
Useful and medicinal properties of the motherwort and fibula of the five-lobed

  • Useful and medicinal properties of the motherwort and fibula of the five-lobed

    Mammary gland is a perennial herbaceous plant up to 60-150 cm in height. Stem quadrangular, straight, slightly branching. Leaves opposite, petiolate, 3-5-lobed, large-toothed along margin, with glandular fibers on both sides. Flowers pink, small, collected in whorls. Fruit - 4 dark brown rough nuts. Blossoms from June to September.

    Distributed in the southeast in all areas. It grows in floodplains of rivers, along bushes, deposits and littered places, along wastelands, near roads.

    In the southeast, a close view is growing - the motherwort is five-tympanous. It is also used as a medicinal plant.

    Medicinal raw materials are leaves and grass collected during flowering and dried in shade or in dryers. Shelf life 3 years. The smell of raw materials is weak, the taste is bitter.

    It is established that the plant is non-toxic, its preparations have a calming effect on the central nervous system, slow down the rhythm of the heart, increase the strength of heartbeats and lower blood pressure;have hypotensive and sedative properties.

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    It is used as a sedative, replacing valerian and more effective.

    In practical medicine, motherwort preparations are used as substitutes for valerian. They are used as a means regulating the functional state of the central nervous system, as calming in cardio-neuroses.

    Infusion of leaves and flowering tops is also used for cardiovascular neurosis, hypertension, angina pectoris, cardiosclerosis, myocarditis, heart diseases, Graves' disease, impotence, as heart sedative, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and also regulates the functional activity of the gastrointestinaltract.

    It was found that under the influence of the motherwort extract in patients with myocardiopathy, dyspnea decreased, and in patients with essential hypertension blood pressure was lowered, and motherwort is useful in convulsions.

    Outer leaves are used from asthma, the leaves, together with odorous dill, are applied to the breast.

    Application of

    Decoction: 20 g per 200 ml;for 1-2 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.

    Broth 1: 1h.spoon on a glass of water, brew like tea. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day( soothing and spasmolytic).

    Broth 2: 1 tbsp.spoon on a glass of water to brew like tea, take( you can with sugar) 1/2 cup 3 times a day( carminative, spasmolytic).

    Tincture 30%: 30-40 drops or 20-30 drops 3 times a day.

    Fresh juice: 30-40 drops per 1 tbsp.a spoonful of water 3 times

    per day( with Graves' disease and impotence).

    Note. For the winter fresh juice from the herb of the motherwort can be preserved: juice - 2 parts, alcohol - 3 parts. Take 20-30 drops.

    Infusion: 10 g per 100 ml;1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day( soothing).