Flax oil for hair
Flax mask for dry hair. Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of linseed oil, 1.5 tablespoons of alcohol or vodka. Ingredients for the mask must be mixed, applied to damp hair and rubbed into the scalp for 10 minutes. After that, the head should be wrapped in a towel for 30 minutes, after which it is good to wash the hair with shampoo and warm water. The mask should be applied once a week. After 3-5 weeks, the hair becomes stronger, the loss decreases, the shine appears.
Linen mask for severely damaged hair. Weakened, visited and prone to hair loss require long-term treatment. Masks of linseed oil for hair can significantly improve the situation if they are applied for 6-8 hours, preferably at night. Linseed oil should be rubbed in a pure form in the roots of the hair. Overnight, useful substances from flax seeds will absorb into the scalp and provide more effective treatment.
Flax mask for hair growth. Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of linseed oil, 2 tablespoons grated onions, 1 tablespoon of honey. All components of the mask should be well mixed and applied to the hair. After 30 minutes, rinse the hair thoroughly with shampoo and balm to get rid of the smell of onions.
Prevents the appearance of split ends, and also nourishes the scalp and hair mask from linseed oil and burdock root. For its preparation in 150 g of oil add 100 g of freshly digested and well washed root of burdock, pre-ground. This mass should be insisted for five days in a dark warm place, then put in a water bath and with constant stirring, boil fifteen minutes from the time of boiling. After this, the mixture is filtered and used for its intended purpose.
Mix two tablespoons of linseed oil with a tablespoon of lemon juice. This mask is great for dry hair.
With the treatment of brittle hair, such a mask with linseed oil will perfectly cope: warm the tablespoon of butter and grind with raw egg yolk. Apply the mixture to a uniform layer.
For better hair growth will help onion mask. This mask gives an excellent effect, but has the only drawback - an unpleasant odor. For its preparation, grind one medium-sized onion. Then take two tablespoons of onion mass and mix with a tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of linseed oil. Stir the ingredients thoroughly and apply the mixture on the hair. This mask should be kept for half an hour, then rinse the head with shampoo and apply balm.
The mask of linseed oil and medical alcohol( vodka), taken in equal proportions, also contributes to the good growth and strengthening of the hair. The mask is applied for half an hour. To make such a mask is necessary every seven days for three to five weeks.
Linseal mask effectively helps in the treatment of split and severely damaged hair( staining, chemical perm), prone to loss. Preheated in a water bath, oil is rubbed into the scalp and applied over the entire length of the hair for six to eight hours. This mask is best done at night. The oil activates the process of cell regeneration and heals micro traumas. In the morning, rinse your head thoroughly. This mask also eliminates dandruff and the causes of its appearance. With dry dandruff, the oil should be washed off with warm( not hot) water using a shampoo. Mask to do two or three times a week to achieve a therapeutic effect. The course should be repeated in a month.
This valuable plant product can be used for hair care during laying or for a more stable fixing of the hairstyle. To do this, prepare a decoction of flaxseed: a teaspoon with the top of the seeds pour a glass of hot water, put on fire and boil for a minute. After this, let the broth steep for two or three hours and strain through a sieve. With this decoction rinse clean hair immediately before the styling procedure.
Flaxseed oil mixed with burdock oil( castor oil) gives a tremendous effect in the treatment of split and brittle tips. The oils are preheated in a water bath, then mixed and applied to the damaged ends. The steam bath significantly enhances the effect of the mask. For this, the hair should be kept above the steam during the application of the mask. This facilitates the process of opening the pores, which improves the properties of the mask.
To saturate hair with vitamins help linseed mask with the addition of essential oils( for two tablespoons of warm oil two or three drops of ether): for greasy hair - oil of grapefruit or eucalyptus, for dry and normal hair - lavender or ylang-ylang.
Improve the nutrition and structure, and also strengthen them with a mask of linseed oil( 50 ml) and glycerin( 30 ml).Blend the mixture into the tips. This procedure is best done at night for a month.
For the treatment of dry seborrhea, a medical linetol based on linseed oil is used, rubbing into the roots of the hair two to three times a week. Ointment should be preheated. The duration of treatment is ten procedures, then a three-week break should be made, and another ten procedures should be carried out.
To strengthen and grow eyebrows, it is also effective to use this oil( 2 tsp) in a mixture of castor oil( 10-15 drops) and camphor oil( 1-2 drops).The mixture is daily lubricated with eyebrows.
Using linseed oil for hair care at least twice a month, you will see an amazing result.
Flaxseed oil can be used as a hair care product during styling or for better fixing of the hairdo. To do this at home, you can prepare a decoction of flaxseed, which rinsed clean hair before laying.
Rubbing in the roots of the hair. Linseed oil in its pure form has a beneficial effect on the scalp. Rubbing linseed oil in the roots of the hair activates the regeneration of cells, and contributes to the healing of minor injuries.
In addition, the oil softens the skin and saturates it with vitamins. The oil contains vitamins A, E F. Particularly valuable are fatty acids( omega-3 and omega-6) in the composition of the oil. It is thanks to these acids that oil acquires its healing properties. Linseed oil for dandruff hair. For example, flaxseed oil is used to treat dandruff( dry type).To do this, heat the oil on low heat to body temperature and massage the massage into the roots of the hair. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week for a month.
For dry dandruff, the oil must be washed off under warm( not hot) running water with a shampoo. The treatment course is repeated after 1-1,5 months.
Flaxseed oil for split and brittle hair tips. To treat split, brittle tips, flaxseed oil is recommended to mix with burdock( or castor) oil in equal proportions. Before use, the oil should be slightly heated, at least to room temperature.
Enhances the effect of linseed oil with a steam bath for hair during the application of the mask. By keeping the hair above the steam, you thereby promote the opening of the pores, which means a deeper effect of the mask.
Vitamin mask from linseed oil for hair. To prepare a vitamin mask, you can add a few drops of essential oil. For greasy type linseed oil hair mask hair suitable for essential oil of grapefruit or eucalyptus, for dry / normal - lavender or ylang-ylang.
Flaxseed oil( like any cosmetic product) is sensitive to temperature changes. Therefore, it should be stored in a dark place, tightly closed.
In use, beware of counterfeits( not a natural product will not only do you good, but it can also harm you) and a product with expired shelf life.
As a preventive / maintenance care flaxseed oil is used once a week for 2-3 months.
For treatment of damaged hair, more intensive therapy is needed: 2-3 procedures per week for 1.5-2 months, after which they take a break for 2 months and repeat the course of hair restoration.
If your hair is in perfect order, you can simply add a very small amount of linseed oil to the hair balm for better nutrition, smoothness, gloss and prevention of loss.
And, by the way, many lovers of vegetable oils note that after using flax oil on hair there may be a not very pleasant smell. To avoid this, it is recommended to add to it( to a single portion) about 3 drops of some essential oil, for example, ylang ylang, incense, chamomile, or myrrh.
To accelerate hair growth, strengthen the roots and nourish the scalp, it is recommended to make the following mask:
Take the most common onion, peel it and grate it on a fine grater. To the 3rd st.spoons of onion gruel add 1 tbsp.a spoonful of liquid honey( if honey is thick, candied, it should be melt), and 2 tbsp.spoons of linseed oil.
Onions can be replaced with garlic.
Stir, and carefully rub the resulting mass into the roots of the hair( along the entire length it is not necessary to carry) 30-40 minutes before washing the head.
As you probably already understood, the mask should be applied to dirty, or just started to dirty hair of any type. It is advisable to moisten them before this process, and squeeze out excess water with a towel - this will facilitate the application of the formulation.
Wash off with shampoo and balm.
Frequency of application: not more than 2 times a week.
The recipe for a cognac hair mask with linseed oil:
For dry and normal hair, mix one egg yolk with 5th st.spoons of cognac, and with 2 tbsp.spoons of linseed oil.
For oily and mixed hair, stir 4 tbsp.spoons of cognac with 2 tbsp.with spoons of flax oil.
The resulting mixture carefully rub into slightly moist roots of hair, 30-40 minutes before washing your head, then rinse with shampoo and balm.
This mask also promotes hair growth.
By the way, to feed, moisturize and improve the condition of dry, lifeless, weak, faint, split and brittle hair, you can mix only flaxseed oil with yolk, at the rate of 4 tbsp.spoon the butter for 1 raw yolk, and apply this mixture completely on all hair, just 30-40 minutes before washing them.
The frequency of using the described masks 1-2 times a week.
Folk mask of linseed oil and burdock roots against hair loss:
Measure approximately half a cup( 250 ml) of dried and chopped burdock roots, and pour them with linseed oil, taking it slightly more than half of the same glass. Tightly clog the dishes with the mixture, and leave for 1 day( only not in the refrigerator).
Then move your burdock-oil infusion into a small saucepan and put in a boiling water bath for 20 minutes. After a little cool and strain.
Prepared "burdock" oil you can be enough for several times. It should be well rubbed into the roots of the hair and scalp, preferably 2 times a week, and keep at least 1 hour. To wash off with shampoo and balm.
This recipe helps not only to stop hair loss, but also to improve their growth, strengthen, rid of dandruff, irritation and dryness of the scalp. Suitable for all types of hair.
Application of linseed oil in hair masks for fatty and mixed type:
Add to the 2-nd art.spoons of linseed oil about 3 st.spoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Stir, rub the mixture into the scalp and hair roots( do not spread along the entire length), and leave for 30 minutes. After the time, wash your head with the usual way, using shampoo.
If you do this mask regularly( enough once a week), then in time, the greasiness of hair will noticeably decrease, and the strands themselves will acquire softness, healthy and natural shine.
Please note that when wrapping all the masks with linseed oil described above, it is recommended to wrap the head with polyethylene, and wrap it with a warm towel on top. Such warming at times will increase the effect of the composition.
Nourishing hair mask with linseed oil
Nourishing hair mask with linseed oil Ingredients: 1 tbsp.a spoon of linseed oil, 2 tbsp.spoons of lemon juice, 2 egg yolks.
Preparation: Rub the yolks, mix the butter with lemon juice. Gradually introduce flaxseed oil with juice into the yolks.
Application: Apply to clean scalp, spread over the entire length of the hair. Wrap the mask with food film( or put on a hat), top with a towel.
Keep mask for 20-40 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
Nourishing hair mask with linseed oil saturates the scalp and hair with essential vitamins and amino acids, reduces hair loss and improves hair quality.
Thanks to the lemon juice, the hair will not be oily and it is easy to wash off the mask with shampoo.
Flaxseed oil promotes moisturizing and rapid hair growth.
It is good to alternate this mask with a nutritious hair mask with cognac, which is an excellent tool for improving the quality and health of hair, as well as with a nutritional mask with coconut hair oil.
There are two options for using flax oil for hair.
The first, external variant is direct application of oil on hair and a scalp, the second - acceptance of oil inside, or in other words, the use in food.
Linseed oil for hair gives a wonderful effect in the treatment, strengthening and restoration of damaged and dry hair, restores their strength and natural shine. To do this, oil must be drunk on an empty stomach twenty minutes before meals, one tablespoon daily for two to three months.
High efficiency gives the use of masks of linseed oil for dry, weakened and dull hair. Any mask with this component should be carried out in the following way: the prepared medical composition should be applied with light massaging movements along the entire length of the hair and rubbed into the scalp( at least 10 minutes).Then wrap the head with a plastic wrap, and on top with a warm cloth or a towel to keep the heat and increase the effectiveness of the mask. Masks are aged from an hour to one and a half, then washed with a large amount of water.