  • Cacti in official pharmaceutics

    in most drugs used biologically active substances of prickly pears. Opuntia contains zinc in high concentration, it is necessary for the normal functioning of the prostate gland. It has antioxidant properties as well, which makes it possible to use it to help with benign prostatic hypertrophy, and thus to prevent the development of prostate cancer.


    This product was created by a British company and contains an extract of the flowers of the prickly pear. The main purpose is to help with prostate dysfunction, in particular in benign adenoma( proliferation) of the prostate. The developers consider it a great advantage to ease of use, the absence of any contraindications and negative side effects. Sometimes with early and systematic use of the drug can even do without surgical treatment.


    This preparation is also an extract from flowers of prickly pear with the addition of mineral salts of zinc, it is effective and without side effects. In patients, the frequency of urination decreases, pain disappears, and disorders of sexual function are eliminated.

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    This biologically active additive contains an extract of the flowers of prickly pear( 50%), pumpkin powder and calcium. We already know that this cactus has traditionally been used in the treatment of prostatic adenoma and urinary disorders. It is especially important that it effectively helps patients suffering from involuntary urination. This preparation of the prickly pear is enriched with a biologically active pumpkin complex and has a high concentration of macro- and microelements vital for the normal functioning of the prostate gland: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc,

    . The drug has successfully passed clinical trials in our country,prostate, accompanied by urolithiasis, chronic pyelonephritis, as well as gout, osteochondrosis, ischemic heart disease. When it is received, there are certain peculiarities: in the first days, some patients may have increased pain when urinating, this is due to the removal of sand from the urinary tract. Further, this symptomatology disappears independently, without the use of antispasmodics. In the next 2-3 weeks, physicians note a significant decrease in inflammatory changes and pain in the joints, laboratory analysis reveals the normal composition of urine in virtually all indicators. The frequency of urination decreases, the feeling of incomplete devastation. After a long course of treatment with a urofeet, the size of the prostate gland is reduced - due to the anti-inflammatory and anti-edema action of the drug.

    There are also contraindications: renal stone disease, requiring surgical treatment, individual intolerance of the components of the urofit.


    In this preparation, according to its developers, the healing properties of the prickly pear and other plants combine. The flowers of our "flat-shaped" cactus normalize the activity of the genitourinary system in general, Jerusalem artichoke( earthen pear) promotes the soft excretion of sand and stones from the kidneys and bladder, reduces swelling, and phytoncides of horseradish root have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. As a result, blood circulation stagnation in the pelvic organs is eliminated, a powerful preventive action and help in the treatment of prostatitis, adenoma, and other disorders of urogenital function. Approbation of the drug showed that in most patients the frequency of urination decreased, the pain receded, the size of the prostate gland was gradually normalized. It can also be used for preventive purposes and even for children( over 12 years old).

    Recently, technologies have been developed for the production of vitamins, hormones, enzymes from cacti. Interested in the properties of cacti specialists and other industries - perfumers, winemakers, producers of technical alcohol, etc.