  • Amplipulse therapy

    Amplipulse therapy is a therapeutic method intended mainly for electrostimulation in various problem areas of the patient's body. This method involves the use of sinusoidal modulated currents( CMT), produced by special devices "Amplipulse-4" and "Amplipulse-5"( amplitude pulsations).In medical practice, the following types of SMT currents( produced by the Amplipulse-4 and Amplipulse-5 apparatuses) are used for the corresponding amplipulse therapy procedures:

    • current with unmodulated oscillations at a frequency of 5000 Hz;

    • currents modulated by any one frequency( 100-150 Hz), having oscillations of frequency of 5000 Hz, are indicated on the device 1РР( type of work - decoding);

    • current with incomplete modulation depth( 75%);

    • current with full( 100%) modulation depth;

    • current with a modulation depth of more than 100%;

    • IIPP - alternation of modulated current sends with certain pauses;

    • IIIPP - alternation of the current sends modulated with the selected specific frequency, with the sending of the modulated current;

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    • IVPP - alternation of current parcels with different modulation frequencies, one of which is 150 Hz;

    • VPP - the alternation of current parcels entering the IVPP, with pauses( it is produced only by the apparatus "Ampliplus-5").

    Procedures of amplipulse therapy have analgesic effect, which is caused by the direct influence of sinusoidal modulated currents on the nerve receptors and muscle formations with the subsequent increase of lability and bioelectrical activity of nerve formations. In this case, the effect of a series of low-frequency pulses in the ordered physiological rhythm creates conditions for the removal of the pain syndrome. The effect of sinusoidal modulated currents stimulates fat metabolism in the human body, activates the functional state of the sympathic-adrenal system, improves blood supply to the brain, kidneys, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.


    • purulent inflammation of any area of ​​the body;

    • a tendency to bleed;

    • thrombophlebitis;

    • pronounced violation of the general circulation;

    • cardiovascular diseases in the stage of decompensation.

    Indications for the use of amplipulse therapy are:

    • pain syndrome in neuritis, neuralgia, peripheral nerve and musculoskeletal system injuries, degenerative-dystrophic lesions of joints of limbs and spine;

    • Violation of peripheral circulation and trophism of tissues in angiospasm, obliterating diseases of the vessels of the extremities;

    • muscle atrophy after prolonged adynamia, surgeries, poliomyelitis, trauma;

    • removal of small stones from the ureters in kidney stones.

    The amplipulse therapy uses mainly the same electrodes as in galvanizing, with the shape of the metal plates most often rectangular with rounded edges, and the area is 5 to 300 cm2.Among the electrodes are 2 round wrist holders. Such electrodes have cavities filled with a hydrophilic swab from a spongy tissue. After identifying the painful areas and areas of pain, one electrode is fixed to the skin strictly to the size of the painful focus, and the other is placed side by side, at a distance equal to the diameter of the first electrode, or fixed on the opposite side. When the device is switched on and the CMT( current) is applied to the electrodes, the current is gradually and gradually increased, depending on the types of current( they are indicated above), the patient begins to feel the vibration( light, non-painful) that results from the contraction of the muscle fibrils. Vibration is guided by dosing the current( i.e., the current is controlled based on the patient's sensations).The sensation of vibration under both electrodes will be the same, therefore, when sinusoidal modulated currents are applied to painful foci, the polarity does not play a special role( ie "+" or "-").But when exposed to painful foci by a current in the rectified mode, the polarity( "+" or "-") matters, because a more pronounced vibration will be under the cathode. Therefore, in the apparatus used for amplipulse therapy, there is a change in polarity( "+" or "-") when operating with rectified current. Procedures with the use of SMT are performed daily or every other day, depending on the individual patient's tolerance. For the entire course of treatment, usually 10 to 15 procedures are prescribed. In the absence of unforeseen complications, the course of treatment can be repeated after 7-15 days.

    Very often, sinusoidal currents( CMT) are treated in combination with medical therapy, thermal procedures, general baths, massage, and exercise therapy.

    1. Pain syndrome with lumbosacral radiculitis. Electrodes connected by a wire to the device are placed and fixed( they can not be shifted during the procedure to avoid painful sensations!) To the right and left of the spine. The current is supplied unobstructed( this is the operating mode).The sequence of exposure to currents: IIIPP and IVPP( type of work) for 3-5 minutes. The current is selected from the sensations of the patient's vibration under the electrodes. The depth of modulation for severe pain is 25 to 50%, with mild pain 75 to 100%.The frequency of modulations with severe pain, irritation phenomena - from 80 to 100 Hz, with minor pains - from 20 to 30 HZ;the duration of the current transmissions is no more than 2-3 seconds. The first 3-4 procedures are performed at a depth of modulations from 25 to 50-75%, and with a decrease in the pain of exposure to currents( CMT) should be carried out at a modulation depth of 100%.The course of treatment is prescribed from 8 to 15 procedures.

    2. Pain syndrome with Raynaud's disease 1-11 stages. The electrodes connected by a wire to the device are placed and fixed transversely: one on the gastrocnemius area, the other on the anterolateral surface of the calf. Mode of operation - the use of non-rectified current, the sequence of exposure to currents( SMT): IIPP and IV PP( type of work) for 3-5 minutes. The strength of the current effect on the painful focus is selected based on the sensations of the patient's vibration under the electrodes. The depth of modulations is from 75 to 100%, the modulation frequency is from 85 to 150 Hz;the duration of the current sends is from 2 to 3 seconds. For the entire course of treatment, 8 to 10 procedures are prescribed daily.

    Note. When performing amplipulse therapy, the patient should take a comfortable position and relax muscles as much as possible.