
Useful and medicinal properties of Chinese magnolia vine

  • Useful and medicinal properties of Chinese magnolia vine

    Description. Perennial ligneous family of lemongrass( Schisandraceae).Stalk curly, cord-prominent, up to 8 m long and about 1.8 cm thick. Leaves regular, oval, pointed, entire, slightly pubescent below. Flowers are dioecious, monoecious;occasionally there are bisexuals, with indistinctly expressed stamens or pistils, white, with a pleasant smell, are located on long pedicels and collected in a brush of 10 pieces. The berries are bright red, one-seeded, juicy, globular. The mass of 1000 seeds is 1.52 g. It blooms in May-June. Fruits co-mature in September-October.

    Medicinal raw materials: ripe fruits and seeds.

    Biological features. Seeds of magnolia vine differ in a long period of rest. Seed-seeded non-seeded seeds produce seedlings only in the second or third year of the crop. On sites that are not protected from the

    true cold winds, Chinese magnolia vine freezes. This culture is moisture-loving and grows poorly in arid conditions.

    Distribution. Occurs in the Far East - from Khabarovsk to Vladivostok, less often on. Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. It grows on mountain slopes in cedar and broadleaf forests, in river valleys, in the shade of cliffs and cliffs, on well drained, fertile soils. Lemongrass is promising for introduction to culture in the southern regions of the Far East. It was introduced into the production culture in the Krasnodar Territory, the Moscow Region, Belarus and Ukraine.

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    Chemical composition. In the magnolia vine fruit contains organic acids: lemon - about 11-12%, apple 7-8% and wine - about 1%, lignins, flavonoids, saponins, anthraquinones, vitamin C, tannins and sugars, and in seeds - fattyand essential oils.

    Application. Schisandra is a good remedy that stimulates and tones the central nervous system. Preparations made from its fruits and seeds, facilitate breathing, lower blood pressure, increase work capacity, stimulate visual acuity, reduce fatigue and drowsiness. Fruits are prepared with fruit drinks, syrups, candies, etc.

    Agrotechnics of cultivation. Site selection. Under the plantation of Schizandra, you should divert plots among forest and fruit trees, protected from cold and drying winds. The most suitable are fertile, loose and well aerated soils.

    Soil treatment. The soil in beds for growing seedlings should be kept until the sowing in a loose and clean condition from weeds.

    The site designated for transplantation of two- and four-year seedlings, immediately after fertilization, should be plowed to a depth of at least 30 cm with simultaneous harrowing.

    Application of fertilizers. When preparing the soil, up to 80 tons per hectare of manure or compost and fertilizers of ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride( 1.5 centners / ha) and superphosphate( 3-4 centners / ha) are introduced into the beds of the nursery for the cultivation of seedlings. When seedlings are planted, 60 tons per hectare of manure, 1.5-2.0 centner / hectare of ammonium nitrate, 1.5 centners / hectare of potassium chloride and 3-4 centners / hectare of superphosphate are placed on a permanent place.

    Reproduction. The main way of reproduction of Schizandra is direct seeding in the soil in the spring by stratified seeds or sowing under winter with freshly harvested seeds. In addition, Schizandra can be propagated in a vegetative way: green stem cuttings, layers, cuttings of accessory roots and root shoots.

    Seeds are sown in the nursery on pre-prepared beds in rows with rows between 15-20 cm at the rate of 15-25 g per 1 m2 with a depth of 1.5-3.0 cm depending on the soil;the depth of seeding of the subzimney seed is 1 cm.

    One-year-old and two-year-old seedlings grown in the nursery are planted in a permanent place in spring or autumn. Planting is done at a feeding area of ​​1.00x0.50 m. It is recommended to grow lemon grass as a trellis culture;for this purpose, on wires of height 3.0-3.5 m, wire is drawn and the seedlings are planted in two rows on either side of the trellis.

    As a result of experiments conducted at the Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, it was established that sowing of lemongrass under winter accelerates the germination of seeds and improves their germination in comparison with the spring sowing period. Green cuttings root well( by 90%), and seedlings grown from seeds do not tolerate transplantation to a permanent place.

    Care of plantations. During the cultivation of seedlings in the beds, periodic loosening of the soil, weeding and watering are carried out as necessary. In more northern regions, the beds are warmed for the winter with dry leaves, straw or peat. The first time after the seedlings are planted permanently, they should be well watered until they fully adhere. Along with the cultivation of Schisandra in the culture of EGO, the fruits are harvested in natural conditions.

    Harvesting. For medicinal purposes, only ripe fruits and seeds of magnolia vine are harvested during their full ripening, which usually happens in the second half of September. In this case, the whole brushes are cut or cut off. Before drying, the latter are picked and removed leaves, branches and other impurities.

    In addition, fresh fruits of magnolia vine are also used, from which juice is extracted, used by fruit water plants and distilleries. The collected fruits are placed in special cylinders or wooden barrels and pressed on the presses. The wrists are thoroughly wiped and washed with water to separate the peel from the seeds. After that, the seeds are dried at a low temperature, and the organic and mineral impurities are removed.

    Packing. Fruits are packaged in tissue bags of 50 kg, and seeds of 20.25 and 45 kg.

    Storage. Both fruits and seeds are stored in bags on racks in well-ventilated rooms.

    Quality requirements. Ready-made raw materials must meet the requirements of GF-XI( FS-8, pp. 373-374) seeds and GF-X( FS-294, p. 319) fruits.

    Seed growing. To obtain seeds in late autumn in the period of full maturity, the best fruits are selected, the seeds are released from the pulp, washed and dried. The moisture content of the seeds should not exceed 12%.