  • Hair styling at home: master classes from leading stylists

    After cutting and styling in the hairdresser's hair, the hair looks so attractive that every woman feels like a queen. But after a few days the styling loses its shape, and after washing the head completely disappears. Therefore, styling at home is a must for all girls who want to be beauties. For proper styling just need to know a few secrets, and your hair will always be elegant.

    Regular visit to the hairdresser - the basis of beautiful styling

    The main secret of beautiful styling on medium length hair is to regularly update the overgrown haircut in the hairdresser. After washing, the hair must be dried. It is advisable to do this in a natural way. But if you use a hair dryer, it is recommended to choose a slightly warm temperature regime.

    Short hair styling

    It's easiest to do styling on short hair. It is enough to give them a volume diffuser. Young and daring owners of very short hair like the stitching of the hedgehog. For business meetings and office, the installation with side parting is suitable. Curly hair should not be cut too short, it will not be possible to lay them.

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    How to create curly locks on long hair

    Long hair is best suited for curlers. Only they will be able to keep the curls and volume at the roots long enough. Hair, twisted with a curling iron, will quickly become straight again under their own weight.

    It's quite easy to make a curling hair styling. The fact is that curly hair keeps the volume on their own. They do not need to be wound. It is enough to fill the air evenly with a diffuser, shape it with a round brush and fix it with varnish. Create a beautiful styling on any type of hair will help video.

    Hair mask based on medicinal herbs

    Giving hair shine and making them obedient will help natural remedies based on herbs. It can be done at home. Boil a decoction of medicinal herbs and freeze it. Draw an ice cube over your hair. Under the influence of cold, the scales covering them will be closed, the hair will become shiny and obedient.

    Features of working with thin hair

    For laying fine hair, you need to purchase special care for this type of strands. Otherwise, the strands will become stiff, dry and brittle, and frequent use of wax and varnish will make them fat and sticky. Instead of wax and mousse, you need to use foam or spray. Change the part of the parting, this will give your hair volume at the roots.

    Master class for the evening laying of long hair Astra

    We offer you a master class of styling for long hair.

    You will need:

    • comb with frequent teeth;
    • hairpins;
    • clamps;
    • ironing or curling iron;
    • varnish.

    Step 1. Wash and dry hair.

    Step 2. Separate the hair on the vertex and clip them with hairpins so as not to interfere.

    Step 3. Separate two temporal locks and fix them with clamps.

    Step 4. The hair of the occipital zone, thread thin strands on an iron or curling iron.

    Step 5. Separate the previously part of the hair lightly brush at the roots to give volume and screw.

    Step 6. Beautifully lay your hair with your fingers and fix it with lacquer.

    Lush curls: how to lay them

    It is very difficult to make a styling for curly hair. Curls look original and charming, to have them seeks most women. However, such hair is very vulnerable due to its curved structure. Curls quickly zhirneyut at the roots and split at the tips, so they need to be carefully taken care of.

    Strongly not recommended to the owners of luxurious curls to dry hair with a hairdryer. It is best to dry the curled hair a little with a curling iron. If you still want to use a hairdryer, you need to buy a hairdryer with ionization function. This will save and strengthen the hair. It is advisable to use a comb with wide teeth.

    Styling products are necessary for styling. You should always give preference to the products of famous brands, and then your hair will always look chic.

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