  • Plant sprouts

    Plant sprouts - universal food and a very effective medicine. Nowadays sprouted seeds, grains, beans of cultivated and wild plants are used as a remedy against many diseases, and as a useful vitamin supplement for raising the general tone of the body and increasing efficiency. Proponents of nutrition with natural products include sprouted

    grains to healthful products - cheap but extremely effective. Another advantage of seedlings is that they can be easily obtained at any time and in any climatic conditions.

    Feeding sprouts has a long history. Without a doubt, they added diversity to the diet of primitive people. The ancient Egyptians, the first to learn to cultivate wheat, were also the first to master the ways of its preparation, and among the dishes that they used were soaked and germinated grains. Chinese, having mastered the agrotechnics of rice to the III millennium BC.E., also began to use the sprouts of this cereal. About healing sprouts is mentioned in "Ayurveda" - the oldest treatise and health treatise of India. Did not ignore the diet with sprouts Greek doctor Hippocrates, recommending it to her patients.

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    Know about the healing properties of germinated grains and our distant ancestors. Slavs and other peoples living in the territories of modern Russia, prepared from sprouts all kinds of soups, brew, soup, porridge and jelly. Evidence of this - the mention of recipes for their preparation in the Russian folk herbalist. Our ancestors were well aware of the healing properties of this natural product, the regular use of which contributed to the improvement of the body.

    In many countries of Europe and Asia, the consumption of whole, soaked grains of most cereals and leguminous crops cooked without heating was recognized as very useful.

    A new round of interest in germinated cereals arose in the 20th century, after the book of the famous Indian public figure M. Gandhi "Diet and Diet Reforms" was published in 1949.On the example of his own way of life, he demonstrated that eating sprouts increases the mental and physical strength of a person. Sprouts of grain crops served as sources of vitamins and nutrients in food, which he used, being an ascetic and adherent of natural nutrition.

    The use of germinated grains, seeds, legumes and nuts to treat many, neglected diseases inspired many of our contemporaries who actively began to include them in health diets.

    Naturopaths - supporters of treatment with natural products - are sure that the regular inclusion in the diet of sprouts contributes to the improvement of the general condition, improves the tone, the work of the cardiovascular, circulatory and nervous systems, respiratory and gastrointestinal tract. Diet based on sprouts, helps to lose weight, rejuvenate the body as a whole, strengthen teeth and gums. Hair when it is applied becomes thicker, eyesight improves.

    The germ is an outgrown grain in which all the energy is concentrated, biologically active substances, including vitamins, microelements, enzymes, etc., accumulate. The biological energy of the seedlings is so high that they can replace the mass of expensive products in terms of nutritional value.

    Of course, each plant species is individual in its chemical composition, but there are average statistical data. So, in general, grains contain: 6-20% vegetable protein, close in its composition to the meat protein, 1-9% fat, 60-88% carbohydrates( sugar and starch), 1-4% dietary fiber( fiber),1-3% of mineral organic salts, and the set of microelements is optimal.

    When germinated for several days in the seedlings, the vitamin composition changes - the content of B and PP vitamin B, which is a part of most of the drugs fighting infarcts, increases. In germs, the amount of tocopherol( vitamin E) increases, slowing the aging process, activating the vital functions of the body, normalizing the state of the nervous system. Appears in sprouts vitamin C, absent from the usual grain.

    Sprouts and derived products contain iron, which is very necessary for red blood cells. In combination with vitamin C, iron saves us from anemia. Also in the sprouts there is potassium, which maintains an acid-base balance, which prevents muscle flabbiness and gives them elasticity. Potassium strengthens the heart muscle, which is especially important in the pre-infarct and post-infarction states. In germinated grains, phytates are partially destroyed, preventing the absorption of beneficial mineral elements - phosphorus and magnesium from the intestine.

    Germs contain rare trace elements - chromium and lithium, necessary for our body to prevent diabetes and are useful for nervous exhaustion and depression. According to some researchers, daily use of 1 tbsp.a spoonful of whole soaked grain or its sprouts significantly reduces the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

    It should not be thought that sprouted grains are a panacea that can protect against all diseases, but it should not be belittled the essence of natural plant medicine.

    Various crops are used for germination - wheat, rye, oats, barley, millet, corn, buckwheat. Almost all grain legumes are popular: beans, peas, lentils, soybeans and beans. For therapeutic nutrition, wild plants are also used: oats, fenugreek, wheatgrass, etc.