Treatment and nutrition of germinated plants
Sprouts are curative in many diseases, they are easily digested, well digested, cleanse the body and promote active longevity.
Generally, sprouts do not have limitations with regard to compatibility with other products. It is useful to take sprouted grains with raw fruits, berries and vegetables, prepare salads and desserts from them, add to the first, second and third dishes. In everyday, i.e., not very strict medical nutrition, different types of grain sprouts( buckwheat and wheat, oats and wheat) well complement and balance each other in all sorts of combinations and proportions. Outer shoots are used for lotions, compresses and other medicinal forms.
Some scientists suggest that sprouts contain a substance that protects against various types of cancer.
Wheat germs and oil from wheat germs, according to the conducted studies, help with fatigue and fatigue, heavy mental overloads, stimulate immunity. These products increase work capacity and endurance, normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, improve the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory system, maintain good health in old age. Wheat has anti-inflammatory and emollient properties, useful for urological diseases.
Oil is also used for making massage aids. Among the products that are prepared from sprouted grains, especially popular around the world are the use of reggevelac and sprites.
Reggevelak is a healing drink that is obtained during the germination of wheat. For its preparation, you can use the grains of any other cereal and legumes, as well as the seeds of some vegetables. It is necessary to take half a glass of germinated grains, pour 1.5 liters of filtered( spring, thawed, well) water and leave for 3 days in a dark place at room temperature. Ready-to-use reggevelak has a pleasant smell and a peculiar sourish taste. The drink should be drained into another container and stored in a refrigerator. Use the product should be warm, taking at least 2 glasses a day. On the basis of the resulting liquid, it is very useful to prepare soups, decoctions, porridges, kissels and other dishes.
Sprites - green sprouts of cereals and leguminous crops. Usually it takes from 7 to 10 days to receive a sprite.
The healing properties of oats are determined by the fact that the plant and its seedlings increase immunity, restore muscle strength, renew blood and prevent the formation of thrombi, have a beneficial effect on the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. They are useful for lungs with tuberculosis, improve the activity of the thyroid gland, are diuretic and diaphoretic, they are used for gallstones, liver diseases and jaundice.
Rye and its sprouts contribute to increasing the body's resistance to diseases, have an expectorant property. They are useful in diabetes mellitus, also remove toxins and radionuclides, they are recommended to use for the prevention of atherosclerosis and early aging.
Rice and its seedlings have an astringent effect. They are useful in diseases of the kidneys and bladder, enhance lactation in nursing mothers. In addition, rice acts soothingly, improves sleep, complexion, eliminates bad breath, restores appetite well after a serious illness or prolonged starvation. However, the main property of rice is its cleansing effect, which is widely used in folk medicine of the East.
Millet - the core of millet with removed outer shells after grinding - restores the strength of the weakened diseases of the body, strengthens the muscular system. Grain helps to strengthen broken and damaged bones, healing of bruises and wounds, soft tissue joints. Millet has a diuretic and diaphoretic effect, it is also used in the treatment of dropsy and liver diseases.
Corn and its products have rejuvenating properties, therefore it is recommended to include them more often in their diet to older people. There is evidence that the extract of corn kernels inhibits the growth of cancer cells. Products of corn processing are used for cholecystitis, cholangitis, hepatitis, as choleretic, diuretic and hemostatic.
Buckwheat with sprouts is useful for strengthening the immune system, liver diseases, cardiovascular and nervous systems, kidneys and diabetes, people suffering from obesity and having severe illnesses. Buckwheat - a well of routine, which has a preventive and curative effect on the veins with varicose enlargement, stops bleeding. With its help, rheumatic diseases, arthritis, complicated disorders of the lymphatic system are cured.
The Japanese claim that they were eaten at breakfast 1-2st. Spoons of raw rice, its sprouts or rice flour expel all diseases from the intestine.
Beans and sprouts are used as a diuretic, astringent and anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and cosmetic facial cleanser.
Peas and sprouts are rich in inulin( plant insulin), which determines their hypoglycemic effect. They eliminate constipation, because they contain a lot of fiber, lower the level of fat and cholesterol in the blood, remove toxins from the intestine, and have antitumor activity.
Soy and sprouts - the leader in the content of vegetable proteins, activates protein metabolism, removes fats and water, thereby helping to get rid of excess weight. Preparations from plants and sprouts inhibit inflammatory processes, stimulate the regeneration of connective tissue, accelerate cell growth, rejuvenate the body, help with impaired vision, strengthen memory, increase the ability to concentrate. In Japan, the development of anti-cancer drugs, for which pectins are used in the plant. It is proved that they inhibit the growth of tumors, slow down the development of leukemia.
Beans with sprouts - in folk medicine, the plant is used as a bactericidal, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, vasodilating, antitumor and active sugar-reducing agent. Beans with sprouts normalize metabolism, effectively as a diuretic, helps with rheumatoid arthritis and gout, diabetes.
Lentils and sprouts - a fortifying agent that stimulates appetite. Has antimicrobial effect, stimulates the production of hormones, thereby activating the potency and sexual desire, it is recommended for constipation, promotes the rejuvenation of the body.
At home, you can prepare from germinated grains and green sprouts a variety of medicines, the spectrum of which is very diverse. The simplest way to use the germinated grains of any cereals and legumes is to use them as a vitamin supplement to raise the general tone of the body and increase efficiency. It is useful to slightly grind the sprouted seedlings in a meat grinder and wash down with juice, tea, yogurt, sour cream, cream, seize with dried fruits, add to cottage cheese. In the first week, in order to get used to grain dampness, it is recommended to take ascorbic acid dissolved in warm water.
Regular use of peas and germinated grains has a rejuvenating effect, improves eyesight, promotes growth and regeneration of cells.