
How not to grow fat during pregnancy: how to eat properly and how much you can gain weight

  • How not to grow fat during pregnancy: how to eat properly and how much you can gain weight

    Especially upset about weight gain during pregnancy is not worth it, during childbirth most of the excess weight will go away. But too, you should not get better. The load on the organism of the future mother is so great, do not load it with excess weight.

    How not to get fat during pregnancy?

    Since it is impossible to not recover during pregnancy, watch your volumes. Each month, measure and record the following parameters once: hip circumference, leg circumference five centimeters above the knee and arm circumference five centimeters above the elbow. During pregnancy, increasing the parameters by not more than two centimeters allows to keep the figure practically unchanged.

    How much can I recover during pregnancy?

    Electronic scales are necessary for any woman, and pregnant especially. To specify the normal weight gain for you, you can have a gynecologist. As a rule, in normal weight gain can vary from 300 to 500 grams. If a woman goes beyond this framework, gaining excess weight, we need a consultation with a doctor about the possibility of carrying out unloading days.

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    Normally, a woman should gain no more than 10 to 12 kilograms during her pregnancy. Naturally, these figures are approximate. It is necessary to take into account hereditary factors, as well as the individual characteristics of the pregnant woman. But with a strong excess of these figures, it is advisable to think about how to eat during pregnancy so as not to get better.

    It should be clarified that weight gain is not always the result of culinary preferences. Perhaps a woman needs to undergo a thorough examination to identify health problems.

    Proper nutrition during pregnancy

    It is very important to eat right and balanced during pregnancy. No diets and restrictions in food. The child should receive enough nutrients and vitamins.

    Remove fatty foods from the diet, sweet, spicy and salty.

    You can eat meat of chicken, turkey, rabbit. Very useful fish and sour-milk products: kefir, cottage cheese sour cream, yogurt.

    Pregnant women have taste preferences. If you always want a sweet one, it's hard not to get well during pregnancy. Replace the sweet with dried fruits or sweet fruit.

    There are better small portions, but more often. If there is no edema, then drink plenty of water, teas, diluted juices.

    Weight should be monitored every week.

    Exercise during pregnancy

    Long walks and exercise will help you not to get fat. It is very good to enroll in the pool for aqua aerobics for pregnant women, or just swim in the pool.

    Healthy sleep

    Healthy sleep will not help you get better during pregnancy. Lack of sleep is usually compensated for by extra calories. Comfortable bed, soulful spirit and fresh air - that's what you need for a good sound sleep.

    The best way out when there are all kinds of unhealthy culinary desires: to eat a fatty piece of meat or a piece of cake in cream and cream is to imagine that this muck is eaten by your baby. The desire will quickly pass.

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