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    Stretch marks are small skin defects that result from injuries to the subcutaneous tissue and the upper layer of the skin. And although strias are considered only a cosmetic defect that does not cause any physical inconvenience, the reddish stripes do not add attraction to either men or women.

    Reasons for the appearance of stretch marks

    As recent studies have shown, the predisposition to the appearance of stretch marks is inherited by children from parents at the genetic level.

    But even if your relatives do not have problematic stretch marks, they can appear on you on those parts of the body that have increased in a short time span( for example, due to replenishment of the fat layer or a sharp set of muscle mass)."Under impact" falls belly, hips, buttocks and, of course, female breasts.

    Another reason for the appearance of stretch marks on the body is hormonal changes caused by pregnancy, endocrine system diseases, puberty or hormonal contraceptive use. In all these cases the skin condition changes, it becomes less elastic and does not have time to "respond" to fluctuations in body volume without damaging its outer layers.

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    Now about how to remove stretch marks on your chest or any other part of your beautiful body.

    Methods for dealing with stretch marks

    Massage against stretch marks

    To get rid of stretch marks completely and for life you can only surgically. But to make them less visible, thin and very pale will help various cosmetic procedures. There is, however, one exception: do not try to get rid of stretch marks if you are now pregnant or nursing.

    Let's start with the simplest method - with a massage. But if anti-cellulite massage is suitable for getting rid of stretch marks on the hips and buttocks, then it can not be applied on the breast. It is better and safer for the female breast to have a water massage - a hydromassage - that can be performed at home using a shower head. The water jet should be compact and strong. To enhance the effect, alternate cold and warm water effects on the skin.

    The second in the list of means for getting rid of stretch marks on the chest( and other parts of the body) are special creams and mousses containing collagen, vitamins A and E and amino acids. Under their influence, the epidermis is renewed, the skin becomes more elastic and smooth.

    Cream from stretch marks And creams, and mousses from stretch marks should be bought only in the pharmacy, do not forget to check the date of manufacture and expiration date, and also look in the instructions, whether this tool can be applied to the chest.

    From folk remedies to reduce the visibility of stretch marks, the following recommendations can be used:

    • with any vegetable oil( except sunflower oil) lubricate the breast 1-2 times a week;
    • mix in a small container a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of olive oil;gently massaging the movements rub the mixture into the skin of the chest, moving from the nipple to the décolleté zone and underarms;
    • twice a month lubricate Aevit's breast( you can buy it in the pharmacy in the form of "eggs" - pierce one of them with a needle and gently squeeze its contents onto the skin);
    • take milk cream( fat content of which is not less than 33%) and twice a week after the shower rub them into the skin of the breast( if you add two tablespoons of fine salt and a tablespoon of ground coffee to 50 grams of cream, you will get a fine body scrub,capable of reducing stretch marks on its other parts);
    • do not use body scrub for the breast area - it can damage the delicate skin;
    • after using toilet soap thoroughly rinse it off the breast with water and rub into the skin a little Sasankwa oil or Jojoba oil;
    • increase the proportion of nuts, seafood and fruits in your diet( as they mature).

    Another recipe for getting rid of stretch marks( based on the restoring and equalizing properties of essential oils):

    • Jojoba oil or Avocado - 50 ml,
    • essential oils Mandarin Red, Neroli, Rosemary, Jasmine - 10 drops,
    • Lavender - 20drops.

    Stir the mixture thoroughly and put it in a dark place for a day. Apply to stretch marks should not be more than once a day.

    Visit to the beauty salon

    Visit to the showroom

    Unlike home procedures, visiting the beauty salon usually gives faster results to get rid of stretch marks. In those cases where stretch marks are "young"( that is, they did not appear until three or four months ago), the result may be simply stunning.

    In the beauty salon you can be offered several options for how to remove stretch marks on the chest. Here are just two of them:

    1. wraps with application of the healing mass on the skin - to obtain the result, it may take from 6 to 12 procedures,
    2. ultrasound therapy - micromassage with ultrasound, improving blood supply and general skin condition.

    Before the procedures it is recommended to visit a mammologist and make sure of your own health.