
How to treat kidney pain - kidney treatment

  • How to treat kidney pain - kidney treatment

    Kidney pain is a serious matter, requiring professional and timely treatment. Before you begin to implement the following methods, consult a nephrologist to not harm your body.

    Causes of pain in the kidney area

    Causes of kidney pain

    Proper treatment is impossible without clarifying the diagnosis. First, you need to determine whether the pain is caused by a kidney disease. Sometimes pains in the kidney area are manifested by diseases of the spine, stretching of the muscles and even PMS.If there is no doubt that the kidneys are hurting, then it is necessary to find out what causes the malaise.

    There may be several:

    • First, the pain can be caused by infectious damage to the tissues of the kidneys and be a consequence of inflammation. An impetus to the development of the disease is hypothermia.
    • Secondly, an attack of acute pain or so-called renal colic can occur as a result of a violation of the outflow of urine. By the way, this is very dangerous, and treatment should not be delayed.
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    • Thirdly, the kidneys often get sore due to a change in their location - a syndrome of the wandering kidney, the omission of the kidneys, the excesses of the ureters.

    Rarely, but it happens that the diagnosis is not an easy task even for doctors, as it is a complex clinical picture. When diagnosing kidney disease, sometimes it is necessary to perform ultrasound, x-ray, biopsy and the use of radionuclide methods. Often, kidney disease is accompanied by a change in color and composition of urine, swelling.

    Treatment of

    An impetus to the development of the inflammatory process in the kidneys often becomes hypothermia, overfatigue. How to treat kidney pain?

    Drug treatment

    Medication If kidney pain is caused by the development of the inflammatory process, then the treatment should be based on the intake of anti-inflammatory drugs. If the patient is disturbed by kidney stones, then anesthetic and anti-inflammatory drugs should be taken.


    Phytotherapy You can try home treatment with the help of traditional medicine. Phytotherapists with kidney pain recommend the reception of several products: decoction of the hips, the infusion of cranberry leaves, bearberry, birch leaves, the root of the althea medicinal. An excellent effect gives the use of radish juice.

    Remember that a patient with renal colic must undergo mandatory hospitalization, as most of the colic is caused by obstruction of the urinary tract and indicates the presence of urolithiasis. The following treatment options should be considered as first aid.

    To remove spasms in the kidneys, you need to immerse yourself in a hot bath for 10, 20 minutes, into which you can add decoctions of sage, oregano, lime, chamomile, birch. The bath so prepared has a soothing effect. Then the patient should be warm for at least two hours. In the absence of edema and heart disease recommended abundant drink, with the purpose of cleaning the blocked duct. Relief will give a warm compress to the lower back, in conjunction with injections of antispasmodic and analgesics.


    Bath Bath treatment is recommended for certain kidney diseases that are in a calm phase. It is based on some effects:

    • normalization of water balance in the body;
    • reduces the burden on the kidneys( excretory function takes over the skin);
    • heating of the diseased organ.

    Surgical method

    It should always be remembered that a rather impressive list of kidney diseases requires surgical intervention, since the diseases are caused by the presence of a foreign body that needs to be removed. Self-medication is not an option.


    Diet for pain in the kidneys

    In the treatment of kidney diseases it is difficult to overestimate the importance of a special diet. In the period of exacerbation, it is expedient to spend two days starving, drinking only two glasses of water a day, sweetened with a hundred grams of sugar. In general, the diet is to limit the amount of water you drink( the daily volume should not exceed 1.5 liters), limiting consumption of salt and meat. It is required to exclude products prepared by smoking and preserving. It is preferable to use only soft water and once a week arrange a day during which either drink a lot or eat foods that have a diuretic effect, for example, cucumbers, watermelons, apples.

    Known is one of the ways of treatment, based only on a diet. With the symptoms of an acute inflammatory process in the kidneys, the patient is cleaned of the stomach, then given to drink tea made from medicinal plants such as mint, sage, raspberry, linden color to cause increased sweating. For the same purpose, after taking the decoction, the patient should go to bed, wrap himself up and, if necessary, be surrounded by bottles of hot water.

    The next five days is a tough diet: two cups of tea and a laxative. After the course of fasting the patient should switch to a dairy diet. At first milk is degreased. As soon as edemas come off, rusks, vegetables and fruits are added to the diet. As the menu is improved, rabbit meat, then pork, and then chicken and beef in order. The use of salt is excluded!

    Keep in mind that renal diseases require compliance with diet, exercise, and doctor's supervision. Almost always the treatment is very long and lasts for several years, and even for the rest of your life.