  • Myrtle essential oil

    All parts of the plant have a wonderful aroma. Leaves and flowers of myrtle contain essential oils - they contain the healing power. From the leaves and shoots, the oil is extracted by steam distillation. To get 10 kg of the most valuable fragrant substance, you need a whole ton of plant raw materials.

    The chemical composition of the essential oil is complicated. Among its biologically active substances are particularly distinguished by camphene, cineole, geraniol, linalool, myrtenol, pinene.

    In essential oil myrtle very wide range of medicinal properties. Deodorizing and antiseptic actions of myrtle leaves were noticed by ancient aromatherapists.

    Inhalation of aromatherapy products of myrtle regulates the activity of the central and autonomic nervous system. This direct impact is primarily necessary for our emotional sphere: a mild sedative effect of the oil is manifested, sharp mood swings are eliminated, excess stress is easily removed. Significantly can ease the state of depressed patients.

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    Due to the pronounced anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties of , essential oil of myrtle is used as an effective agent in the treatment of serious respiratory diseases: protracted bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, emphysema, in complex therapy of tuberculosis. It alleviates the condition of the patients and the expectorant effect of the oil. The fresh, herbal aroma of myrtle soothes and frees the airways. Even a chronic cough recedes. It is possible with the help of this drug to influence and severe pathological changes in the lungs associated with long-term smoking.

    And what is especially valuable - myrtle oil is considered a relatively mild agent, and aromatherapists recommend it for cough elimination in children. It is also used in the treatment of otitis, inflammation of the nasal sinuses( sinusitis, sinusitis), which often even in toddlers become chronic.

    As a potent antiseptic, myrtle oil is used to strengthen immunity, in the treatment of influenza, cough, and bronchitis. Essential oil of myrtle is also traditionally used in the treatment of wounds.

    The powerful ability of this agent to destroy the pathogenic flora is also used in the fight against urogenital infections.

    Perfectly recommended itself this aromatherapy and as a preventive tool - in the period of epidemics of influenza, other diseases. Activates the immune system, increases the body's resistance to both nonspecific and specific infections.

    Myrtle oil has the property of strengthening the walls of vessels, increases their elasticity. Therefore, it is used in the treatment of such widespread, but intractable ailments, as varicose veins and hemorrhoids( hemorrhoids - this is also a vascular disease, the consequence of venous insufficiency).With thrombophlebitis, this aromatherapy helps to relieve swelling, a feeling of heaviness in the legs.

    Essential oil of myrtle is successfully used in medical cosmetology: it stimulates the protective and regenerative functions of skin cells, gives it elasticity, prevents premature appearance of wrinkles and is able to fight them even if they have already appeared. In addition, it is useful for the care of oily skin( narrows the pores) and for skin prone to acne.