  • Fig useful properties

    Oryza sativa L. is a cultivated plant unique as it is cultivated on fields covered with a layer of water. In South-East Asia, rice was known since prehistoric times and was the main food crop. The warriors of Alexander the Great were the first Europeans to try rice, they also told how it was cultivated in India. However, the Europeans began to cultivate rice only in the Middle Ages in the southern countries.

    In Russia, the culture of rice is cultivated in the Volga region, the Krasnodar Territory, the Rostov region. Peeled rice grains( rice cereals) contain many carbohydrates( 75%), about 8% protein, fat, fiber, about 14% water.

    Ways of using

    Rice starch, rice decoction has been used for a long time against diarrhea in acute disorders of the stomach and dysentery. Rice is powdered from children's powder. From the bran of rice, oil is obtained, which is used to make medicinal ointments, and rice oil from embryos for making soap.

    Rice groats are produced both from collapsed and polished grains, and therefore its nutritional value may vary. Polished rice, in which all shells and germs of grain are removed during manufacture, differ from collapsed rice with a very low content of fat, fiber and vitamins.

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    Rice is well digested, rich in starch, contains a lot of protein, little fiber, a small amount of vitamins and minerals. When rice is boiled, a slimy decoction is formed, used in mechanically and chemically sparing diets for diseases of the digestive system. Grinded and polished rice is used as a garnish for second courses, for crumbly and thick milk porridges, puddings. Crushed polished rice is more suitable for filling and puree soups, viscous and liquid porridges, bitlets, casseroles, etc. Dishes from rice are not recommended for constipation.


    It is known that rice, especially raw( raw unpolished rice) is used as a remedy. Rice therapy clears the body of toxins and toxins, which is especially important in large cities with poor ecology. In this case, not only the whole intestine is cleared, but also the circulatory system, headaches disappear, blood vessels are cleared of cholesterol plaques, the body begins to work clearly, as a result - an excellent state of health.

    Risotherapy, depending on the state of human health, is carried out for 4-6 weeks. This procedure requires 6 numbered jars.

    Scheme for the conduct of the therapy:

    Day 1: take 2 tbsp.spoons of rice, pour into a jar, pour cold water so that it covers the rice.

    2nd day: in the 1 st jar we change the water. In a new jar we put 2 tbsp.spoons of rice and pour cold water.

    Day 3: in the first two banks we change the water. In the 3rd bank we pour 2 tbsp.spoons of rice and also flooded with water.

    Day 4: in 3 banks we change the water and put the 4th jar with rice.

    Day 5: You can finally proceed with the procedure. In the 2 nd, 3 rd and 4 th jars, water is changed, and rice from the 1 st jar of wa-rim in the water in which it was soaked is simmered for about 15 minutes. Salt does not add! It will be your breakfast. Before dinner, you do not need anything( until 12 noon).Then eat as usual, but exclude smoked, fried and salted, and also alcohol. Then put rice again in the 1st jar, as described above.

    Day 6: in the 1 st, 3 rd and 4 th banks, we change the water, and with the 2nd we act in the same way as on the 5th day with the 1st. .. Then continue according to the same schemewithin 1-1,5 months.

    From rice flour( rice grind in a coffee grinder), you can prepare a wonderful mask that tightens the skin of the chest.

    To do this, 1 tablespoon rice flour mixed with 1 egg and 1 tablespoon of sour cream until a homogeneous mixture. Apply the mask to the skin of the breast for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

    In Cooking

    Half of our planet consider rice a staple food and not without reason. It is easily absorbed by the body, so it is used as a dietary product not only for adults, but also for children. Good rice can be stored for hundreds of years and does not lose its taste. Currently, a large selection of rice: round, long, brown one-piece( uncleaned).The long rice is softer and faster prepared. Brown( unrefined) contains all the fats, minerals and vitamins necessary for a person, especially those with cardiovascular and nervous diseases. Unrefined rice should not be stored for more than 4 months, because fats can deteriorate over time.

    Many dishes are prepared from rice in many cuisines around the world. This is rice in Thai, and Spanish paella, rice in the east and rice in Hungarian with sausage, famous pilaf, which are cooked in Central Asia. Rice is added to salads with seafood, fillings for pies, cabbage rolls, pelmeni, confectionery. Japanese cuisine can not be imagined without rice.

    There are many recipes for preparing various dishes from rice.

    Light Salad

    3 servings of

    1 cup of rice, 3 apples, 3 tomatoes, 3 fresh cucumbers, 2 bunches of dill and parsley;salt, black ground pepper, b art.spoons of sour cream.

    Rice boil until tender in salted water. Drain and cool. Finely chop the greens of parsley and dill, add to the rice. Tomatoes and peeled apples and apples cut into slices, cucumber strips. Mix everything with rice, season with salt, pepper and sour cream.

    Spanish salad

    3 portions

    250 grams of rice, 1 onion, 1 pod of green pepper, 8 olives, 1 bunch of parsley, saffron, vinegar, salt, vegetable oil.

    Rice boil in salted water with the addition of saffron. Chop onion, sweet pepper, peeled from seeds, cut into strips, chopped parsley, cut olives, cut into slices. Mix everything with rice, season with salt, vinegar, pour with vegetable oil. Garnish with sticks of steep eggs and greens.

    Italian salad

    3 portions

    200 grams of rice, 1 red sweet pepper, 1 tomato, 50 g of canned tuna, 2-3 pickled cucumbers, 100 g of olives, salt, black pepper, vegetable oil.

    Boil and chill the pepper. Olive free from pits and finely chopped. Pepper should be cleaned of seeds, cut into noodles, tuna mashed, tomatoes and cucumbers cut into cubes. Mix everything with rice, season with salt, pepper, sprinkle with vinegar and vegetable oil.

    Rice and green pea salad

    2 servings of

    100 g of rice, 7 pods of sweet pepper, 100 g of boiled green peas, 2 tbsp.tablespoons vegetable oil, 2 tbsp.spoons of lemon juice, salt, black ground pepper.

    Boil the rice. Pepper should be cleaned of seeds and cut into wide strips, add rice and green peas, salt, pepper, season with lemon juice and vegetable oil. Mix everything lightly. Salad with mussels and rice

    3 portions of

    150 g of boiled mussels, 1 cup of boiled rice, 1/2 cup of green peas, 1 steep egg, 1/2 cup of vegetable oil, salt, greens.

    Mussels are finely chopped, mixed with rice, add green peas and chopped egg. Season the salad with salt, vegetable oil and mix. Decorate with chopped herbs.

    Rice in Milan

    3 onions finely chopped and lightly fried with 50 g of butter. Add 4-6 tablespoons of rinsed and dried rice( 1 tablespoon per 1 diner), give it a yellow, pour a little water, put 1 bay leaf, salt and pepper to taste and cook on low heat until cooked. Then take out the bay leaf, fill with 2 tablespoons of butter and 100 g of grated cheese, mix, cover and lightly extinguish in the oven.

    Sweet risotto

    2 tablespoons grinded in a coffee grinder of rice( previously washed and dried), dilute in 0.4 l of cream, add 0.8 cups of sugar mixed with grated zest of 1 lemon, and cook lightly until thick. Then wipe through a sieve, combine with 6 whipped in strong foam proteins. Put into a mold and bake in the oven. Decorate with fruit and serve.

    The rice-compote diet

    In hypertension, circulatory and renal insufficiency, liver and biliary tract diseases, a rice-compote diet is used in medical nutrition:

    • 6 times a day for a glass of sweet compote, 2 times together with a sweet rice porridge, boiled on water without salt. On the day, 1.5 kg fresh or 240 grams of dried fruit, 50 grams of rice, 120 grams of sugar.

    For weight loss and cleansing

    The rice diet helps not only to lose weight, it promotes intensive cleansing of the body.

    The duration of such a diet is 7 days.

    Day one

    Rice should be boiled for a couple, add an apple, but without sugar and salt.

    Day Two

    The same steamed rice with a fresh apple, as well as 2 bananas, eaten during the day. The third day

    Boiled rice with raisins and walnuts. In the evening you can eat a small portion of low-fat cottage cheese.

    Day Four

    Boiled rice and 5 tangerines, which you need to eat during the day. In the evening, you can eat a small piece of boiled lean meat.

    Day Five

    During the day you can eat boiled rice and a grape branch( about 200 g).And at night you can drink a glass of boiled water with a spoon of honey dissolved in it.

    Day Six

    Before breakfast you need to drink a glass of water with a spoon of honey, for breakfast itself, eat a couple of walnuts and 3 dried apricots. All other meals should consist exclusively of boiled rice.

    For dinner, you can eat 1 egg, hard boiled.

    Day 7

    Before breakfast again you need to drink a glass of water with a spoon of honey and eat 2 walnuts and 2 dried apricots. For lunch and snack - boiled rice. Supper should consist of two bananas.

    Day eighth

    Honey water, dried apricots and walnuts, as well as low-fat cottage cheese for breakfast. During the day - only boiled rice.

    For a slim figure

    For rice lovers it's a great chance to tidy up your figure. This diet is designed for at least 3 days, a maximum of 2 weeks. It is advisable to use brown rice. Between meals you can drink mineral water, green tea or infusion of herbs, as well as freshly squeezed juices. Day 1

    Breakfast.1 apple, rice( 60 g of dry grains) with lemon zest and a few drops of lemon juice, green tea or infusion of herbs.

    Lunch. Vegetable broth, vegetable salad( 150 g), rice with herbs.

    Dinner. Vegetable broth, rice with carrots and zucchini, steamed. Day 2

    Breakfast.1 orange, rice with orange peel and 1 teaspoon of sour cream.

    Lunch. Vegetable broth with boiled vegetables and a portion of rice.

    Dinner. It's like dinner. Day 3

    Breakfast.1 pear, rice, sprinkled with cinnamon.

    Lunch. Vegetable broth, cucumber salad with vinegar and olive oil, rice with mushrooms( 150 g), fried in olive oil.

    Dinner. Vegetable broth, rice with cabbage broccoli, steamed. Day 4

    Breakfast. Fruit salad with 1-2 tbsp.spoons of rice flakes, rice with milk or cream.

    Lunch. Vegetable broth, radish with leaves of green salad, rice with carrots, steamed.

    Dinner. Vegetable broth, rice with parsley and a pinch of sunflower seeds. Day 5

    Breakfast. Rice with grapes or raisins and 1 teaspoon grated almonds.

    Lunch. Vegetable broth, rice, steamed with vegetables, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of olive oil and lots of greens.

    Dinner. Vegetable broth, rice, seasoned with 1 tbsp.a spoon of chopped walnuts, 2 tbsp.spoons of green onions and 2 tbsp.spoons of grated celery root or parsley. Steamed spinach. Day 6

    Breakfast. Rice with 2 dates, 4 walnuts and 2 berries of figs, 1 pear.

    Lunch. Vegetable broth, rice with raw vegetables( cucumber, sweet pepper), mint and 1 tbsp.spoon of olive oil.

    Dinner. Vegetable broth, rice with 1-2 cut apples, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of cream or sour cream and 1/2 teaspoon of honey. Day 7

    Breakfast. Rice with apple and pear, a few drops of lemon, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1/2 portion of yogurt.

    Lunch. Vegetable broth, a serving of green salad, rice with a tomato and green beans, steamed.

    Dinner. Vegetable broth, rice with zucchini, steamed, 1 teaspoon unrefined olive oil, 5 olives, basil.