trichomonatal colpitis is prepared, and the essential oil Urzalin used to treat purulent wounds, trophic ulcers, and pressure sores.

    In folk medicine of the Caucasus it is used for various intestinal infectious diseases. Even in ancient Rome, wild garlic was considered a good remedy, "cleansing the stomach and blood."This opinion was preserved also among the medics of the Middle Ages. As "krovoochischayuschie" means of wild garlic and is still used in folk medicine in many countries, where it is prescribed for skin rashes and scrofulous lichen.

    Infusion from the leaves of wild garlic is recommended for fever, cold. Raw wild garlic is eaten with atherosclerosis and worms, alcohol tincture is used for grinding as a local irritant for rheumatism and drink from a cough. Juiced leeks are buried in the ear with purulent inflammation.

    Cheremshu can be successfully used in the fight against some pests of potato( phytophthora), corn( bubble head) and grapes( mildew).In addition, it was noted that the ramson of wild garlic inhibits the germination of potatoes and at the same time increases its yield.

    Application in cooking

    In the cooking of , caramel can be used instead of garlic. The phytoncides of this onion have a stronger effect than even the phytoncids of garlic. It is established that they have a preservative effect on meat and prevent its decay. In food not only bulbs are used, but also leaves and flower arrows. Use wild garlic in raw, salty and pickled. For harvesting it is dried for future use. True, while it loses a partially specific smell, but retains its taste.

    Wild garlic salad

    150 grams of wild garlic, 100 grams of meat, 1 egg, mustard, salt, vinegar to taste.

    Young, washed leaves hold in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, chop with a knife and put boiled meat or ham on pieces, season with spices and decorate with eggs.

    Sirloin with soy sauce

    2 servings of

    300 grams of wild garlic, 60 g of soy sauce, 5 g of sesame seed, 10 g of green onion, 5 g of ground red pepper, 3 g of vegetable oil, 5 g of sugar.

    Chumeshu clean, wash, large heads cut into parts. Serve the coriander with soy sauce, chopped onion, sesame, ground pepper, sugar and vegetable oil. All mix well. Cherryshu put in a bowl, leave for 1-2 days. Serve it with cooked rice.

    Potato soup with wild garlic

    300 g of potatoes, 20 g of carrots, 20 g of onions, 10-20 g of fat, 200 g of wild garlic, 700 g of water or broth, spices to taste.

    Peeled potatoes cut into cubes and cook for 10-15 minutes, add the toasted onions and carrots 10 minutes before the end of the soup cooking, add the minced shredded caramel.