  • Hairstyle of ponytail: many different options with photos

    Hairstyle of a ponytail: a fresh look at the ordinary image of

    All ingenious is simple. No matter how trivial this cliche, but it is the best way to characterize this female beauty tool. Hairstyle ponytail is popular among fashionistas( and sometimes even among fashionistas) of all ages, adherents of any styles. However, in some people this name is associated with a boring spectacle. Dethrone this stereotype and get acquainted with dozens of varieties of this popular hairstyle.

    To begin with - the basics of

    For sure, every second inhabitant of planet Earth wore a ponytail at least once in a lifetime. But still let's pay attention to how to do this hairstyle. Its classical version is done in just two minutes. You need to comb your hair thoroughly, then comb it back from the forehead, collect them together at the level where you planned your tail, and tie them together with an elastic band. Then from the hair in the tail it is necessary to separate one strand and wind it around the base of the tail. The remaining tip is hidden and secured with invisibility. The wider the strand you take, the higher the tail will be. That's all. Hairstyle is ready.

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    You can pre-straighten hair with ironing. Then you will get a more rigorous and geometric hairstyle drawing.

    And you can, on the contrary, curl your hair with electric tools that will add to your image romanticism.

    Add a variety of

    For the evening out, you can complicate the hairstyle. For this, it can be done with a fleece. The technology of the hairstyle is this: gather the hair in two tails. One at the top, with less hair. The second is slightly lower, it should be collected the bulk of the hair. Take the upper tail, disassemble it and make a thick coat at the roots. Then reassemble the tail and fasten it with an elastic band. The final step is to connect both tails in place of the top. It turns out that such a magnificent hairdo. If you do not comb your hair before starting, it will only help you.

    Another way to diversify the ponytail is to make it with elements of weaving. For example, as on this photo with detailed instructions.

    The variations of the ponytail combined with the braids are very numerous. Take at least those dazzling hairstyles that adorn the Hollywood stars on secular get-togethers.

    Luxurious image of

    Create a thrilling, seductive image of a femme fatale will help a high pony tail. In this case, the hair must be moistened first, from the roots for a length of about 10-15 cm, apply a product that increases the volume, and then dry it with a hair dryer. After this, you need to make a small haircut at the very roots of the hair and thick - at some distance. That is, so that the desired volume is obtained just above the rubber band that holds the tail together. Next, you need to fix the tail, bind the hair with an elastic band and disguise it with a string of hair, as already described above. The image can be finished with decorative hairpins, rhinestones or diadem.

    Versatile version of

    Often the same hairstyle is equally relevant both in the office and on the fashion show. This can be said about the pony tail. It is suitable for any place, for any occasion. It is suitable for almost everyone. But still there are some limitations. About them it is worth mentioning. Do not belong to those who are wearing a ponytail, a woman with a pointed or elongated face. They will not look very profitable in this image, since the features of their face such a hairstyle will draw even more. You also need to refrain from it if you have very protruding ears or sparse hair. But on this list of restrictions ends. Even on not very long hair you can make a beautiful tail.

    This hairstyle also looks great with a bang, as well as without it.

    Learn more from the video clips below.

    All ingenious is simple. No matter how trivial this cliche, but it is the best way to characterize this female beauty tool. Hairstyle ponytail is popular among fashionistas( and sometimes even among fashionistas) of all ages, adherents of any styles. However, in some people this name is associated with a boring spectacle. Dethrone this stereotype and get acquainted with dozens of varieties of this popular hairstyle.

    To get started - the basics of

    For sure, every second inhabitant of the planet Earth at least once in life wore a ponytail. But still let's pay attention to how to do this hairstyle. Its classical version is done in just two minutes. You need to comb your hair thoroughly, then comb it back from the forehead, collect them together at the level where you planned your tail, and tie them together with an elastic band. Then from the hair in the tail it is necessary to separate one strand and wind it around the base of the tail. The remaining tip is hidden and secured with invisibility. The wider the strand you take, the higher the tail will be. That's all. Hairstyle is ready.

    You can pre-straighten hair with ironing. Then you will get a more rigorous and geometric hairstyle drawing.

    And you can, on the contrary, curl your hair with electric fryers, which adds to your image of romance.

    Add a variety of

    For an evening out, you can complicate the hairstyle. For this, it can be done with a fleece. The technology of the hairstyle is this: gather the hair in two tails. One at the top, with less hair. The second is slightly lower, it should be collected the bulk of the hair. Take the upper tail, disassemble it and make a thick coat at the roots. Then reassemble the tail and fasten it with an elastic band. The final step is to connect both tails in place of the top. It turns out that such a magnificent hairdo. If you do not comb your hair before starting, it will only be to your advantage.

    Another way to diversify the ponytail is to make it with elements of weaving. For example, as on this photo with detailed instructions.

    Variations of the horse tail, combined with braids, very much. Take at least those dazzling hairstyles that adorn the Hollywood stars on secular get-togethers.

    Luxurious image of

    Creating a thrilling, seductive image of a femme fatale will help a high pony tail. In this case, the hair must be moistened first, from the roots for a length of about 10-15 cm, apply a product that increases the volume, and then dry it with a hair dryer. After this, you need to make a small haircut at the very roots of the hair and thick - at some distance. That is, so that the desired volume is obtained just above the rubber band that holds the tail together. Next, you need to fix the tail, bind the hair with an elastic band and disguise it with a string of hair, as already described above. The image can be finished with decorative hairpins, rhinestones or diadem.

    Versatile version of

    Often the same hairstyle is equally relevant both in the office and on the fashion show. This can be said about the pony tail. It is suitable for any place, for any occasion. It is suitable for almost everyone. But still there are some limitations. About them it is worth mentioning. Do not belong to those who are wearing a ponytail, a woman with a pointed or elongated face. They will not look very profitable in this image, since the features of their face such a hairstyle will draw even more. You also need to refrain from it if you have very protruding ears or sparse hair. But on this list of restrictions ends. Even on not very long hair you can make a beautiful tail.

    This hairstyle also looks great with a bang, as well as without it.

    Learn more from the video clips below.