  • Birthday doll Alyonushka

    Features of the game and its educational value. The main learning goal of this game is the development of coherent speech in children. Toddlers learn to convey their ideas about the appointment of subjects with which they constantly meet in everyday life. This is facilitated by the plot nature of the game situation.

    Guests invited by the doll Alyonushka on her birthday bring her gifts, tell and show in motion how to deal with these items. In this case, each child in the role of a guest not only makes conditional game actions, but also learns to select the right words related in meaning and mutually complementing each other. With the help of an adult, children are trained to transmit in their detailed and coherent speech form their impressions and perceptions of surrounding objects, their purpose and actions, and with them. All this is very important for the development of an active imagination and for the preparation of more complex forms of mental activity, as well as for a clearer recognition by each child of their personal life and practical experience.

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    In the game, children acquire a new and necessary moral experience - the experience of benevolent communication and good deeds. The game teaches them kindness, teaches them to make each other pleasant, give their peers what they like most. That is why participation in such joint activities is important not only for the speech and mental development of children, but also for overcoming many of them inclination to selfishness and lack of contact in their relationships with peers.

    Play stuff. Imagery toys depicting familiar objects of the household environment.(They can, if necessary, be replaced by subject pictures.) It is desirable that these are subjects that children themselves learn to act or that are operated by surrounding adults. You can use some of the toys that were used in previous games( see the game "Bag, let in!").

    We list some groups of these toys:

    Items of household utensils and dishes: a cup, a saucer, a plate, a spoon, a pan, a frying pan, a bucket, a watering can.

    Personal hygiene items: toothbrush, shoe brush, soap with soap box, basin, broom, bath, mouthwash, comb.

    Articles of clothing: apron, knitted jacket, scarf, coat, panama, mittens, slippers, scarf, hat.

    Toys for dolls: stroller, small naked, ball, accordion.

    As gifts for the doll, you can also use homemade molded toys made from a mixture of clay with finely chopped newsprint. It can be: different fruits, cakes, sweets and other sweets, beautifully painted with aniline paint and for the fortress covered with protein.

    Items-gifts should be many, according to the number of participants in the game. An indispensable condition for the selection of objects is the acquaintance of children with each of them.

    Description of the game and its techniques. When the children settle down more comfortably, the teacher takes out an elegantly dressed doll Alyonushka and sits down with her opposite. He draws the attention of children to what a smart Alyonushka is today."It's because," the teacher explains, "that today is Alenushka's birthday. She's now exactly four years old. "

    Alyonushka invites children to visit her to celebrate her birthday."What should I say when you are invited for a birthday?" The tutor asked, and after listening to the children's responses, he said with them: "Thanks, Alenushka, we will certainly come to your house and bring many gifts."

    Sitting the doll on the table( guests will put their gifts on it), the teacher approaches the children closer and "secretly from the doll" says: "Let's decide how we will celebrate the birthday. There, on large tables, toys lay. Let it be a store. Whom I will name, go first to the store, buy for Alenushka a gift( you can choose one thing), and then come up to Alyonushka and say: "Alyonushka, I congratulate you on your birthday! Here is my gift. "The boy will say: "I brought you a gift."And how will the girl say? Correctly: "Bring a gift" - and call what she brought. If Alyonushka asks to tell her and show what they are doing with this gift and what this item is for, you need to explain to her and show, and we will all help to do this. When all the guests bring their gifts to Alenushka and congratulate her on her birthday, we'll play with them, and then we'll learn how to play it. Do you agree to play that way? "

    The teacher moves the table with Alyonushka, sits with her in front of the kids and begins the story: "Our Alyonushka is sitting and waiting for the guests. The first to visit her went Misha( names the child's name).On the way, Misha went into the store, chose for Alenushka a gift that he liked best. Misha comes to visit Alenushka and says: "Alyonushka, I congratulate you on your birthday! I brought you as a gift here that( shows and calls the subject). "Under these words, the named child produces appropriate game actions.

    "Thank you, Misha!"Says the teacher on behalf of the doll." Tell me, please, what do they do with it? "The child who performs the role of the guest explains the purpose of the gift. For example, if he donated a toothbrush, he shows how to brush his teeth, if a spoon - like eat, if a broom - how to sweep the floor, etc. In passing, he calls the action with this object. If a child finds it difficult to write a phrase and in a coherent explanation, the teacher along with the other children helps him.

    Alyonushka thanks for the explanations, accepts the gift, invites the guest to sit down, and the tutor continues to call new guests. So, calling the kids that one by one, then together, he gives an opportunity to each child to stay in the role of guest and perform the associated teaching speech task.

    When the guests come together and give their gifts, the tutor invites everyone to play together in a loaf. The doll is transferred to one of the children, the guests join hands, Alenushka becomes the center of the circle, and the traditional game of loaf begins.

    The game ends with the birthday girl thanking her guests for congratulations and gifts and inviting everyone to go for a walk.

    Rules of the game.

    1. Words of greeting and congratulations should be spoken loudly, expressively, so that it would be nice to listen to both the birthday girl and the guests.

    2. You can choose as a gift any toy that you like, but only one.

    3. Correctly to name the gift and explain the doll, what is its purpose, accompanying the explanation with the actions with the object.

    Tips for the educator. This game is plot, its success depends on whether you will be able to introduce children into the game situation, to help each child enter the game role.

    The game is conducted under the imaginative story of the educator, during which the children perform the appropriate game actions. The adult speaks and acts for the doll at the beginning of the game;In the future, this role may be assigned to one of the children, but the teacher continues to conduct the storytelling. In cases where the child is shy, hampered in independent actions, it is necessary that one of his peers come to his aid. I If the gift-giving toys are not enough, you can call simultaneously two guests who give one gift;they will agree together, which gift to choose, and together explain its purpose.