  • Can I wash myself at a temperature

    Everyone knows that taking a bath very well affects the body of any person. But can this be asserted in the case when this organism is unhealthy? Can I wash myself at a temperature? It is best to listen to the opinion of specialists in this regard.

    It is possible or not

    As it turned out, for a cold you can swim. And there are doctors who do not understand at all where the reverse assertion comes from. They from the height of their knowledge argue that you can not only swim, but you also need to. That's just the temperature of the water you need to select very carefully. After all, even if you get sick, no one has canceled personal hygiene. And if you consider that the cold can last more than a week. .. Are you ready to not wash so much?

    It is only necessary to postpone the adoption of hot baths for a while, even if the temperature at you has risen very little. Well, try to make the procedure itself shorter in time.

    At the same time, it would seem, the most usual washing can be turned into a medical procedure. Baths are very useful for joints and muscles, skin and back. In addition, sweat is washed off, which is much more active begins to stand out in case of illness. And this prevents the skin from breathing.

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    How to wash with a cold

    Now you know that you can wash with temperature, you only need to observe several conditions. Only in this case the procedure will not go to the detriment. For example, do not combine a bath and alcoholic beverages. Even if it seems to you that mulled wine will help to remove signs of a cold, never drink it while lying in the bathroom. And in general, it is better to be treated not with alcohol( even if it is quite effective), but with tea with lemon and hot milk with honey.

    Memo to those who are going to bathe with the temperature of

    If you are going to swim with a hot bath, always remember these moments:

    • do not need to swim in too hot water. This is especially true for those who have a very high temperature. This procedure will only lead to the worst and contribute to an even greater increase in your temperature. The ideal water temperature is 34-37 degrees;
    • limit your stay time in the water and the bathroom in particular. Because in this room is very high humidity. And this means that the runny nose and cough can become worse due to the fact that the amount of mucus in the nasopharynx and throat will increase;
    • is best to take a bath from the evening. And right after her go to bed.


    To wash when the temperature is raised is forbidden to people suffering from hypertension, vascular diseases and circulatory disorders.

    Everyone else can swim, but do not forget about the advice that you have now.