  • How to grow figs in a room

    When grown indoors, figs can be propagated with seeds, but with this method the tree begins to be fruit only for the 4-5th year. And if you use vegetative reproduction, that is, cuttings and layers, then the fruits can be obtained already in the 2-3rd year.

    Cuttings are carried out in the spring - before the beginning of growth, and in the summer - from June to August. You can use for rooting and green, and lignified cuttings( these are rooted easier).Cut the cuttings 10-15 cm long with 3-4 buds from fruit bearing specimens. To facilitate rooting, the lower part of the cut is crosswise cut or made on it by longitudinal scratches. Planted in the same soil mixture as in the reproduction of the fig tree( see above), to a depth of 3-5 cm. Place the soil in shallow boxes usually, cover the planting with a polyethylene film or glass, and keep it at a temperature of 20-24 ° C.Rooting usually occurs within 20-25 days. After the transplantation into the pots and the appearance of the seventh leaf proceed to the formation of the crown: begin with the pinching of the apical bud. Of the lateral shoots leave 3-4, and later trim unnecessarily growing side shoots of the second order of branching.

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    During the period of active growth, they are fed with mineral mixtures 2 times a month. Once during the season, it is recommended to spray the plant with a 0.05% solution of potassium permanganate and 0.05% solution of copper sulfate( copper sulfate).

    Fig is a deciduous plant, therefore it is better to keep it in the premises with an air temperature of 3-5 ° C in winter. If such conditions are difficult to create, then it is necessary to water it less, but at the same time it is more often to spray. In ordinary room conditions, the dormant period of the fig tree is rather short: in November, the leaves fall off, and at the end of December the plant is already growing. In February, leaves are formed, and simultaneously with them can appear and copulation. They ripen in June-July. Those fertilizers, which are tied in the fall, usually do not ripen.

    At the end of spring or in the summer, with the onset of warm days, a fig tree is recommended for outdoor use.