
List of indications for magnetotherapy procedures

  • List of indications for magnetotherapy procedures

    1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system: hypertensive disease of I-II degree;ischemic heart disease with stable angina pectoris I-II FK( functional classes);rheumatism;vegetovascular dystonia;postinfarction cardiosclerosis( in the latter case, magnetotherapy is prescribed taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, the dynamics of the disease, the clinical and functional examination data).

    2. Diseases and injuries of central and peripheral nervous systems;trauma of the spine, spinal cord;disorders of cerebrospinal circulation;transient disorders of cerebral circulation;ischemic cerebral strokes( in the last two cases, magnetotherapy is prescribed strictly taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and on the basis of medical examination data);osteocondritis of the spine;neuritis;polyneuropathy of various origin;neuralgia;neurosis, neurasthenia;ganglionitis, causalgia, phantom pain;paralysis, paresis.

    3. Diseases of peripheral vessels: obliterating atherosclerosis of stages I-II-III;obliterating endarteritis of stages I-II-III;thromboangiitis;Raynaud's syndrome;chronic venous and lymphovenous insufficiency;thrombophlebitis of the superficial and deep veins( appointed strictly according to the individual characteristics of the patient and based on the data of the medical examination) in the subacute period;postthrombophlebitic syndrome;diabetic angiopathy, polyneuropathy;state after aortoscopic bypass.

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    4. Diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system: deforming osteoarthritis( stages I-III in the phase of exacerbation and remission);infectious-toxic arthritis, polyarthritis of various etiologies;Bursitis, epicondylitis, periarthritis;delayed consolidation of the fracture, including during metallosynthesis, the presence of a plaster bandage or Ilizarov apparatus;injury;stretching of the bag-ligament apparatus, dislocation.

    5. Diseases of the bronchopulmonary apparatus: acute prolonged pneumonia;Chronical bronchitis;bronchial asthma( except hormone-dependent).

    6. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the phase of exacerbation and remission;subacute and chronic pancreatitis;chronic hepatitis and prolonged course of acute hepatitis;biliary dyskinesia;chronic cholecystitis;chronic non-ulcerative colitis;a condition after a resection of a stomach concerning an ulcer with the purpose of preventive maintenance postresectional complications.

    7. LOP-pathology: vasomotor rhinitis;chronic rhinitis, rhinosinusitis;sinusitis, frontalitis;chronic pharyngitis;chronic otitis media;laryngitis, tracheitis.

    8. Ophthalmology: subacute and chronic inflammatory diseases of various eye environments: conjunctivitis, keratitis, iritis, iridocyclitis, uveitis;atrophy of the optic nerve;the initial form of glaucoma.

    9. Dentistry: periodontitis, gingivitis;Ulcerous lesions of the oral mucosa;acute arthritis of the temporomandibular joint;fractures of the lower jaw;wound and trauma( magnetotherapy can be prescribed if there are metal crowns, bridges and tires in the oral cavity).

    10. Subacute and chronic diseases of the genitourinary system: cystitis;urethritis;pyelonephritis;adnexitis, metritis, salpingoophoritis, prostatitis;epididymitis, orchitis, vesiculitis;impotence;infertility;climacteric syndrome;benign neoplasm( myoma, fibromyoma) taking into account age, hormonal background, dynamics of the process.

    11. Allergic and skin diseases: vasomotor rhinitis;bronchial asthma;psoriasis;neurodermatitis.

    12. Trophic ulcers: sluggish wounds;burns;frostbite;pressure sores;preoperative preparation and postoperative rehabilitation;adhesive disease;increase of the immune status.

    At the same time, when investigating new methods of magnetotherapy for the treatment of various diseases, the following contraindications were revealed.

    1. Absolute:

    • Bleeding and inclinations;

    • systemic blood diseases;acute thrombosis, recurrent, thromboembolic complications;

    • aneurysm of the heart, aorta and large vessels;

    • cardiovascular insufficiency above stage 11;

    • stable angina pectoris III-IV FC;severe cardiac rhythm disturbances( atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal tachyarrhythmia, frequent extrasystoles, etc.);

    • Acute myocardial infarction;

    • presence of a pacemaker;

    • diseases of the central nervous system with a sharp arousal;

    • Mental disorders;claustrophobia( fear of enclosed spaces under common influences);

    • disorders of cerebral circulation( acute period);

    • malignant neoplasms or suspected development;

    • active tuberculosis process;

    • general severe condition of the body( pulmonary insufficiency II-III degree);

    • infectious diseases in acute stage;

    • febrile state;

    • acute exacerbation of chronic inflammatory process;

    • gangrene;

    • exhaustion of the body;

    • Individual intolerance. Children under the age of 1.5 years are not subjected to a local exposure to the magnetic field, and up to 18 years of age - a general effect.

    2. Relative:

    • hypotension( it is possible to carry out magnetotherapeutic treatment at stable arterial pressure and good tolerability of the procedure of magnetotherapy by the patient);

    • Pregnancy.

    In practical medicine from the middle of the XX century.in physiotherapy are widely used biotropic and power properties of various artificial sources of magnetic field. They have been very successfully used and are currently used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases, as well as for rehabilitation. Back in the early 1990s. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation allowed a variety of devices to be used in physiotherapy without consuming electricity( magnetic bracelets, elastic belts, insoles, clips, beads) and electromagnetic devices that generate permanent, variable, pulsed and other types of low-frequency electromagnetic field.