  • Hairstyles of the 90s: photos of women's and men's haircuts

    Stylish hairstyles of the 90s: photos of various images of this time

    The nineties are the most crucial time in the history of the entire Soviet space. The huge flow of information that broke into the young heads changed forever and shocked their view of the entire surrounding world.

    Only in these years it was possible to see the male gender, dressed in a business suit and athletic shoes at the same time. Only in the 90 years in Russia in clubs went to sports suits, and only then everyone learned that a perm - this, however, is not the only way to mock your own hair.

    Hairstyles in the style of the nineties have a mixture of all possible styles, colors, different knick-knacks and to some extent bad taste. The main goal for the younger generation of that time was to stand out. The brighter your outfit and hairdress, the more envy of contemporaries flared up, and also the wild shock of the grandmothers living in your entrance. In those days, especially popular were the beginnings.

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    Then there were only magazines that were brought from abroad and passed on hand. They were considered the most expensive thing and tried even to redraw. Magazines were taken at night to read, they tried to copy haircuts and clothes. At that time professional stylists and various items of piling did not yet exist, as now, so I had to use improvised means. Everybody tried very hard, but, of course, not everyone succeeded.

    We present to you the hairstyles of the 90s: photos of various images of this time that have taken a great place in the history of fashion.

    Women's hairstyles of the 90s

    Fashionable women's haircuts in the nineties were quite magnificent. They were strong pinnacles, smooth and even haircut that the ladies, who were versed in business, preferred, as well as horse tails, which usually did not interfere with aerobics classes.

    Curvy hair

    Perm - this is probably the most popular and common at that time type of hair. It was usually raised high up, and the bangs were perfectly even and exposed in a semicircle.

    Perm, of course, very badly spoiled hair, so not everyone dared to do it every day. Then the lush strong beginnings entered the fashion. It was possible to make out the beginnings both on a bang and on the whole head. The first sometimes even sheared not in hairdressing salons, but independently. Often it was discolored.

    Beautiful curls

    Hairstyle beautiful curls never go out of fashion. In the tumultuous 90s, surprisingly, women wanted to look very romantic, so they wore such locks on both medium and even short hair. They, of course, were very lush and voluminous, usually with a side part and a straight bang.

    Female haircut "Nest"

    Hairstyle "Nest" was usually done on the basis of a hairpiece. Long hair does not need improvised tools. For short hair, overhead strands are used. The main thing is to make a tail, then put a chignon on it, wrapping it with locks. Prjadki are fixed by means of hairpins. Thus, you can create a very voluminous and high hair.

    In addition, you can decorate with various wide multi-colored hairpins. And also you can decorate the tail with bandages, bows with paillettes. They did it every day, and on a holiday. And the younger generation added various woven shoelaces to their loose hair, which helped create an image of a hippy.

    On how to make your own hairdresses in the style of the 90's, you will learn in the following videos.

    Male hairstyles from the '90s

    Men also had their idols. The bravest shaved different strips, patterns and even inscriptions on their heads. Fans of hip-hop discolored their hair. For example, the ideal for them was Eminem - a dyed blond.


    Adult men look great men's haircuts with elongated bangs, which are usually called the hairstyle "Caesar".Another popular trend for men is thick and long whiskey.

    On how to make men's hairstyle in the style of the 90's, you will learn in the following videos.

    The nineties are the most crucial time in the history of the entire Soviet space. The huge flow of information that broke into the young heads changed forever and shocked their view of the entire surrounding world.

    Only in these years it was possible to see the male gender, dressed in a business suit and athletic shoes at the same time. Only in the 90 years in Russia in clubs went to sports suits, and only then everyone learned that a perm - this, however, is not the only way to mock your own hair.

    Hairstyles in the style of the nineties have a mixture of all possible styles, colors, different knick-knacks and to some extent bad taste. The main goal for the younger generation of that time was to stand out. The brighter your outfit and hairdress, the more envy of contemporaries flared up, as well as the wild shock of the grandmothers living in your entrance. In those days, especially popular were the beginnings.

    Then there were only magazines that were brought from abroad and passed on hand. They were considered the most expensive thing and tried even to redraw. Magazines were taken at night to read, they tried to copy haircuts and clothes. At that time professional stylists and various items of piling did not yet exist, as now, so I had to use improvised means. Everybody tried very hard, but, of course, not everyone succeeded.

    We present to you the hairstyles of the 90s: photos of various images of this time that have taken a great place in the history of fashion.

    Female hairstyles of the 90s

    Fashionable women's haircuts in the nineties were quite magnificent. They were strong pinnacles, smooth and even haircut that the ladies, who were versed in business, preferred, as well as horse tails, which usually did not interfere with aerobics classes.

    Curly hair

    Perm - this is probably the most popular and common at that time kind of hairstyle. It was usually raised high up, and the bangs were perfectly even and exposed in a semicircle.

    Perm, of course, very badly damaged hair, so not everyone dared to do it every day. Then the lush strong beginnings entered the fashion. It was possible to make out the beginnings both on a bang and on the whole head. The first sometimes even sheared not in hairdressing salons, but independently. Often it was discolored.

    Beautiful curls

    The hair of beautiful curls will never go out of fashion. In the tumultuous 90s, surprisingly, women wanted to look very romantic, so they wore such locks on both medium and even short hair. They, of course, were very lush and voluminous, usually with a side part and a straight bang.

    Female haircut "Nest"

    Hairstyle "Nest" was usually done on the basis of a hairpiece. Long hair does not need improvised tools. For short hair, overhead strands are used. The main thing is to make a tail, then put a chignon on it, wrapping it with locks. Prjadki are fixed by means of hairpins. Thus, you can create a very voluminous and high hair.

    In addition, you can decorate with various wide multi-colored hairpins. And also you can decorate the tail with bandages, bows with paillettes. They did it every day, and on a holiday. And the younger generation added various woven shoelaces to their loose hair, which helped create an image of a hippy.

    On how to make your own hairdresses in the style of the 90's, you will learn in the following videos.

    Men's hairstyles come from the 90s.

    Men also had their idols. The bravest shaved different strips, patterns and even inscriptions on their heads. Fans of hip-hop discolored their hair. For example, the ideal for them was Eminem - a dyed blond.


    Adult men look great men's haircuts with elongated bangs, which are usually called the hairdo "Caesar".Another popular trend for men is thick and long whiskey.

    On how to make men's hairstyle in the style of the 90's, you will learn in the following videos.