
Vitamins for human growth that promote the development of the body

  • Vitamins for human growth that promote the development of the body

    Vitamins for human growth, strengthening the skeleton and enriching the body with all the necessary elements of

    Vitamins responsible for human growth usually mean useful substances necessary for the formation of the skeleton, strengthening bones and tissues. Already from the biology course, everyone knows that growth processes last up to 23 years, so vitamins for human growth are needed by a representative of several age groups.

    Thanks to useful elements, hormones are produced that provide cartilage and bones with carbohydrates, proteins, microelements, tissue formation takes place.

    So, what vitamins contribute to human growth? There are the following main groups:

    • D - the so-called growth accelerator, the main assistant in the education of the skeleton of young children;provides active saturation of calcium cartilage and bones, which is what accelerates growth;is found in milk, citrus, in "sunlight";
    • group B - almost all elements are involved in metabolism, in metabolism;
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    • B1 - responsible for the work of central, nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems;eat in oatmeal, dairy products;
    • B2 - is necessary for vision, digestion, for the smoothness of the skin;can be found in cheese, cottage cheese, meat, nuts;
    • В3 - participates in the biosynthesis of hormones, fats, proteins;contained in the liver, mushrooms, in chicken meat;
    • B6 - transmits nerve impulses and keeps all HC in tonus;there is in sea-buckthorn, garlic, pomegranate;
    • B9 - stimulates the development and concentration of memory, strengthens the immune system, supports the psychoemotional background;contained in cabbage, carrots;
    • В12 - protects the nervous system;eat in vegetables;
    • A - is necessary for protein synthesis, which is a material for the construction of teeth, tissues and bones;is found in fish, apricots, dairy products;
    • С - an element that helps to assimilate to other vitamins, thanks to ascorbic acid all useful substances very quickly get from the digestive tract to all muscles and cells;eat in parsley, currant, citrus;
    • E - defender of cells from the negative influence of free radicals;controls the presence of damaged and restored cells, thanks to this organism spends energy only on growth, and not on restoration work;
    • Н, К, РР - help in growth processes, normalize blood circulation;

    On how much the body is supplied with vitamins to increase growth, I will depend on its growth potential. According to medical reports, only 2% of people grow as much as it is prescribed in the genetic code. The rest lose an average of 7 centimeters because of a sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition or some kind of illness.

    Finding out what vitamin is for growth, it is necessary to remember that the body needs complex enrichment with useful elements. To do this, an adjusted diet, which will contain all the necessary substances in the right amount, will do.

    In addition to vitamins, some mineral substances, including zinc, manganese, copper, phosphorus and calcium, are necessary for the structure of the skeleton. The latter is the basis of all bones, responsible for the work of the vessels, which enrich the organs with oxygen.

    Growth of an organism is a complex process, which requires a full set of useful elements. Sometimes for this there is not enough obtained amount of necessary substances from natural products, and then medicines come to the aid. The main goal of vitaminized drugs is the saturation of the body with missing trace elements, minerals, vitamins.

    Adolescents over 12 years of age are recommended to take: "Growth-norm", "Vitrum Osteomag", "Calcemin Advance", "Vitrum Calcium D 3", "Berlamin Modular".These drugs will control the growth "in length", and if it is used by people older than 20 years, then for them it will be prevention of osteoporosis.

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    Vitamins responsible for human growth usually mean useful substances necessary for the formation of the skeleton, strengthening of bones and tissues. Already from the biology course, everyone knows that growth processes last up to 23 years, so vitamins for human growth are needed by a representative of several age groups.

    Thanks to useful elements, hormones are produced that provide cartilage and bones with carbohydrates, proteins, microelements, tissue formation takes place.

    So, what vitamins contribute to human growth? There are the following main groups:

    • D - the so-called growth accelerator, the main assistant in the education of the skeleton of small children;provides active saturation of calcium cartilage and bones, which is what accelerates growth;is found in milk, citrus, in "sunlight";
    • group B - almost all elements are involved in metabolism, in metabolism;
    • B1 - responsible for the work of central, nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems;eat in oatmeal, dairy products;
    • B2 - is necessary for vision, digestion, for skin smoothness;can be found in cheese, cottage cheese, meat, nuts;
    • В3 - participates in the biosynthesis of hormones, fats, proteins;contained in the liver, mushrooms, in chicken meat;
    • B6 - transmits nerve impulses and keeps in tone all the NS;there is in sea-buckthorn, garlic, pomegranate;
    • B9 - stimulates the development and concentration of memory, strengthens the immune system, supports the psychoemotional background;contained in cabbage, carrots;
    • В12 - protects the nervous system;eat in vegetables;
    • A is necessary for protein synthesis, which is a material for the construction of teeth, tissues and bones;is found in fish, apricots, dairy products;
    • C - an element that helps to assimilate to other vitamins, thanks to ascorbic acid all useful substances very quickly get from the digestive tract to all muscles and cells;eat in parsley, currant, citrus;
    • E - the defender of cells from the negative influence of free radicals;controls the presence of damaged and restored cells, thanks to this organism spends energy only on growth, and not on restoration work;
    • N, K, PP - help in growth processes, normalize blood circulation;

    On how much the body is supplied with vitamins to increase growth, will depend on its growth potential. According to medical reports, only 2% of people grow as much as it is prescribed in the genetic code. The rest lose an average of 7 centimeters because of a sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition or some kind of illness.

    Finding out what vitamin is for growth, it is necessary to remember that the body needs complex enrichment with useful elements. To do this, an adjusted diet, which will contain all the necessary substances in the right amount, will do.

    In addition to vitamins necessary for the structure of the skeleton and some minerals, among which are zinc, manganese, copper, phosphorus and calcium. The latter is the basis of all bones, responsible for the work of the vessels, which enrich the organs with oxygen.

    Growth of an organism is a complex process, which requires a full set of useful elements. Sometimes for this there is not enough obtained amount of necessary substances from natural products, and then medicines come to the aid. The main goal of vitaminized drugs is the saturation of the body with missing trace elements, minerals, vitamins.

    Adolescents over 12 years of age are recommended to take: "Growth-norm", "Vitrum Osteomag", "Calcemin Advance", "Vitrum Calcium D 3", "Berlamin Modular".These drugs will control the growth "in length", and if it is used by people older than 20 years, then for them it will be prevention of osteoporosis.

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