
Is it possible to marry a pregnant woman: some delicacy of the wedding ceremony

  • Is it possible to marry a pregnant woman: some delicacy of the wedding ceremony

    Wedding is a sacrament that binds two souls in heaven. God blesses a married couple for the birth of children.

    What do priests say about whether a pregnant woman can be married? Such issues are often faced by girls, as modernity has changed a lot in the life position of the population.

    The wedding has lost its popularity and for the passage of this ritual, less and less people are turning to the church. Christian believers still need to consolidate their marriage "in heaven."

    As you know, the church considers the sin and the sexual life before the wedding, and the conception of the baby before the wedding. Most often, answering the question whether it is possible to perform a wedding ceremony for a pregnant woman, the priests say that it is possible, because during the ceremony, the rite is passed not only by the parents, but also by the unborn baby.

    Before you get married, you need to talk with the priest and tell him about your "interesting situation", and based on this, you will be informed of the details of the rite that you will have to observe. Ideally, if the wedding takes place on the day of registration, but if for any reason this can not be done, then the church does not prohibit a ritual later, preferably before the birth of the child.

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    More on, whether it is possible to get married during pregnancy, we can say that such weddings bless the pregnancy, and it passes easier, without complications. Problems during pregnancy are also helped by participles and timely visits to the church.

    From some sources it is known that the wedding can be held even after the birth of a baby.

    This is due to the fact that the very birth of a new life is impossible without the blessing of God on her. That is, in any case, the child is a gift from God, it only depends on you whether he will be born in a married family. Even if this did not happen, get married when you are completely confident in your step.

    Whether it is worth getting married pregnant - the question is ambiguous. The answer to it must be taken by the newlyweds. Do not forget that it is better to get married in comfortable clothes and shoes, which are not pressed anywhere, since the ceremony can last up to 1 hour, and all the time you will need to stand.

    How the wedding passes

    Any wedding begins with communion and confession. The minister of the church will read several prayers, then invite the spouses in turn to confess. If you did not warn the priest about pregnancy, do it now. It is by no means impossible to conceal this.

    The wedding in the church of the pregnant woman will take about an hour, so you need to prepare for this in advance. Often, pregnant women have low blood pressure, unwell or nausea. To prevent unpleasant and awkward moments during the ceremony, tell us about the unimportant well-being of the father, take necessary medications, drink calming tea.

    To get pregnant you need to stand up, but in rare cases you are allowed to sit down.

    As for shoes, give preference to low heels. This will not only facilitate the process, but will also be more appropriate in the church. Dresses for the wedding for pregnant women should be free and long, close the shoulders and chest. It is best if they are sewn from natural fabrics: cotton or flax. Fat at the wedding is obligatory, as she covers the woman's head.

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