
Useful and medicinal properties of the blood-groove of the medicinal

  • Useful and medicinal properties of the blood-groove of the medicinal

    Perennial herbaceous plant up to 1 m high. The root is powerful, developing a root rosette of leaves and, for the most part, a single stem. Stems erect, ribbed, hollow inside. Basal leaves long-petioled with numerous( 7-25) leaves, often with stipules. Flowers are dark red in ovoid or short-cylindrical heads on long pedicels. Blossoms from June to September.

    Grows on the flooded meadows, cliffs, in thickets of bushes, along the banks of swamps and rivers. In northern regions of Russia the plant is rare.

    Medicinal raw materials are rhizomes with roots up to 20 cm long, collected during the wilting season - in September;in folk medicine using

    rhizomes with roots are harvested, collected from the time of flowering plants until the fall. The smell of raw materials is weak, the taste is astringent. Collected, purified from the ground, washed in cold water rhizomes dry in the air. The final drying is done in ovens. Finished raw materials are brittle, dark brown, fractured yellow. Roots and rhizomes of the bug are rich in tannic substances, their roots contain up to 17%, in the rhizome - 12-13%, in root inflows up to 23.6%.Underground parts of the plant also contain starch( 29%), calcium oxalic acid( 3%), colorants, vitamins C and A, phytoncides, traces of essential oil, gallic and ellagic acids. Roots of the hemorrhage, in addition, contain 2.5-3% of saponin-sangwisorbine. Leaves contain ascorbic acid, essential oil.

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    As a medicinal plant, the bloodlet has been known since antiquity. It is widely used and now in many countries as an astringent, analgesic and hemostatic.

    It is established that the decoction from the root of the plant harvested in the autumn has a bactericidal effect against the microbes of the dysenteric and typhoparathyphoid groups. Decoctions from the roots of the autumn harvest kill the typhoid and paratyphoid groups of microbes for 15 minutes, and the dysentery bacteria for 5 minutes.

    Decoction from the roots has the property of inhibiting intestinal motility. Extract from the roots, applied externally, acts anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictive.

    It is indicated the medicinal value of the blood groove as an astringent, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and analgesic in the treatment of acute enteritis, gastrogenic and toxic diarrhea, especially in children, intestinal catarrhs, in the complex of treatment of patients with cholecystitis.

    In scientific medicine the buglet is successfully used in the treatment of acute enterocolitis, dysentery in case of intolerance to sulfa drugs.

    Bloodbath is also used as a hemostatic for various bleedings - pulmonary, gastric, intestinal, hemorrhoidal, uterine, bloody vomiting, bloody diarrhea. It is prescribed for hypertension, tidal flow of blood to the head. The anti-inflammatory properties of the hemorrhage allow it to be applied externally with venous inflammation and the treatment of burns.

    In recent years, blood-grooming preparations have found application in the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis and trichomonas colpitis.

    In folk medicine the bloodlet is used more widely as a decoction and liquid extract for headaches, throat diseases, hemoptysis, pulmonary tuberculosis, with all significant disorders of the functional activity of the gastrointestinal tract: enterocolitis, diarrhea, as hemostatic in gastrointestinal, uterine andhepatic bleeding.

    It is recommended to use the preparations from the hemorrhage with inflammation of the mucous membranes( mouth, nose, etc.), especially with bacterial: trichomonas inflammation of the vagina, sore throat, etc., in the form of rinses;10-minute baths from infusion take with hemorrhoids.

    Application of

    Tincture: 20 g per 200 ml;1 tbsp.spoon 5-6 times a day with pulmonary hemorrhage.

    Decoction from the roots of the bite can be prepared at home: 1 tbsp.spoon of chopped roots pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 30 minutes, then allow to cool, filter and take 1 tbsp.spoon 5-6 times a day.

    30% extract or thickened broth: 50 drops or 1 tbsp.spoon 3-4 times a day.