
Treatment of dry calluses - how to treat dry calluses

  • Treatment of dry calluses - how to treat dry calluses

    Everyone who has ever encountered dry calluses knows perfectly well how such a tiny painful point can poison a person's existence. The slightest touch can cause acute pain, which hinders not only movement, but also complicates the wearing of almost any footwear, even the softest. Qualitative treatment of dry calluses should be started as soon as possible, as soon as the first signs of this problem appear.

    Why the dry callus arises

    Inconvenient shoes

    Most often, dry calluses on the legs are caused by improperly selected, excessively narrow shoes or having rough joints and structural details. When walking, especially with heavy loads, the legs are injured and there is first inflammation, then thickening, followed by the corn itself. Usually in the first stage, people rarely pay attention to the pains that have arisen, as they pass fairly quickly. But the regular trauma of the same place leads to the formation of a seal in the form of a cone-shaped rod, surrounded by dense keratinized skin, which seems glassy to the touch.

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    When the pressure of shoes on the site of the localization of the callus there is a sharp pain, which is increasing every day.

    Please note! Combating dry calluses is necessary in a complex, but without excessive fanaticism - do not try to cut them with manicure accessories at home, especially using improvised tools.

    This can lead to very serious consequences until the blood is contaminated.

    Where the dry callus can be located


    Most of the calluses "settle" on the toe, especially they liked pinky. It is this place that is most often traumatized and rubbed by shoes even in men. In the area of ​​the little finger passes a seam of socks, during movement it rubs against shoes and a finger, gradually causing the formation of a bubble, and in severe cases - dry calluses. People with excessive and rapid formation of the stratum corneum are more prone to this disease.

    Sometimes corns appear on the heel or on the foot. Usually they take a fancy place, which accounts for the greatest load when walking.

    Please note! The first thing you need to do to get rid of the calluses - is to change your shoes to a softer, more comfortable and free.

    Ways to treat calluses

    Foot baths

    There are several methods for successfully treating dry calluses.

    • Steaming. To do this, regularly make baths with soda and soap, steaming your feet for half an hour. After the bath, the legs are rinsed with clean water, wiped dry. Do not try to influence the corn itself with pumice stone or special graters, such actions can damage the skin and cause an even more spread of the corn. Regular use of baths should cause the corn to peel off independently. This method is more effective for fresh calluses, it can not affect the old ones.
    • Keratolytic cream. Most often use ointment with salicylic acid, which is applied to a sore spot, protecting healthy tissues. Also suitable are special fluids, gels and drops - they act similarly to ointments, causing a gradual withering and sloughing of the affected cells.
    • Corn patch. Its action is similar to an ointment, only it is easier to operate at home. Healthy skin on the sides of the callus needs to be protected by sticking a regular patch with an opening to the size of the most problematic place. A piece of corn plaster containing active substances is superimposed on top. From the top everything must be securely fixed. This manipulation is carried out at night, in the morning removing the patch together with the pieces of the separated dead skin.
    • Pedicure. Regular treatment of the feet in the beauty salon reduces the possibility of deep dry calluses, and if they do appear, the experienced master will help them clean up. Give priority to the hardware method - it is less traumatic.
    • Radical removal. In modern conditions calluses are not surgically removed, for this use a laser or deep freezing - cryotherapy. Under the influence of a very high( laser) or very low temperature( liquid nitrogen), the "root" of the callus dies and eventually disappears, ceasing to torment its master.

    Folk remedies against calluses

    Folk methods against calluses

    To get rid of the problem, you can try effective methods of traditional medicine.

    Please note! Numerous folk remedies are based on the action of natural preparations that soften and remove the skin, and also relieve acute pain.
    • Compresses with honey and cabbage work wonderfully. Enzymes contained in honey and cabbage juice, mixing, deeply soften the root of the corn, removing pain and dissolving the dead degenerated cells.
    • The application of a baked onion has long been used as a method of getting rid of increased keratinization of the skin. This method is especially good if the corn is on the foot or heel. A small white bulb is cut in half and baked on a cast-iron frying pan down to softness( without oil).Cooled bulb is cut off to a sore spot and tightly bandaged overnight. The procedure must be repeated until the corn disappears.
    Aloe juice
    • Aloe juice acts similarly, softening the corn and causing its rejection. You can impregnate a small gauze tampon with juice or apply a clean and cut along a piece of aloe leaf. The operation requires repetition until the corn disappears completely.
    • Cream with propolis quickly disinfects and relieves soreness, gradually causing detachment of dead tissue. You need to apply to the corn under the waterproof bandage. The method works well and quickly with steaming.
    • Regular baths with soap, flaxseed, milk and herbal decoctions can also help to get rid of the problem.

    All procedures for controlling calluses must be ended with the application of a foot cream, best of all special, designed for heels prone to cracking and the formation of corns. Regular care of yourself can prevent such trouble, as painful dry calluses.