
Dark brown discharge in girls, women, and the diseases in which they occur

  • Dark brown discharge in girls, women, and the diseases in which they occur

    Often, women do not pay attention to the signals of their body, which indicates the presence of health problems through various symptoms.

    For example, dark brown discharge in women. And they, in turn, can testify to an inflammatory process in the mucosa of the uterine cavity. This is the so-called chronic endometritis. With such a disease, discharge in women appears in the period before and after menstruation, in addition, they have an unpleasant smell.

    In addition, mucus of dark color can appear in the middle of the cycle, and it is accompanied by pains in the lower abdomen. It should be noted that the chronic stage of endometritis is very dangerous for a woman, especially during pregnancy, as it can provoke miscarriage.

    The appearance of a chronic form of endometritis can be affected by the presence of hormonal disorders, a weak immune system, infections that occur with hidden symptoms. In addition, if you do not heal the acute form of this disease, then there may be a chronicle.

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    It should be noted that dark brown discharge from the vagina is not always accompanied by pain, which gives false hope that everything will pass by itself.

    Sometimes dark brown discharge in girls is observed before the onset of menstruation and are of a smearing nature. Such a symptom can speak of the presence of endometrial hyperplasia. What can cause such a disease? First, the violation of the hormonal background of the body, metabolic disorders. Secondly, hypertension. Third, heredity.

    Dark discharge can be a sign of cancer. In more mature age, this disease can be a consequence of performed operations in the genital area, abortion or gynecological problems. You do not have to let things go by themselves, since such discharges can be a consequence of having a polyp in the uterus.

    The least common cause of vaginal discharge with an admixture of blood is vaginal cancer( malignant tumor of the vaginal mucosa).The course of the disease is characterized by the release of a yellow color with an admixture of blood. Every girl and woman should know about this, recently the number of cases of cancer of the cervix has been registered.

    If the dark secretions appear in the first couple of months of taking hormonal-based contraceptives, then this is quite natural. However, when the time for the appearance of secretions increases, it is necessary to replace the means of protection from unwanted pregnancy with others.

    The consequences of dark discharge for pregnant women may be more dangerous. They indicate the detachment of the placenta or fetal egg. Pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness, hypotension, dark brown discharge may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy.

    Brown discharge after sexual intercourse

    There are situations when a woman does not have the necessary amount of lubricant, which causes damage to the mucous membrane of the vagina, and at the same time, brown or pink discharge.

    Those who are just beginning "adult life" can also have brown discharge, which can be present after 3-5 sexual acts.

    If you began to notice that after sex there are always highlights, then it's time to sound an alarm. This can talk about:

    cervical erosion;

    brown discharge without odor

    cervical cancer;


    Do not delay the trip to the doctor, timely treatment will help to avoid problems in the future.

    Video recommendations of gynecologists

    Allocations before monthly:

    What are the associated vaginal discharge:

    Conversation on this topic with Elena Malysheva:

    Allocations for endometriosis: