
The delay is monthly, and the test is negative - the test with a delay of monthly

  • The delay is monthly, and the test is negative - the test with a delay of monthly

    Currently, the usual pregnancy tests, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, help to know a woman about an interesting situation already on the 7-10th day after successful fertilization of the maternal cell. In case of a delay in menstruation, this magic secret becomes available for 3-5 days! But women often face a situation when there is a delay in menstruation, and the test is negative. .. What should I do in this case? First, do not panic, but you need to analyze the situation. The probability of pregnancy increases if you have had at least one unprotected coitus during the monthly cycle. In this case, it is better to repeat the test after 48 hours, since the presence of chorionic gonadotropin( hCG) in the morning urine, the main "marker" of pregnancy, is still extremely small and the test can not determine it. In addition, a second test by a new test will eliminate the error of a poor-quality "strip" bought the day before.

    With a regular monthly cycle in a woman with normal physiological processes, a delay in menstruation can occur only in the case of the future recovery of motherhood. In other situations, this symptom indicates the presence of any disruptions or disorders in the body: endocrine, gynecological, psychological or age.

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    What is a normal menstrual cycle and its delay?

    Normal menstrual cycle

    The onset of menstruation in girls, depending on their individual physiology, occurs in the period of 11-14 years. After the first menstruation( menarche), within 12-24 months, there is a hormonal background, associated with an irregular menstrual cycle. At its conclusion, the interval from one menstruation to the other becomes stable, varying the duration of a normal physiological cycle from 21 to 35 days. Most often, doctors note that most women have a 28-day duration.

    The level of hormones during the menstrual cycle is constantly changing. In its first phase, the production of estrogen predominates, which promotes the growth of the endometrium on the uterine wall for the comfortable attachment of a fertilized egg. In the middle of the monthly cycle, around 12-16 days, due to the ovulation of the mother cell from the follicle, a period of possible conception begins. The follicle itself( the "sac" in which the maternal cell ripens) is reborn into a yellow body, which begins to actively produce progesterone in the second phase of the cycle, the hormone responsible for the preservation of the fetus. If conception has occurred, then the happy time of pregnancy comes, if fertilization does not happen, then the men begin.

    Please note! Delay in the appearance of a period of more than 5 days is usually a cause of concern, especially if the pregnancy test is negative. After all, in this case we are talking about an imbalance in the production of two important hormones: estrogen and progesterone!

    Causes of menstrual disorders

    Causes of violation of monthly

    In addition to fertilizing the maternal ovum, delay in menses can be caused by:

    • Failures in the functioning or diseases of the endocrine and reproductive systems. The work of the genital organs and their condition directly depends on the health and activity of the endocrine system. Failures and abnormalities in the thyroid gland, adrenal glands or duodenal hypothalamus with the pituitary gland can lead to dysfunction of the ovaries, which is a direct consequence of the menstrual cycle. Ovary not only produces eggs, but also produces hormones, being both a sexual and endocrine organ. Therefore, the inflammatory process in the ovaries is the main "culprit" when there is a delay in the menstruation, and the test is negative. To the same series can be attributed and other endocrine diseases - artful polycystic ovaries. Its main symptom is enlarged ovaries with a number of fluid-filled vesicles that produce an excess of male hormones, androgens. Their surplus not only provokes a delay in menstruation, but can also lead to a more formidable diagnosis - infertility. Gastrointestinal diseases such as endometriosis, adenomyosis, salpingitis, myoma, benign tumors and oncopathology( cervical or uterine body cancer), ectopic pregnancy, inflammatory processes, infections of the uterus and appendages as a result of chlamydia, gonorrhea and other diseases.
    Violation of monthly after abortion
    • Consequences of abortion and diagnostic curettage due to endometrial injury. It is possible to restore its functional layer not earlier than in 40 days!
    • Taking various medications: antidepressants, hormonal drugs and contraceptives, antihistamines, antiulcer drugs, "slimming" pills.
    Delay in stress and emotional breakdowns.
    • Stress. Psychoemotional health of women plays an important role in the normalization of the physiological cycle. Any strong, vivid experience or chronic stress can provoke repeated delays in menstruation.
    Delay at physical overloads of
    • Physical, mental or mental overload. Heavy physical work, unhealthy conditions in the team, frequent overwork or professional sports can cause a malfunction of the menstrual cycle with a negative test.
    • Significant weight fluctuations. The female body reacts negatively to both serious exhaustion( weight less than 45 kg) and obesity. The body mass index when calculating by the formula: the weight in kg divided by the square of its height in cm should not be below 18( mass deficit) or above 25( overweight is noticeable).Going beyond these boundaries often violates the regularity of menstruation. Only after the normalization of weight, this problem is gradually eliminated. In addition, the delay in menstruation often results from hard unbalanced diets, lack of vitamins and trace elements.
    Delay with weight fluctuations
    • Postpartum period or natural feeding of the baby. These days, as is known, there is almost no monthly, but if the physiological cycle has not recovered within a year, you need to see a doctor.
    • Acclimatization or frequent use of the tanning bed.
    • Age-related menopausal changes.

    Delay of menstruation, when the test is negative - this is a sure sign of the need to visit a doctor! Do not question your health, it is better to find out the cause and eliminate the disease together with a specialist! Be healthy!


    For more information on the causes of the menstrual irregularity, please see the following video: