
Useful and curative properties of the violet tricolor( pansy, Ivan-da-marya)

  • Useful and curative properties of the violet tricolor( pansy, Ivan-da-marya)

    Family of Violet - Violaceae

    The generic name is the Roman name of the plant. Species definition in the first case in translation from Latin means "tri-color"( in color of flowers), and in the second - "field"( by habitat).

    Botanical Description. The violet is three-color - one-year or two-year, and the violet field - annual herbaceous plants with a thin rod-shaped root. The stem is simple or branched, upright or upright, 10-40 cm high. Leaves are alternate with two feathery stipules. Lower - broadly ovate, petiolate, upper-lanceolate, with short petioles, almost sessile. Flowers solitary on long pedicels emanating from the sinuses of leaves, with a double perianth, are irregular. The sepals are five, the corolla consists of five uneven petals. The upper ones are blue-violet or yellow, lateral ones are same, but lighter, the lower petal is larger than the rest, yellow at the base, with dark strips, along the edge is violet with a curved spur of bag-shaped form. Stamens five with very short filaments. Pistil is one with the upper single-cavity ovary.

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    The violet has a tri-color flower, the corolla is more than a cup, with a diameter of 2-3.5 cm. The sphaler is longer than the sepals. In the violet, the field flowers are smaller, the corolla is equal to or smaller than the calyx, about 1.5 cm in diameter. The upper petal is usually white, less often light-violet, and the remaining yellow. The spur is equal to the sepals.

    The fetus in both species is an oblong-ovate capsule opening with three leaves, which are then deflected horizontally.

    Blossom from April to autumn, the fruit ripens from June.

    Geographical distribution. Grow among shrubs, in light pine and small-leaved forests, especially on sandy and sandy loamy soils, occur on dry meadows and, especially often in forest glades and fringes, like weeds in fields and in vegetable gardens. Violet tricolor is common in the forest, forest-steppe, less often in the steppe zones of the European part of the USSR, is found in Western Siberia, in the Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions. The violet field has a somewhat larger area. It is found in the Caucasus, more widespread in Western Siberia. The main areas of procurement of raw materials are in Belarus, Ukraine.

    Collection and drying. Collect the aerial part during flowering in May - June, cutting the stems with a knife or sickle, and fold loose, without condensation in baskets or bags. Dry in a well-ventilated room, in attics, laying a layer of 5-7 cm thick and periodically mixing. Drying is considered complete when the stems become brittle. To avoid excessive crushing, the dried raw material is left for 2-3 days on the heap, and then packed.

    Medicinal raw materials. Finished raw materials - a herb of tri-color violet( Herba Violae tricoloris) and grass of a violet field( Herba Violae arvensis).The raw material consists of deciduous stems, simple or branched, up to 25 cm long, with leaves and flowers of the structure described. Sometimes there are immature and mature fruits.

    The color of the leaves and stems is green or dark green, the fruit is light brown. Petals of corolla are violet, dark blue, blue, yellow and pale or light yellow.

    Smell weak, peculiar, taste sweet, with a sensation of mucous.

    GOST 16989-71 allows: moisture not more than 14%;ash not more than 13%;yellowed leaves and stems not more than 7%;crushed parts passing through a sieve with a hole diameter of 2 mm, not more than 3%;organic impurity not more than 3%;mineral - no more than 1%.

    Inexperienced collectors sometimes instead of violets can collect Marjannik grass - Melampyrum, which in the people is also called ivan-da-marya. Its leaves are opposite, without stipules, flowers in dense spicate inflorescences, corolla of spinal-lingual, bilabial, stamens four.

    Chemical composition. The herb of the tri-colored violet contains flavonoids( violantin, vitexin, isovitine, orientin, isoeryentin, vicetin, 3-glycoside of peonidine, rutin), in flowers - anthocyanin glycosides( violin-nin, which under hydrolysis splits into delphinidin, glucose, rhamnose and oxycinnamic acid);3-glycoside delphinidinum and said 3-glycoside peonidine;carotenoids( (3-carotene, violak-santine, zeaxanthin, auroxanthine and flavoxanthin), traces of essential oil containing methyl ester of salicylic acid, saponins, vitamin C, mucus, up to 6.2% ursolic acid, tannins

    Action and application. Saponins have an expectorant effect, which apparently exacerbates mucus and flavonoids. Under their influence, there is an increase in the secretion of the bronchial glands, dilution of sputum and easier release of it. The herb also has a diuretic effect, disinfects the urinary tract, improves the metabolism in the skin.

    Assigned inside as infusion of 10 g of raw material per 200 ml of water, 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day after meals with catarrh of the respiratory tract, cough, bronchitis, whooping cough, rheumatism, gout, atherosclerosis, cystitis. With skin rashes, abscesses on the skin, dermal itching, in addition to the inside, they make lotions from the decoction of 20 g of grass to 200 ml of water. Decoction of herbs in the form of baths is prescribed for exudative diathesis in children.