  • Useful properties of pistachios

    Pistachio real( Pistaica vera L.) - a tree or shrub of the Sumahov family with a dense crown, similar to the hemisphere, odd-pinnate leaves and flowers collected in panicles. Fruit is a single-seeded drupe with a hard shell and a soft kernel. Blossoms in the spring, fruits ripen in July-September.

    The birthplace of pistachio culture - Syria. At the end of the 3rd century BC, the modern name of the plant appeared in Greece. At present, the main importers of the nut are countries such as Syria, Iran, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Afghanistan. And pistachios, cultivated in Turkey, surpass the rest by taste characteristics.

    On the Mediterranean coast the culture of pistachio is prominent in the present. In Europe, it became known after the campaigns of Alexander the Great. In the wild, pistachio grows in the very south of Central Asia, where because of the heat and dryness, there are practically no other trees, and in the Caucasus it grows on the stony slopes of the foothills. Cultivate it also in the Crimea.

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    Caloric value of

    Nutritional value in 100 g of 20.8 g of proteins, 51.6 g of fat, 16.4 g of carbohydrates, 2.6 g of minerals, 1.08 mg of vitamin B, 1.24 mg of vitamin B2.0,08 mg of vitamin E.

    The following is the content of nutrients( calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 g of edible part.
    Nutritional value
    Caloric value 556.3 kcal
    Proteins 20 g
    Fats 50 g
    Carbohydrates 7 g
    Dietary fibers 0.3 g
    Water 9 g
    Mono and disaccharides 2 g
    Starch 50 g
    Ash 3 g

    Vitamin PP 10 mg
    Vitamin B1( thiamine) 1 mg
    Vitamin B2( riboflavin) 0.2 mg
    Vitamin B5( pantothenic) 1 mg
    Vitamin B6( pyridoxine) 0.5 mg
    Vitamin B9( folic) 40 μg
    VitaminE( TE) 6 mg
    Vitamin H( biotin) 10 μg
    Vitamin PP( Niacin equivalent) 13.32 mg
    Choline 90 mg
    Macro elements
    Calcium250 mg
    Magnesium 200 mg
    Sodium 25 mg
    Potassium 600 mg
    Phosphorus 400 mg
    Chlorine 30 mg
    Sulfur 100 mg

    Trace elements
    Iron 60 mg
    Zinc 2.8 mg
    Iodine 10 μg
    Copper 500 μg
    Manganese 3, 8 mg
    Selenium 19 μg
    Molybdenum 25 μg
    Boron 200 μg
    Vanadium 170 μg
    Silicon 50 mg
    Cobalt 5 μg
    Nickel 40 μg
    Tin 35 μg
    Titanium 45 μg
    Strontium 200 μg
    Zirconium 25 μg
    Aluminum 1500 μgμg

    The energy value of Pistachio is 556.3 kcal.

    Benefits of

    Pistachios have a high caloric content in combination with a high content of vitamins, minerals and amino acids necessary for humans. They contain a lot of vitamin E, a well-known natural antioxidant, rejuvenating the body.

    Pistachio fruits contain tannin, which is used in medicine as an astringent, is applied externally for burns, soaking ulcers, for mouthwash with stomatitis;Inside - with colitis, in enemas - with inflammation of the rectum. When poisoning is recommended as an antidote due to the ability to precipitate heavy metals, glycosides and alkaloids( except for morphine, cocaine, atropine, nicotine).In folk medicine, the fruits of pistachios are used for skin diseases, tuberculosis and breast diseases.

    Pistachio nuts or milk( paste) are recommended for use in hypertension, tuberculosis and anemia, stomach and liver diseases, infertility in men and women, with considerable physical and mental stress, and also during recovery from severe infectious diseases and to enhance potency. They have analgesic effect with gastric and hepatic colic, antitussive - with bronchitis. Applied as a part of different dishes, and in pure form for 30-40 g of nuts( can be with honey) at a time, but not more than 100 grams per day. It is recommended to exclude vegetable oil from food.

    In antiquity, pistachio fruits are used for medicinal purposes. They are especially popular in Arabic medicine.

    Avicenna believed that pistachios strengthen the heart and relieve pain in the liver, and recommended pistachio oil for the treatment of liver diseases and as a means to promote normal heart function and digestive activity.

    Seeds contain up to 60% fatty oil, which includes glycerides of oleic, linoleic and saturated fatty acids, as well as protein substances, mineral salts, sugars and tannins.

    Leaves contain up to 10% tannins, galls - up to 50%.

    In modern medicine, the pistachio fruit is used as a strengthening agent for the decline of strength, tuberculosis, anemia. They have an exciting effect, and also promote potentiation. Tannins contained in nuclei bind and precipitate heavy metals, many toxic substances, so they are used for acute poisoning with salts of heavy metals and poisonous plants.

    In folk medicine, seeds are used as an analgesic for hepatic and gastric colic, as an antiemetic, antitussive, and as a remedy that improves the activity of the heart and contributes to the production of sperm. Consumption of them is useful for infertility in men and women, and, especially necessary for depleted patients and patients who have undergone severe surgeries.

    The use of pistachios for weakened patients who have suffered pneumonia, influenza, angina and other serious infectious diseases is effective.2-3 tablespoons of finely ground seeds pour 1.5 cups of hot water, insist 30-40 minutes. Take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day before meals.

    Pistachio fruits are essential for the work of the brain and heart in the heartbeat, vomiting, nausea and as a means of opening up blockages of the liver. Thin skin of the fruit clears the hepatic passages, favorably affects life expectancy. Seeds of pistachios help with considerable physical and mental stress.

    Local residents of Central Asia from time immemorial believe that nuts give people vivacity and longevity, so the pistachio is lovingly called the tree of life.

    According to the author of "Mahzan-uladviya" Muhammad Hussein, the kernels of pistachio nuts are useful for the work of the brain and heart and help with jaundice.

    When diarrhea in children, in the treatment of chronic gastritis and colitis, dysentery in adults use decoction or tea from the galls. In modern medicine, pistachio galls produce tannin, which is used externally in the treatment of burns, wounds, suppuration, wet ulcers, and also for rinsing the inflamed gums, pharynx and nasal cavity. In addition, tannin is used for poisoning with alkaloids and heavy metal salts. It is a part of the preparations: neoanusole( suppositories), tanalbine, tanoforms, tanismuth, tansas, into the antiseptic liquid of Novikov and others.

    In modern folk medicine, nuts are used for tuberculosis, malnutrition and anemia. From the growths on the leaves of pistachios( galls), which contain up to 50% of tannins, receive medical tannin, a binding and anti-inflammatory agent that is applied externally for the treatment of burns, pressure sores, wet ulcers, and also as a rinse with inflammation of the gums and mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx and nose. Tannin is used for acute poisoning with salts of heavy metals and poisonous plants, it is introduced into the stomach as an antidote preventing the absorption of poisons.

    Pistachio nuts contain potassium, phosphorus and magnesium salts. Due to this combination of chemical elements, the pistachio helps to lower blood pressure. When hypertension is recommended daily or 3-4 times a week to consume 200 g of pistachio nuts.

    Decoction of peeled pistachio kernels is recommended in folk medicine as a remedy against dysentery. Pour 2 handfuls of husk 0.5 liters of water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat without a lid for 15 minutes. Slightly cool, strain and slowly drink the entire dose at one time in the middle of the day. Repeat the procedure in the evening.

    According to the American researchers, daily consumption of 200 400 g of pistachio nuts helps people with alcoholism to gain control over their harmful predilection much more quickly.

    In folk medicine, pistachio seeds are used as a means to promote sperm production.

    Recipes of traditional medicine

    For diarrhea

    It is recommended to drink a decoction from the peel of pistachio nuts. Pour 2 handfuls of nut shell 1/2 liters of water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat in a pan without a lid for 15 minutes. After this, slightly cool, strain and slowly drink the whole broth at a time. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

    With alcoholism

    Daily eaten fruits of pistachios - this reduces craving for alcohol.

    Pistachios in Cooking

    In cooking, pistachios are used in grated or crushed form( halves) in the manufacture of cakes, pastries, creams, ice cream, marzipans, as well as for decorating confectionery. Pistachio nuts are very tasty, they are eaten fresh. Delicious dainty fried salted pistachios. They are added to salads, as well as salted.

    Very valuable and non-drying pistachio oil, which is used in confectionery and sausage production. From the fruits of pistachios make a surrogate coffee.

    Lemon souffle with pistachio

    Tartlets with pineapple and pistachios

    Chicken balls with pistachios and almonds


    saw( pilaf) raisins and pistachios

    Blancmange pistachio

    cream pistachio

    Pistachio cream "Holiday»

    Pistachio ice


    Pistachio not recommendedthere are those who have individual intolerance to nuts. Consumption of a plentiful amount of fruit can lead to the appearance of urticaria. The cause of an allergic reaction is a high protein content in the seeds.

    But in general pistachios do not contain any harmful impurities and additives, and even the technology of their processing is built in such a way that keeps the shell intact, protecting nuts from any accidental contamination. That is why, they are necessarily included in various dietary menus.