  • Linseed oil for weight loss

    Linseed oil is now experiencing a peak of its fame. All Western newspapers are filled with advice, how to use the "Russian oil" to acquire a second youth.

    Yes, and in the Soviet era, when this oil was not found in the daytime with fire( even Linetol was a terrible deficit), linseed oil was widely known. They treated old trophic ulcers, purulent wounds and burns, treated injured cattle. Muscovites-summer residents specially came to clean linen to get their earned liter of oil in order to deal with atherosclerosis in the winter.

    But in the nineties nothing was heard about linseed oil. The shelves of the supermarkets were already filled with any exotic oils: olive, corn, rapeseed, even coconut. Our same age-old, curative - in short supply. And only now there are publications on this topic and in large cities you can even buy Baloban's healing flaxseed oil( the name of the person who finally established the production of cold pressed linseed oil) in other supermarkets.

    A wide range of medicinal properties of flaxseed oil determines that it contains an essential polyunsaturated fatty acid Omega-3, which stimulates the activity of cells, activates their interaction and renewal in the body. It is this acid, according to the naturopaths in the West, the most valuable and most rare in products, serves as a powerful preventive tool for preventing benign and malignant tumors, actively removes numerous layers of harmful slags.

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    "Russian oil" belongs to the future, says the famous Canadian dietician Robert Kundi. Only the Russians themselves have not yet understood what treasure they own.

    A bit of history

    Flax sowing, just plain, was introduced into the culture in Egypt, on the territory of Georgia( in Colchis) and in some other countries several thousand years before our era. In Colchis there was a very beautiful legend - about the wonderful flowers of flax.

    . .. A young maiden, with long and fluffy, like clouds, hair and sky-blue eyes, fell in love with a beautiful young man. And he fell in love with her passionately. But his hard-hearted father sent him to distant lands in search of fame and fortune. He left, but promised the virgin to return and marry her. For a long time she waited for him, went out on the porch and poured tears. And her wonderful blue eyes faded, and where her tears dripped, she grew flax and blossomed with sky-blue flowers to the color of her eyes. Many years later the young man returned, who had already become a deep old man, and appeared before her. The virgin was afraid that he would see her eyes, which had faded from tears and long expectations, and hid her face in a bouquet of blue flax flowers. And when she raised her head and looked at her lover, he saw that nothing could make time with her marvelous sky-blue eyes - they were still the same. Flax flowers returned her former beauty. ..

    In Russia, flax-dolgunets( one of the types of flax seed) is known since ancient times: during the excavation of a pile settlement on the Moldole River( on the territory of the Vologda region) flax seeds were found which could be grown, andAlso found parts of the spinning wheel and prints of linen cloth on ceramics. And the settlement dates back to the beginning of the second millennium BC!

    In X-XIII centuries flax in Russia was sown everywhere, and Novgorod and Pskov became the centers of both production and trade;by the beginning of the XIX century, flax is one of the most important crops in almost all provinces of the Non-chernozem belt, the European part of Russia.

    And now the culture of flax has not lost its importance. In Russia, Poland, France, Romania, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Germany, Argentina, in other countries of the world, flax culture occupies significant areas under crops.

    Such different fats

    We all have long been accustomed to, that in the press every now and then flashes: "If you want to be healthy, exclude fats from food".That is, fry fat American sticks, fry potatoes on pork squill, just butter butter on a sandwich - not recommended. It has long been firmly established in our consciousness. Women who sit on diets carefully look at the labels so that, God forbid, there is no animal fat in the canned food, butter is bought with minimal fat content.

    Recently there were publications about good and bad fats - and this finally confused everyone. So what is there? Clean butter? Or margarine? Or maybe only vegetable oil, but they say that vegetable oil is both useful and very harmful! Well, let's understand what kind of fats are, and which ones are the most useful and least dangerous.

    Fats come in three types.


    These are mainly animal fats( pork fat - fat, lamb or beef, poultry fat) butter, hydrated fats( ie fats that have undergone special processing - margarines).

    Polyunsaturated, monounsaturated

    These are vegetable fats, which differ only in the structure of the molecules.


    Saturated fats:

    Only one thing can be noted: their structure is rather cumbersome, the fat molecule is a giant structure with several connections. Because of its cumbersomeness and complexity, this molecule requires more lipase for cleavage, and if this enzyme is not produced enough in the body, the fat is deposited in large quantities. But not every organism is able to produce lipase properly, besides, the production of the enzyme usually decreases with age, and rare people can boast of a balanced reaction of the cleavage.

    Perhaps every full woman can enviously recall a girlfriend or a friend who never counted calories and was slender and half-airy.

    But this is a gift from God, when harmony and health is given simply for no reason. The rest have to work. And so you need to know how to eat properly, so that all these bulky molecules are not deposited in fat stores or provoked cholesterol deposits.

    It is saturated fats accuse of all the troubles - they are those carcinogens, that is exactly the impetus that moves the body to all sorts of diseases - from colds to oncology.

    Saturated fats in their natural form are not nearly as dangerous as those that have undergone heat treatment. For example, lard in its pure form, as you know, is a favorite product of Ukrainians, and in the course of history it has hardly undermined their health. Even 200-300 years ago, this nation was known to be the most healthy and cheerful - thanks to the sala Ukrainian women had, of course, a figure far from the current standard of female beauty, but the pleasant roundness pleased the eyes of numerous khans and sultans, and young khokhlushki were the best prey for harems atraids on this long-suffering land.

    Still, squill and fatty borscht harmed them with respect to health, it must be acknowledged that Russians at the same time, having in their food enough scanty food( remember, soup and porridge - our food) were healthier and more enduring. And this is again a testimony from the annals of the Ottoman Empire, where the janichars, who were sent for rich booty to neighboring countries, traders with live goods were punished "prefer slaves with blond hair and eyes, since they are more safe for long journeys and more industrious, andcan also be cheerful at the scantiest nourishment. "

    Carcinogenicity acquires these fats with prolonged heat treatment. In this case, fats react with oxygen, that is, oxidation occurs, and free radicals are released into the body.

    And this is not only a heart pathology such as ischemic heart disease and heart attack, but also a stroke. The Americans calculated that if they replace only 2% of the calories supplied to us by hydrogenated fats, by the useful polyunsaturated fats, the risk of heart disease will be reduced by 53%( !), That is, eliminating the "pinch" of fat from the diet reduces the risk of heart disease by more than half.

    The trails have other sins. Here is one of them: in the fair sex, who do not disdain such fats, breast cancer is more often 40%.But that's not all.

    There are scientific data showing that these fats are supposedly responsible for the following problems:

    of diabetes mellitus

    We are unable to know what doses of trans fats are contained in the products. Nowhere else in the world do manufacturers write on packages that the product contains KHIF.The fat-phantom could be calculated only when a definition of "hydrogenated" or "hydrogenated" was added to it. In civilized countries these words are sometimes found on packages, but in Russia the situation is more complicated. On the labels of our products the nature of fats is often hidden: in the composition often simply indicate "vegetable oils".

    Most lucky Americans who have always been "ahead of the rest of the world" for Nutrition facts. From this autumn, in the United States, the dose of harmful fats in each portion of the product will be indicated on the food packaging within the Nutrition facts tablets. In addition, it will be included in the number of harmful saturated fats.


    There are mono- and polyunsaturated fats.

    These are, as a rule, vegetable fats and they differ in chemical structure: monounsaturated have in their structure no more than one bond, polyunsaturated - a double chain.

    There is one feature that distinguishes these fats: monounsaturated fats are less oxidized, that is, they are not so readily reacting with oxygen.

    What does this mean? And this is a very beneficial property for many housewives - such fats can be safely stored in any containers, without fear of rancidity - this property of almost all unrefined, that is, natural oils. In addition, these oils can be fried and stewed food fearlessly - when heated, they release free radicals less than once in forty than saturated fats, and once in five - than polyunsaturated. That is, monounsaturated fats are the most suitable fats for storing and cooking food. Olive oil, one of the representatives of these fats, has, by the way, such a wide range of positive properties that it, undoubtedly, is considered to be a dietary product.

    Monounsaturated fats

    In addition, scientists report that the intake of monounsaturated fats reduces the content of light lipoproteins( these are bad lipoproteins) and does not affect the content of heavy lipoproteins. The consumption of polyunsaturated fats reduces the content of all lipoproteins.

    Polyunsaturated fats

    The secret to the healing of unsaturated vegetable oils

    The surprising effect of unsaturated oils was known for a long time - olive oil was used in Avicenna's recipes, our healers were treated with linseed oil. But only in the XX century biochemistry opened the secret of the medicinal properties of these oils. It turns out that the doctors are fatty acids.

    Essential fatty unsaturated acids - these are the bricks from which fats are formed in our body. There are two such substances:

    They function as irreplaceable substances for the formation of each cell of the body, and, in addition, promote the removal of toxins from cells.

    Since the body itself does not produce essential fatty unsaturated acids, we must receive them from vegetables, nuts, seeds and seafood, where they naturally accumulate. Omega-3 and Omega-6 are a vital component of our nutrition.

    But there is a paradox - Omega-6 in any product is enough, and Omega-3 is sorely lacking.

    Omega-6 consumption is much higher than Omega-3.And the thing is that this fatty acid is very easily destroyed and in purified refined oils, in which it is not very much, after industrial treatment even its traces disappear. The best source of Omega-3 from vegetable raw materials is flax seeds and oil from them, obtained by cold pressing( at a temperature of no higher than 43 ° C).

    Consumption of Omega-3 and Omega-6 should be in an equal ratio - 1: 1, as it was traditionally in the nutrition of our ancestors, when the spread of chronic diseases, according to historians, was minimal. Today, the ratio of consumed fatty unsaturated acids has a dramatic character - 20-25: 1, in favor of Omega-6 acid. And it is as a result of this distortion that there is an imbalance in the body, which leads to unpredictable consequences, and not because some nutritionists believe that we accumulate the "bad" fatty acid Omega-6.

    But, of course, at this stage, any body needs Omega-3.And exactly in the form in which it is able to reach the body.

    As already mentioned, the record holders for the content of Omega-3 are flaxseed oil and fish oil, also Omega-3 is represented in unsaturated fats - vegetable oils.

    Omega-3 fatty acids in vegetable food( the amount is in grams per 100 g of product)

    High content - germinated wheat oil 6.9, flaxseed oil 53.3

    Average content - soybean oil 6.8, germinated oats1.4

    Which oils are useful

    One thing to remember is one very simple thing: only those oils that are not processed industrially are useful.

    But the fact is that the natural oil is stored badly, quickly oxidizes and rumbles. And it should be kept in the refrigerator, in a bottle of dark glass, since the sun's rays also affect its unique healing properties, and even opening the stopper should not be done often - but this oil is 100% healthy! And only cold pressed oil is able to heal and benefit.

    In Russia before the revolution there was an abundance of all sorts of vegetable oils, which were made on churn by cold pressing - linseed, sunflower, hemp, mustard.

    By the way, a curious fact: in Russia at that time practically did not know what atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases are. Although the diet was meager - potatoes with hemp oil, pea jelly with traditionally flax oil, on holidays - sunflower oil for sauerkraut and salted mushrooms.

    Yes, and the gastrointestinal tract was much stronger on this diet. No wonder, because unsaturated acids serve as a shield against penetration into tissues and blood of rotting products, which are formed in the digestive organs. To maintain the mucous in the normal state, you need at least 15-20 g of flaxseed oil daily.

    Oil is oil - discord

    Prophylactic and curative effect is produced only by vegetable oils obtained by cold pressing at a temperature of no higher than 40-45 ° C - dark, odorous, with a large sediment, so-called unrefined.

    This is a delicious and very useful oil. But he has one significant drawback. Being biologically active, alive, it quickly becomes turbid, growls, bitter, oxidizes in the air, in the light and in the heat. And the richer the oil with vitamin F, the faster it spoils. Therefore, in Europe it is sold in hermetically sealed metal jars. After the jar was opened, it must be kept in the refrigerator and it is desirable to quickly use the product.

    In Russia, unrefined oil is not always bottled in dark bottles, not to mention banks. Packed in transparent containers, it stands on store shelves in the light and quickly loses its useful properties. And about the shelf life of unrefined vegetable oil at the time of purchase speech, unfortunately, does not go at all.

    In general, various refined oils are presented in retail. This is due to the fact that their production is cheaper, it's natural, which is twice less when compacted, and they do not require additional costs for storage and transportation. Refined oils, made by hot treatment at a temperature of 160 to 200 ° C, are devoid of biologically active elements and vitamins and therefore do not deteriorate. They can be stored in light bottles for a long time, they are not afraid of sunlight.

    "But these oils are a dead product, deprived not only of fatty acids, but of other vital components," writes the famous Swiss dietician Kathryn Kuzmina.- Forces from them will not increase, on the contrary, you will be oppressed by weakness and a sense of fatigue. And with constant use, they can seriously undermine health. "-

    Therefore, it is recommended to use refined oil only when frying. In food - in salads, seasonings, side dishes - should go natural unrefined oil.

    Characteristics of unrefined( natural) vegetable oils( oils are listed in order of greatest utility)

    Flaxseed oil

    Wheat germ oil

    Soybean oil

    Pumpkin seed oil

    stomach ulcer

    Olive oil

    pepper to

    Hemp oil

    Sesame oil

    Grape oilbones

    Sunflower oil

    Flax seeds and linseed oil are widely used in folk medicine. This accumulated many centuries of experience. Not only in different countries, regions, localities, but even individual healers have their own prescriptions for the treatment of certain diseases. Therefore, even with the same set of medicinal plants, there are different proportions or methods of preparation of medicines. But since they all passed the test of time, and in addition, a specific person can choose a more suitable recipe for it, sometimes in the book are those and other recommendations - let it not bother you that sometimes the charges do not seem to be different, but payattention to the ratio of components and how to prepare the medicine.

    Flaxseed - laxative, enveloping, emollient, anti-inflammatory, analgesic( seeds and oil).It is used inside with constipation, ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastrointestinal diseases, cough, respiratory tract diseases, bladder, urinary tract, kidney and liver diseases, constipation, hemorrhoids, gout, rheumatism, atherosclerosis, edema. Outer flax seeds and linseed oil are used for burns, sciatica, skin diseases, and also are part of creams, ointments, cosmetic masks, lotions.

    Some general advice

    Any disease can be started to treat if three important conditions are observed, ignoring of which can lead to low effectiveness of treatment - but this is at best, and at worst - to aggravation of the disease.

    The first condition is the diagnosis. The diagnosis should be made by a specialist doctor, sometimes it requires observation and analysis, but all this must be done, since the correct diagnosis is the correct and treatment of the disease.

    The second condition is the accounting of the patient's other diseases, since their presence affects the choice of methods and means of treatment. This applies also to human intolerance to certain medications.

    In this respect, flax and its preparations have practically no contraindications, if taken in its pure form, but if used in collections, it should be taken into account what is included in such fees.

    The effectiveness of treatment can affect the diet, especially if it concerns the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidney diseases. This is the third condition.


    Flax seed is an almost spherical capsule containing 10 seeds. Seeds 3,5-6 mm long, unequal, smooth, from dark brown to pale yellow color.

    In medical practice, both scientific and popular, seeds of flax seed and oil obtained from them are used.

    Both seeds and oil are used inside and outside. This puts high demands on the quality of flaxseed as raw materials. Good seeds slide easily in the hand, sink in water, do not have an unpleasant smell and do not contain weeds. Shiny smooth-colored seeds can be used. Use for medical purposes stale, tarnished, and even more so moldy seeds, even when they are not hot processed!

    Flax seeds contain 30-48% of drying fatty oil, protein substances, 5-12% mucus. Slime is in the surface layer, so when soaking, connecting with water, the seeds give a thick mucus, which is used inside as a laxative and as an enveloping agent for many diseases. In addition, the seeds contain carbohydrates( 12-26%), organic acids, vitamin A and other useful substances.

    Metabolic disorders, cleansing from toxins and toxins

    Flaxseed is used even when it is necessary to cleanse the body of radionuclides, chemical inclusions, allergens and other slags. Therefore, it is so important before cleaning any body to improve the results of treatment.

    • To do this, 1 cup flaxseed to brew 1 liter of boiling water and simmer in a water bath( in boiling water) for 2 hours. Cool down to 40 ° C. Take during the day without restrictions 2 weeks.
    • In case of metabolic disorders, take in the morning and evening a clean flax seed, washed down with water or milk.
    • Cleansing the body of toxins.1 cup of flax seeds pour 3 liters of boiling water and cook over low heat for 2 hours. Infuse for the night. You can not filter. Take 4-5 glasses a day warm for 2 weeks. It is advisable to adhere to this time diet: there are more beets, carrots, parsley, potatoes. Limit meat and animal fats.
    • To remove from the body of radionuclides, toxins, take 1 glass of flax seeds and 3 liters of boiling water. Cook in a water bath for 2 hours. Cool to 40 ° C. Take 1 liter of broth a day for two weeks, starting to drink from 12 o'clock in the morning until morning. After 3 weeks of taking the beginning, take the infusion of oregano: 1 tbsp. Spoon 1 oregano pour 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse for 2 hours. Strain. Take infusion warm for 0.5 cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals. The same prescription is also recommended for cancer.
    • To reduce body weight: take 10 grams of flax seeds, chamomile inflorescences, yarrow herbs, peppermint leaves, 20 grams of cinnamon dog rose, St. John's wort, 25 g of calendula flowers and 50 g of immortelle flowers of sand, 25 gramsstalks with stigmas corn. Collect carefully crush and mix.2 tbsp. Spoon the collection in 0.5 L of boiling water for an hour. Strain. This is a daily dose, taken in 3-4 divided doses.
    • Elderly people prone to obesity are recommended.1 times a week to do warm therapeutic enemas with infusion of plants, alternating them, - flax seeds, leaves of the triple leaf, medicinal sage, camomile chamomile.1 tbsp. Spoon the grass or seeds bring to a boil in 500 ml of water, boil for 1 minute. Cool and filter. The enema temperature is 30-35 ° C, the enema volume is 200-400 ml, the ratio of broth to water is 1: 4.It is desirable to retain fluid in the intestine for 15 minutes, lying alternately on the back, left and right side. To regulate metabolism, it is recommended to take 1 teaspoon of dry flax seeds, washed with water or milk 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening on a daily basis.

    To reduce body weight: take in the writing of 20 ml of linseed oil. Linseed oil contributes in this case to a decrease in appetite, stimulates the center of satiety, which facilitates compliance with the diet. It increases the progress of food and reduces the rate of its absorption through the intestinal membrane.