  • Essential oil of geranium

    Geranium essential oil is obtained from a perennial evergreen shrub - pelargonium pink. It is colorless, greenish or brownish liquid with a pleasant floral scent resembling the aroma of a rose.

    It is grown for obtaining essential oil in Algeria, Morocco, India, Reunion Island, Armenia, Georgia, Tajikistan.

    There are more than 200 species of plants. However, the species that are used as raw material for essential oil can be counted on the fingers. These include: P. graveolens( rose geranium), P. roseum, P. odoratissimum and P. radula. The main areas of cultivation of the flower and oil production are: Reunion, Madagascar, Congo, Egypt and many other North African countries. In Spain, Italy, France and Corsica production is smaller, and in China, India and Russia they cultivate completely different kinds of pelargonium. The best quality oil comes from Reunion, once called the Bourbon Island( the flower is also called the "Geranium of the Bourbon of Reunx").The Egyptian oil is also of excellent quality. The quality of the plant and essential oil largely determine the climate and the soil.

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    In ancient manuscripts, geranium is almost never mentioned. However, in his texts Dioscorides several times refers to the geranium. However, it is not known whether this plant. It is possible that both. And about the oil does not say anywhere - right up to the appearance of Reclaimut's work. By the way, this chemist was the first in 1819 to receive essential oil from the leaves of pelargonium. Later chemist and botanist Demarson conducted research to find out which varieties of geraniums were best cultivated as raw materials for essential oils( for example, pink geranium in France began to grow in 1847).Thanks to these studies, geranium oil was used in aromatherapy.

    Essential Oil

    Description. Oil is obtained from the fragrant green parts of Pelargonium, especially from the leaves. The plant should be freshly cut with unblown flowers. The production of 1 kg of essential oil requires 300-500 kg of raw materials. That's why it's so expensive( although not like rose oil).According to experts, around 300 tons of essential oil are produced every year in the world - a monstrous amount. The lion's share of it is used in the manufacture of perfumes( their main component is oil).The oil is clear and rather colorless, with a slightly greenish tinge. Its aroma is delicious. The smell of oil of pink geranium is similar to the aroma of rose oil - it also contains geraniol and citronellal. That's why geranium oil is often mixed in a more expensive pink.

    Main components: alcohols( terpenic geraniol - approximately 75-80%, borneol, citronellal, linalool, terpineol), esters( acetic, oily and valerian), ketones, phenols( eugenol) and terpenes( fellandren and pinene).

    Essential oil is obtained from whole plants by steam distillation, yield - up to 0.5%.


    For therapeutic purposes

    Geranium oil in aromatherapy is one of the most important places - it is almost a panacea for all diseases. The plant has strengthening, antiseptic and hemostatic properties, promotes wound healing, helps with fatigue, general fatigue and during recovery. It is not contraindicated oil and children, however, the dose should be reduced at least twice.

    It is especially effective in many skin diseases, it also heals cuts and bruises, burns, frostbite, fungal infections, athlete's foot and eczema. Gently apply geranium ointment on cuts and bruises and bandage the treated site with gauze. Do this procedure several times a day, changing the bandage.

    When hemorrhoids, add 1 drop of geranium cream to a small vessel with cold cream or 5 ml of wheat germ oil. Put the ointment on gauze, attach it to the work area and, if possible, leave it there. Repeat the procedure several times a day or with increased pain.

    Aromatherapy with geranium oil is useful for people suffering from hypertension, heart disease and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Like the plant as a whole, this fragrant substance is a good antiseptic, an anti-inflammatory. Its very important property: acting on the nervous system, eliminates anxiety and depression, raises the mood. Stimulates the neuropsychological activity: increases efficiency, attention.

    The aroma of geranium calms children well, making them less moody and aggressive. In cases of hormonal regulation, it restores the balance of hormones: it facilitates the condition of a woman with premenstrual syndrome, painful menstruation, or a pathological course of menopause.

    The essential oil of geranium stimulates lymph circulation and helps to remove toxins from the body, which means it helps well with cellulite. In addition, it helps to cope with the infection, especially the respiratory system.

    The cosmetic action of geranium oil is beneficial for sensitive, damaged, dry skin. It eliminates rash, inflammation, promotes rapid skin regeneration after burns and frostbite. Gives an effect in the treatment of even such complex skin lesions as herpes.

    Effective essential oil of geranium and with varicose veins and hemorrhoids - relieves inflammation, swelling, muscle cramps and reduces pain syndrome.

    Relieves pain in arthritis, rheumatism, neuralgia, spasms of cerebral vessels, improves their tone. Stimulates the liver and pancreas.

    Effective for burns, wounds, fractures, frostbite, dermatoses, stomatitis. Has antifungal and antiparasitic action.

    There is evidence that this aromatic substance reduces the level of sugar in the blood, inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

    Use geranium oil in aromatic lamps, as well as in inhalations, aromatic baths, applications and compresses. Inhalation of oil treats sore throat, and baths with geranium oil help with fractures. Using compresses, corns are removed.

    In ancient times, geraniums were considered to be an exclusively curative remedy for fracture fusion, cancer treatment.

    In aromatherapy, geranium oil is used for internal application( 2 to 3 drops of oil per 1 teaspoon of honey) as a tonic, astringent, antiseptic, antidiabetic, anthelmintic. It is also used for gastritis, intestinal inflammation, nervous overstrain, it regulates blood circulation, metabolism, blood circulation and menstruation.

    Antiseptic properties of geranium oil can be treated with flu, runny nose, cough. Essential oil of geranium improves microcirculation in the heart muscle, eliminates the phenomena of ischemia, tachycardia and sinus arrhythmia.

    Aromatic oil( 5 drops of geranium oil per 10 ml of vegetable oil) is used to treat burns, with eczema, acne, rash and cracked skin, reprtece( apply cotton oil on the cotton swab and lubricate the skin 2 times a day).To treat otitis, you need to put a tampon in your ear impregnated with aromatic oil. Aromatherapy sessions help with depression, overfatigue, nervous tension, a state of fear and some forms of impotence. For these purposes, a mixture of essential oils is recommended: geraniums - 3 drops, sandalwood - 2 drops, ylang-ylang - 1 cap.

    In cosmetology, geranium oil is added to the cream for the care of oily, impure and irritated skin.

    Used to fight against lice, mosquitoes, moths, flies.

    There is information about the anti-cancer properties of geranium oil: it prevents the division of tumor cells.

    Therapeutic aromatization of the room with a special aroma lamp: it takes only 3-5 drops of oil per 15 square meters.m.

    Hot inhalation and steam cleaning of the face: 2-3 drops;the duration of the procedure is 3-4 minutes.

    When otitis should be laid deeper into the diseased ear wool, impregnated with a mixture of geranium oil with transport oil in a proportion of 1: 2.As a transport oil quality vegetable - olive, peach, etc. are used.

    For massage: 5-7 drops of geranium per 5 ml of massage oil.

    For hot and cold compresses: 3-5 drops.

    For the enrichment of creams, masks, tonics, shampoos: 1 drop for 5 g.

    With headache, geranium oil is applied in a pure form to the temporal, occipital, parietal and frontal areas.

    Application for inflamed gums: a mixture of geranium and vegetable oil in a ratio of 1: 4 apply on the gums with a tampon.

    With a slight burn and initial effects of herpes, apply a clean oil to the affected area.

    Remedy for athlete's foot

    Before treatment, take a foot bath: put warm sea water and add 5 drops of geranium oil. Ingredients: mix 15 ml( 1 tablespoon) of soybean oil, 3 drops of oil from wheat sprouts and 10 drops of geranium oil. Stir well and pour into a bottle of dark glass. Handle in the morning and at night, carefully rubbing the ointment into the skin with massaging movements.


    The aroma of geranium raises the tone. Give them air in the room where you study or work late. Drip a few drops of essential oil on a fleece or a piece of folded matter and put it on the work table under the lamp. Take a deep breath from time to time.

    If you are terribly tired and you need to cheer up before starting work( or playing), prepare a mixture of 10 ml( 2 teaspoons) soy and 5 drops of geranium oil. Massaging movements rub it into the whiskey, the back of the neck, the area of ​​the paranasal sinuses, the back of the hands and - clockwise - into the solar plexus. Especially it helps when you came home from work and you do not have time for a good rest, because you again need to somewhere to rush.

    In cooking

    The leaves of the pink geranium give the dish the taste and smell of rose water. However, there are many other varieties of fragrant leaves - leaves of orange, lemon, apple tree and nutmeg. Elizabeth David for smell and taste puts the leaves in the blackberry jelly, and in lemon water - ice. Add fresh or dried leaves to pies and puddings.

    In other industries

    During the trip, geranium oil will save you from insects. And the smell is much nicer than most advertised ointments and creams. Prepare the body oil: 20 ml( 4 teaspoons) of soy and 1 b drops of geranium oil.

    Massaging movements rub the mixture over the body. When biting, apply geranium oil directly to the bitten place. Treat the affected area several times a day until the itching passes.(You can even face, just not close to your eyes.)

    To prevent insects from disturbing you at night, put a cotton wool or a piece of cloth near the bed, after moistening them with a few drops of pure oil.


    Extra grade geranium oil is quite expensive, so it is often diluted with artificial esters, cedar, turpentine or sorghum oil. The expert will not make much effort to determine whether there is an impurity in the oil. However, this is beyond the forces of a simple buyer. Clearly, oils with impurities used for medicinal purposes will not give the proper effect, so be very careful when buying.

    When treating any essential oils, you should follow the precautionary rules: remember about the possible individual intolerance of a certain type of oils, before using to conduct elementary allergens;

    prior to treatment, it is advisable to consult a qualified aromatherapist;

    purchase essential oils only in specialized pharmacies or departments of conventional pharmacies;

    strictly follow the instructions on the package;Do not use

    for a long time;

    should not be used in the first 5 months of pregnancy;Do not take

    concomitantly with birth control pills;

    for children use very carefully, only in a diluted form;Do not use on children under 6 years of age.