
Dizziness in early pregnancy - dizziness in pregnancy

  • Dizziness in early pregnancy - dizziness in pregnancy

    In the first months of pregnancy, future moms may complain of dizziness. The appearance of this problem is associated with many changes in the body, so it to some extent worries almost every pregnant woman.

    Causes of dizziness

    Changes in the hormonal background
    • Hormones. This is the period when the blood system changes in the body, the level of hormones increases, the sugar level changes.
    • Dehydration of the body. During this period, a woman is disturbed by nausea and vomiting in the morning, which causes dehydration. As a result, dizziness increases and a loss of consciousness may occur.
    • Blood pressure. Many pregnant women in the first months of falling or rising blood pressure. This is due to the action of the hormone progesterone on the blood vessels, which dilates them. Most often, dizziness occurs when a woman rises abruptly or sits down. But as pregnancy develops, the pressure normalizes and comes back to normal.
    Effect of hemoglobin on dizziness
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    • Hemoglobin. Dizziness in early pregnancy can also cause low hemoglobin.
    • Hunger. Perhaps the future mother is not eating regularly.
    • Features of the blood supply to the pregnant. Sometimes dizziness is possible with placental bleeding or ectopic pregnancy. In pregnancy, most of the blood accumulates in the lower part of the body, even if there is no disease of the veins. Therefore, dizziness can occur even with a prolonged vertical position. A pregnant woman is not recommended to be in a stuffy room, with a lot of people.
    Diseases of the spine and dizziness.
    • Diseases of the spine. Provokes dizziness and osteochondrosis in the cervical spine. In this case, the future mother should just watch her posture.
    • Cardiovascular diseases. Vertigo in the period of bearing a baby can also cause cardiovascular diseases of a woman who had been with her before. Therefore, having planned the baby, it is desirable for the expectant mother to undergo preventive treatment.
    • Stresses, fatigue are also one of the causes of dizziness, and, in addition, the cause of abnormal fetal development. Waiting for the baby more rest, walk, avoid conflicts.

    How to avoid dizziness during pregnancy?

    Ventilate the room
    • Ventilate the room. In the room where the pregnant woman is, always needs to be fresh. Especially before bed. Due to lack of oxygen in the morning, the future mother can wake up with a severe headache.
    • With low or high blood pressure, do not immediately use medicines. If the pressure is low, freshly ground coffee or a cup of green tea will help. At high pressure, it is enough to lie down and rest, drink warm milk or tea with ginger. Drops of tincture of eleutherococcus or ginseng will bring pressure back to normal and will prevent the occurrence of dizziness. Only in severe cases they use medicines and only as prescribed by the doctor.
    Vitamins during pregnancy
    • During pregnancy, starvation is completely excluded. Pregnant should eat often, without feeling hungry. Small meals. Preference is given to products containing iron, vitamins. It is necessary to get a doctor's consultation, and start eating right. This will help to avoid problems with the health of the future mother and the health of her baby.
    • Exclude heavy physical activity.
    • When pregnant is forced to sit for a long time, and also during sleep, it is recommended to change position more often.
    • Take a contrast shower instead of a hot bath.
    Balance of body fluids
    • Do not overheat. Clothes wear light, comfortable, spacious. Dress so that if necessary, you can easily take off your clothes. In a hot season drink more liquid, pour your face, hands with water.
    • If you have to stay with your mother for a long time, do gymnastics. Walk around, step from foot to foot, sit.

    Preventing dizziness during pregnancy

    Compression on the forehead

    If you still have a lot of dizziness and you realize that you lose consciousness, sit or lie on your left side. Take a deep breath. Unbutton the clothing collar, ask to open the window. Dampen the napkin in cold water and put on the forehead.

    In the diet include natural products( cress - salad, nettles, dried fruits, berries).Fish fatty varieties are rich in minerals, which prevents the development of anemia.

    Prolonged sleep

    Sleep at least 12 hours a day. Walk more often in the fresh air, in the forest. Attend the pool. Swimming is very useful for a future mother.

    Please note! If you are dizzy, do not ignore this condition, contact your doctor. This can lead to some complications.

    This condition contributes to the development of miscarriage, intrauterine hypoxia, premature birth. During childbirth the outpouring of amniotic fluid occurs either early or late, the labor activity develops poorly. Dizziness can cause bleeding. The postpartum period in such women also occurs with complications( mild uterine contraction, inflammation of the uterus).

    By following preventive measures, the expectant mother will be able to avoid these problems. And the expectation of a small miracle does not darken a bad state.