
Treatment of influenza in the home - we treat at home

  • Treatment of influenza in the home - we treat at home

    Influenza is an acute infectious disease that affects the airways, which is caused by the influenza virus. He is part of the ARVI group. Sometimes it can turn into an epidemic and a pandemic. To date, there are more than two thousand influenza viruses that each have an antigenic spectrum.

    Protection against the flu

    With the onset of the cold season, the flu threatens everyone: both children and adults. What should I do to protect myself from ARVI and how to treat the flu at home, if I still get it?

    The first thing that will help to protect yourself is a flu shot. This is really good protection and it should be taken very seriously. To date, many kinds of vaccines have been created, the dosage and methods of administration of which are significantly different. Remember that the vaccine, which was made after the epidemic began, can be absolutely ineffective.

    There are vaccinations even for pregnant and lactating women.

    In addition to vaccines, there are other ways to protect yourself and your family from the flu.

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    One of the most effective ones is to try to avoid possible contacts with a person who already has the flu. If this is not possible, use a medical mask. Try not to touch your nose and eyes. And, naturally, wash your hands as often as possible.

    In addition, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the premises and do a wet cleaning. If you have an ultraviolet lamp, use it, it kills viruses and microbes wonderfully. If you have a humidifier and an air purifier, turn them on occasionally. Do not forget about changing the air conditioner filters in the apartment and car.

    Another good option - to arrange in all rooms saucer with finely chopped garlic or onions. Bactericidal substances that are released by them, have a very detrimental effect on viruses.

    We choose the treatment methods

    For the flu, a very sudden appearance of the disease, a fever and chills, joint and muscle pain, cough, severe weakness and headache are very typical. Some also suffer from a common cold and sore throat.

    It is very important when the flu is treated at home to comply with bed rest. Remember that it will not be possible to get rid of the infection instantly, but you can help your immune system make the healing process more rapid.

    Allow yourself to be ill at home, and not to carry the flu on your feet. After all, moreover, the virus is still contagious for 3-4 days.

    The most correct way to treat influenza is to alleviate the symptoms of the disease. Do not take antibiotics or sulfonamide drugs, because they just do not have any effect on viruses. It is best to take the recipes of traditional medicine.

    For example, honey is better than lime. Unless, of course, you do not have allergies to it. You can combine it with lemon juice or a decoction of dried raspberries. Try to drink at least 1.5 liters of warm liquid a day. It is better if it will be slightly sour: fruit drinks, compotes, teas with lemon juice. Use a large amount of ascorbic acid per day( from 500 to 1000 mg).

    Should I bring down the temperature?

    Is it necessary to bring down the temperature

    High temperature is a sign of only the flu, but of any other disease that is of an infectious nature. This is the usual protective reaction of the human body. This is how the fight against the disease occurs, your own defenses are activated.

    Each person transfers the raised temperature in own way. In general, it is believed that to take antipyretics need only when the temperature reaches 38.5 degrees. There is no universal recommendation in this regard, especially regarding children. They have a high temperature can even cause seizures.

    Of the existing pain relievers and antipyretic, it is better to choose those that have paracetamol in their composition. If the temperature is raised in any case, you can not apply procedures that have a warming effect( wraps, compresses, warm baths).

    If a bad cold is observed, bury your nose with freshly squeezed aloe, carrot and beet juices. They must be diluted in a proportion of 1: 1 and instilled 5 drops into each nostril 4 times a day. You can use vasoconstrictive sprays or drops.

    Even today, not everyone can distinguish between the flu and the common bacterial cold. But the prevention and treatment of these two diseases are completely different. For example, if you have a bacterial infection, sulfanilamide drugs and antibiotics are very effective. And with viral infections, they generally have no effect.

    Folk methods of treatment

    Very effective in influenza are such folk methods:

    1. Ingredients:

    • 3 tablespoons chamomile flowers pharmacy;
    • 3 tablespoons of leaves of a three-leaf watch;
    • 3 tablespoons herb of a thousand-thousandth;
    • 3 tablespoons herb grass herbaceous.


    All the ingredients are mixed. Four tablespoons of this mixture, pour 700 ml of boiling water and put it overnight. In the morning, soak 15 minutes in a water bath, take a glass 3 times a day. At the same time, it is necessary to observe bed rest. In addition, before going to bed, adults can drink 100 grams of warm vodka, with honey added to it. Infusion of cornflower. Brew 2 tablespoons cornflower blue with one glass of boiling water. Let all this stand at least 3 hours, then strain. Drink the resulting infusion for three meals throughout the day.

  • Chamomile pharmacy. Prepare a bath. To do this, take 400 grams of dried chamomile inflorescences and pour all 10 liters of boiling water. Let it last for about an hour and a half, then strain and pour into the bath.10-15 minutes - the duration of the procedure. The water temperature should be 35-37 degrees.
  • "Antigripp" tea. Mix in equal proportions the flowers of chamomile, bark of willow, hips and linden color. Pour a glass of boiling water a tablespoon of the resulting collection.let it brew for 10 minutes, then strain the infusion and wring out the plant mass. Take one third of a glass three times a day for 15 minutes before meals.