  • Useful and medicinal properties of mandarin

    Mandarin is an evergreen subtropical plant of the same kind of citrus family of rutae. The information about its origin is very small at present. Most likely, his homeland is China or Japan. In Europe, it came from South-East Asia only in the XIX century. Europeans first learned about tangerines from the works of Neapolitan Michel Tenor, and in 1840 he brought these trees to Naples. From there, the attractive novelty quickly spread throughout the Mediterranean. But the mandarin trees that grow in our region

    Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, there is still a hundred years. Now the largest mandarin plantations are in the countries of Southern Europe and South America, Japan and China. Mandarin - the most winter-hardy culture of all citrus, so it is so widely bred in the subtropics.

    Ripe mandarin fruits contain up to 10-12% of sugars, organic acids( particularly citric acid), pectic substances, mineral salts, glycosides, essential oils, B vitamins, provitamin A and vitamin P, ascorbic acid and other valuable organic compounds.

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    In 100 g. The pulp of mature mandarin fruit contains 40-50 mg of ascorbic acid - vitamin C. It is fairly well preserved in fruits, so the tangerines remain useful almost until the new harvest. The activity of vitamin C fruits mandarin retain even when frozen. Vitamin C increases the body's defenses, puts a barrier on the path of acute respiratory viral infections. Neutralizing the action of free radicals, it promotes the prevention of cardiovascular and oncological diseases, and also inhibits the aging process.

    Presence of mandarin in fruits of both vitamins C and P favorably affects the condition of connective tissue, increasing the synthesis of collagen in it. As a result, the skin becomes supple and elastic, the condition of the gums improves. So, if you regularly eat mandarins, it helps you not only to slow down the formation of wrinkles, but also serves as an excellent prevention of periodontitis.

    Among the minerals contained in tangerines, potassium and calcium compounds predominate. They are necessary for the normal formation and functioning of bones, teeth and muscle tissue. Therefore, tangerines are especially useful for fluid retention in the body, with muscle cramps.

    Phytoncids of mandarin juice cause its antimicrobial effect. This makes it possible to use its fruits as a medicine for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. They help to normalize digestion, regulate peristalsis in intestinal disorders. The activity of phytoncides of fresh mandarin juice is very high: it is capable of killing even some fungi that cause serious skin diseases( for example, trichophytosis and microsporia, which can be rewarded with ringworm).In addition, the juice of this citrus is also used as an anthelmintic.

    Do not forget about such valuable medicinal raw materials as the peel of mandarins. Therapists note its expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect, as well as the ability to increase appetite. Infusions and decoctions of dried mandarin peel on water in a ratio of 1:10 drink to soften the cough, with tracheitis and bronchitis.

    Tangerines and carotenes are rich, for example, beta-carotene. Carotenes are plant pigments, when they enter the body with food, vitamin A is formed from them. Especially a lot of beta-carotene in the rind of the fruit - it is useful to eat both fresh and candied, add to cottage cheese, puddings, baked goods. Beta-carotene is not only a "precursor" of vitamin A in the body, but also regulates cellular immunity( that is, it serves as an immunomodulator).We are now studying the ability of mandarin to inhibit the development of cardiovascular and cancerous diseases, as well as its ability to protect our body from harmful radiation.

    In addition, the mandarin crust contains essential oil. Its complex composition includes citral, aldehydes, bitter glycoside hesperidin( remember the legendary gardens of the Hesperides!), Spirits. Aromatherapists recommend inhaling this oil for nervous disorders, sleep disorders, migraines. It is possible with the same purpose to prepare and tea from mandarin crust ( from calculation of 2 teaspoons of the crushed peel on a glass of boiled water).

    Water and alcohol infusions of the skin excite appetite, exert an expectorant effect, and also exhibit a hypoglycemic effect - this allows them to be used in the treatment of patients with diabetes.

    From tangerines cook compotes, jam, marmalade, jelly. Flour from the peel is added as a vitamin product in pastries.

    The fruits of mandarin is a valuable dietary product. Their use, especially in winter, helps to increase the resistance of the body against various diseases, they have the ability to increase appetite, improve metabolic processes. Mandarin peel( zedra) is used to aromatize various drugs as a substitute for lemon or orange peel.

    Fruits and fruit juice - an effective antiscorbutic and fungicidal( antifungal) agent. In folk medicine, alcoholic tincture from the rind of fruits is popular for improving appetite and digestion, removing inflammatory processes in the bronchi and upper respiratory tract, alleviating coughing.

    Chinese folk medicine uses tincture of peel, water her infusion or broth for coughing, bronchitis, nausea, and also as a gastric substance that helps to improve digestion.

    Mandarin Oil. Eliminates premature wrinkles, stretch marks. You can apply for massage with avocado oil: 20 g of avocado oil + 5 drops of mandarin oil. Removes inflammation in the bronchi, softens the cough. It is part of the male and female sensual mixtures. Methods of application: 20 drops per day with water half an hour before meals inside;baths - 5-6 drops;massage - 3-4 drops per 10 g of transport oil.

    Did you know that 7 drops of mandarin essential oil, diluted in a dessert spoon of vegetable oil, is one of the most effective preventive measures for sagging skin. The sooner you start this procedure( after thirty already long overdue), the more chances you have for a long time to keep the blossoming look. More information about the benefits of essential oil, see here.

    Mandarin peel helps in the absence of appetite and sluggish digestion.2 tablespoons chopped fresh peel, pour 250 ml of vodka and insist in hermetically sealed dishes, daily shaking. In a week, strain. Take tincture of 20-25 drops three times a day for half an hour before meals. This medicine is indicated for tracheitis and pneumonia.

    In bronchitis, this decoction is useful: 2 tablespoons of chopped mandarin peel, pour 300 ml of water, cook for half an hour, cool and strain. This amount of medicine is calculated for one day. Do you intend only to fall ill? Know that for the prevention of colds there is nothing better than tangerine juice with the addition of a teaspoon of white wine. This tool also helps with insomnia.

    Is your problem - mastitis? Mix 100 g crushed tangerine peel and 20 g licorice root, pour two glasses of water, simmer for half an hour, strain. This amount of broth should be drunk in two meals - in the morning and in the evening. Relief will come in 3-4 days.

    The mandarin is also useful in the case of "beautifying beauty." Mix one teaspoon of dried peel, sour cream and yolk, apply on face and neck for 20 minutes, 15-20 such masks - and you simply will not recognize yourself: a beautiful complexion and

    Mandarins are eaten fresh, they make compotes, jams, marmalade, etc. A delicious treat is dried mandarins

    With tangerines, prepare fruit salads, add them to salads with carrots and nuts, and add flour to the bakery products.

    Salad "Padishah"

    2 servings

    2-3 apples, 3 mandarins, 100 g prunes, 3/4 cups of mayonnaise, 3/4 cup sour cream, 10 grams of powdered sugar

    Peel the apples from the peel and seeds, cut into strips, cut the mandarins into slices.in broth, free from seeds and cut into pieces Mix the apples, tangerines and prunes, fill with a mixture of sour cream and mayonnaise Salad sprinkle with powdered sugar

    Carrot salad with tangerines

    1 carrot, 3 tangerines, a teaspoon of powdered sugar, juice half a lemon.

    1. Raw carrots are mine, clean and rub on a large grater.

    2. Tangerines are peeled from the skin and film and mixed with carrots.

    3. Powder mix in freshly squeezed lemon juice.

    4. We fill the salad and powder it from above for beauty.

    5. We serve chilled.


    The first way. Peeled mandarins are divided into lobules, they are removed from them with white fibers, transferred to cans, poured with syrup( per 1 liter of water, 300 g of sugar).Then at 85 ° C, liter cans were heated for 15 minutes.

    The second way. Smaller tangerines are peeled off, white fibers are removed, blanched in boiling water for 2 minutes with immediate cooling. Stacked in cans and poured hot syrup( per 1 liter of water - 300 grams of sugar);at 85 ° C warm up: liter cans - 15, two-liter - 20 minutes.

    Jam. On the jam take whole undamaged fruit, they stand for two days in cold water, changing water 2-3 times a day. Then boil in boiling water for 10 minutes, each fruit is pierced in several places or cut in half and lowered into boiling syrup( for 1 kg of tangerines - 1.2 kg of sugar and two glasses of water), give a boil, remove from heat, stand 5-6hours, then put on the fire, cook in three meals with a stand between cooks for 10-12 hours. At the end of cooking add 3 ^ 4 g of citric acid.

    Mandarins are used for the production of fruit waters and in alcoholic beverages. Mandarin juice, containing valuable pulp, is not only a refreshing, but also a diet drink.