  • How to grow house calligraphy

    Did you buy a golden mustache in a flower shop or did you get it? Let's choose a suitable corner for him in the apartment. Put the plant in a sufficiently illuminated place, but at the same time pritenite it from direct sunlight. If necessary, pour in and leave for a few days to adapt to the new residence.

    Since the calligraphy comes from the humid rain forest, it needs plenty of watering. But still do not overflow the plant - this can lead to decay of the roots. During the winter rest period, both the frequency and the intensity of the moistening of the earth are reduced. Useful for kallisii watering with milk( 1/4 cup of milk per 1 liter of water) and rubbing the leaves with a swab dipped in milk. It is necessary to maintain and sufficient humidity of the air - with the help of frequent spraying( but so that the plant does not leave a drop of water).You can install our resident of the jungle on a wide pallet with pebbles or expanded clay, flooded with water.

    Kallisia likes fresh air, so regular airing of the room will not hurt. But it's better to keep it from drafts. With the onset of warm days, it is quite possible to take the plant to the balcony.

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    In summer, during a period of intensive growth, the golden mustard is fed with organic or mineral fertilizers once every 10-15 days, in winter - once in 30-45 days.

    At what temperature is better to contain? The question is important, since it depends on the correct thermal regime, the blossoming of calligraphy or not. In winter, the air temperature is best maintained at 12 ° C.

    Calligraphy grows well in any substrate with the addition of sand. Its composition is best suited to a land mixture composed of equal parts of turf and greenhouse humus plus 30% of large river sand. The plant grows well on hydroponics. The transplant is carried out in the spring.

    Propagated golden mustard more often in a vegetative way: apical cuttings of adult plants and young rosettes taken from a mustache. Both those and others quickly take root in both soil and water. Cuttings can be done all year round.

    It is noted that the plant will develop well if, when rooted in water, it enables it to develop a strong root system. Therefore, with the appearance of the first little roots it is worthwhile waiting for some time with a transfer to a permanent place of residence. If you want to grow more plants for medicinal purposes, in the summer you can arrange a nursery in the shady corner of the garden under the film. During the season you will get developed strong specimens and collect a few harvests of medicinal raw materials - mustaches.

    Depending on the growing conditions, a golden mustache can give four or more lateral processes( "joints"), and maybe none. However, he still shows his healing properties.

    If you attach great importance to the decorative properties of the calligraphy, from time to time pruning: remove the overgrown stems to strengthen the branching and form a beautiful crown. Sliced ​​it is desirable to sprinkle immediately with pounded charcoal( you can take the pharmacy activated charcoal).After trimming, wash hands thoroughly with soap and water.