  • Flaxseed oil contraindications

    Linseed oil is made from flax seeds, which contain 30-48% fatty oil, which contain a whole set of substances useful to the human body, among them acids such as oleic, stearic, palmitic, etc.

    As early as 20-30Flaxseed oil, along with its use in industry, was widely used in food, especially in Germany. That is why the oil industry in this country already had high technology at that time. Even then, the oil was squeezed out of flax seeds in the factories by pressing under a pressure of 180 atmospheres. Then, the oil was purified by sedimentation and through filters. But even after that the oil contained still gelatinous mucous substances, consisting of organic and inorganic impurities( mainly calcium and magnesium phosphates), which are released by themselves during prolonged storage or are removed by special methods depending on the purpose of the oil. Refining( cleaning) of linseed oil is sometimes done by heating to 270 ° C, then the gelatinous substance precipitates, and the color of the oil from the golden yellow turns greenish-yellow. Then, depending on the purpose of the oil, the process continues with some varieties. So, to get a "very expensive oil"( F. Tobler), going to make a high-quality varnish, it is clarified.

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    Such widespread use of linseed oil, primarily in paint and varnish production, production of linoleum, glues, waterproof fabrics, and in the 30s and fabrics for the production of balloons, is due to the ability of flax oil to dry quickly in a thin layer to form an elastic film.

    The use of linseed oil in the soap, pharmaceutical industry( including cosmetics) is associated with the content of saturated fatty and unsaturated acids in it.

    In folk medicine, linseed oil is used as a gentle laxative, enveloping agent. It is used internally and externally in the form of rubbing, compresses, etc. Flaxseed oil is widely used in the treatment of skin diseases, in cosmetics. More information about the use of linseed oil, see here.

    In addition, flaxseed oil is recommended to be used for food in the diet of patients with impaired fat metabolism. How to apply for weight loss, see here.

    Flaxseed oil used for medical purposes, it is better to buy in a pharmacy. It should be transparent, thick, yellow with a weak odor and an oily taste.

    Flaxseed oil has practically no contraindications to , if taken in its pure form, but if used in collections, it should be taken into account what is included in such fees.

    The effectiveness of treatment can affect the diet, especially if it concerns the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidney diseases.

    Overdosage of linseed oil is also impossible: with excess oil it is simply eliminated from the body naturally.

    With cholelithiasis, when the dose is exceeded, nausea, vomiting, and hepatic colic may occur. Like any overload with fats, the load of linseed oil can adversely affect liver function. With bitter taste in the mouth, jaundice, stool disorder, heaviness in the right hypochondrium, you should stop taking flaxseed oil and consult a doctor. Only a doctor should decide how and in what combination to use flaxseed oil.

    Use only pharmaceutical preparations of flaxseed oil! !!
    Homemade linseed oil can contain harmful impurities, which makes a useful medicine, if not a poison, then a rather dangerous product.

    To store linseed oil is necessary, protecting from direct sunlight and high temperature. At the chemist's spill, the oil is stored in bottles of dark color, in a cool place, otherwise it will lose its useful qualities.