
Useful and medicinal properties of cloudberry.herbal teas

  • Useful and medicinal properties of cloudberry.herbal teas

    The full botanical name of this berry is cloudberry. Indeed, it is very firmly, thoroughly located in marsh moss. Five-lobed, rounded leaves settled comfortably on a soft moss bed. In their environment - large single flowers or the same large juicy berries. While cloudberries ripen, she manages to change the color from green to pink, from pink to red, from red to orange. Ripe fruit bright yellow color.

    This plant grows all over the North of the European part of Russia, in Siberia. Long since its berries are known as medicinal.

    Vitamin C, for example, in cloudberry 4 times more than in lemons. Berries contain organic acids, carotene, carotenoids, colorants, 3-6% sugars, tannins, salts of vital elements for man - potassium, magnesium, calcium, chromium.

    Eat cloudberries fresh, prepare juice, jam, jams from it. In the wet form, it is perfectly stored throughout the winter, and completely preserves all the vitamins. Healers and leaves of this plant are also curative.

    Berries and cloudberry leaves possess diuretic, antiscorbutic, diaphoretic properties. They help to heal the wounds more quickly, stop bleeding. Fresh berries have long been used for dropsy, heart disease, scurvy. The leaves of cloudberry in the form of infusion are used in diseases of the bladder and as an astringent for diarrhea. This infusion also helps with catarrhal diseases, coughing. They use it and as a hemostatic for hemoptysis and other internal bleeding.

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    ♦ For pancreatic diseases: take 2 parts of cloudberry leaves and cuff leaves, 1 part of thyme creeping herb and 3 parts of black leaves of baby bass. Spoon a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of water and bring to a boil, 1 hour. Take as a cup of tea 1-2 times a day.

    ♦ For diseases of the bladder: take in equal amounts the leaves of cloudberry, cinnamon briar, root of the field harrier, grass of Adonis spring, fruits of juniper of common. A tablespoon of the mixture pour a glass of boiling water, insist 40 minutes. Take warm, equal parts 3 times a day.

    ♦ When coughing: take 2 pieces of cloudberry leaves, mother-and-stepmother leaves, three-color violet grass, 3 parts of plantain leaves large and licorice root naked. A tablespoon of mixture pour a glass of water, bring to a boil, insist 40 minutes. Take equal parts in a warm form 3 times daily before meals.

    ♦ Vitamin collection: 1 part of cloudberry leaves mixed with 2 parts of fruits and leaves of dog rose cinnamon. One or two teaspoons of the mixture pour a glass of water, bring to a boil and infuse 1 -1.5 hours. Take as a tea, you can with the addition of honey, 1-2 glasses a day. The drug has a general strengthening, hematopoietic and antisclerotic effect.