  • Electrophoresis

    Electrophoresis is a complex medical complex that combines the influence on the body of direct current and injected through intact skin or mucous membranes of particles of medicinal substances. The technique and technique for performing electrophoresis are the same as for galvanization procedures. In the electrophoresis procedure, the entire surface of the tissue hydrophilic napkin facing the patient's skin with a solution of a certain drug substance is usually wetted. But in some cases one layer of filter paper that has the same area as the gasket is wetted to save expensive drugs, then it is placed on the patient's body. After that, put a cloth wet pad on top of the paper( it is moistened in warm boiled water and squeezed), then a metal plate is placed on the gasket - the electrode. After the end of the electrophoresis procedure, the filter paper is discarded and the flannel( liner) liner is rinsed in warm boiled water( water can be tap water, but filtered through a plant containing shungite stones, this is done in order to remove unwanted impurities like phenol from ordinary tap water,salts of heavy metals - lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic).At the end of the working day, the pads for each drug substance are treated separately by boiling in a sterilizer( the water for this operation should be carefully filtered using a high-performance filter, because when boiling, the concentration of some harmful chemical impurities such as heavy metal salts increases, and they can fall during electrophoresisin the human body together with medicinal substances and cause unforeseen complications).

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    When performing electrophoresis procedures of any kind, medicinal substances accumulate first in the skin depot, and from there it gradually enters the blood and lymph, after which they are distributed throughout the body, rendering therapeutic effect on the tissues and cells most sensitive to the injected drug substance. With electrophoresis, the therapeutic effect of a weak direct current is carried out taking into account all the features of the structure of the body, and the electrodes are placed on those parts of the skin that are connected by autonomic innervation with internal organs. Therefore, with local effects on the skin through the vegetative pathways, medicinal substances affect certain organs and systems of the human body. The high therapeutic efficacy of drugs in electrophoresis is due to the fact that the drug particles( ions) under the influence of direct current become electroactive. The long-term medical practice of using electrophoresis for the treatment of various diseases has revealed a number of advantages, such as:

    • the possibility of administering a medicinal substance to any size and localization of the skin surface without disrupting its integrity;

    • the action of the drug occurs against the background of the electrochemical regimes of cells and tissues changed under the influence of direct current;

    • the introduction of metered small concentrations of drugs to avoid side effects from the use;

    • prolonged retention of drug substance ions in the skin depot and subsequent slow uniform delivery of them into the patient's body;

    • the possibility of concentrated exposure to a drug substance on a small part of the patient's body;

    • the possibility of simultaneous introduction from different poles of ions of drugs with different signs;

    • absence of irritant effect of drugs on the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.

    Indications for conducting electrophoresis procedures are determined by the pharmacological properties of the drug substance, taking into account the individual tolerability of the action of direct current.

    There is a common terminology regarding the electrophoresis method-the term "electrophoresis" is used to attach the name of the drug substance( for example, calcium electrophoresis, penicillin electrophoresis, bromo-electrophoresis, etc.).

    In some cases, electrophoresis is performed simultaneously with inductothermia, while the depth of penetration of medicinal substances into the patient increases due to the fact that the high-frequency electromagnetic field reduces the polarization phenomena caused by the passage of direct current through the skin, as a result, the permeability of the body tissues for the drugsubstances. In a hospital environment, in particular in specialized clinics, before performing the procedures of electrophoresis, thermal procedures are preliminarily carried out using a lamp of solux, warmer, paraffin, ozocerite, mud. In addition, in order to increase the efficiency of electrophoresis, simultaneously in a hospital environment, at the same time( 30-50 minutes after the procedure), common thermal aromatic baths( for example, coniferous), shower, and exercise therapy are used. In general, electrophoresis procedures of any kind are due to the complex structure of the skin of the human body with its special porous structure, protein components, the network of capillaries, the existence in the pores of a near-wall negative electrical charge at the interfaces of tissue-liquid( lymph), which ultimately requires overcoming the natural barrierby applying energy in the path of charged ions of drugs. Performing the above thermal procedures promotes skin expansion, which ultimately significantly improves the efficiency of electrophoresis, influenced by such factors as ionophoretic permeability of the skin, depending:

    • on the number of sweat and sebaceous glands;

    • Skin fat content;

    • regional skin sensitivity;

    • age features.

    1. Hypertensive disease of the I degree: bromine-electrophoresis according to the method of SB.Vermel, the concentration of the solution of the drug substance - sodium bromide( potassium) - 20%, the density of direct current - 0.05 mA / cm2 gaskets, the duration of one procedure - 20 minutes every other day. The entire course of treatment - 15 procedures;

    2. Deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joint: Novocaine-electrophoresis, technique with transverse arrangement of electrodes, concentration of drug solution - Novocaine hydrochloride - 5%, current density - 0.08 mA / cm2 gaskets, duration of one procedure - 30 minutes, daily, total15 procedures are necessary for the course of treatment;

    3. Stomach ulcer: vitamin B 4 electrophoresis according to the intranasal technique;concentration of the drug solution - thiamine( B,) 5%;the strength of the direct current applied to the electrodes is in the range of 0.5 to 2 mA, which corresponds to the generally accepted current density, duration is 25 minutes, daily, the entire course of treatment is 15 procedures.

    1. Procedure for electrophoresis treatment of gallbladder

    diseases. In the horizontal position of the patient, one electrode measuring 10 x 16 cm is placed in front of the body at the site of the projection of the gallbladder and liver, and another electrode of the same size is fastened with an elastic bandage on the back. Both electrodes are connected to the corresponding terminals of the device - the anode-cathode and gradually, continuously supplying a constant current of up to 15 mA.Gaskets impregnated with a drug substance are placed under the electrodes prior to switching on the current, which is determined by the attending physician after a medical examination. The duration of the procedure of electrophoresis is from 15 to 20 minutes, performed daily or every other day( depending on the patient's condition), the entire course of treatment - from 10 to 20 procedures.

    2. Method of treatment with electrophoresis of intestinal diseases

    The patient's position is horizontal, electrodes with the area of ​​200 cm2 are installed exactly as in the treatment of the liver and gallbladder, only in this case the first of them is on the projection of the intestine in front and the other on the back. The current during electrophoresis on the intestinal region - up to 10 mA, the duration of the procedure - 15-20 minutes, conducted daily or every other day, the entire course of treatment - up to 20 procedures. All parameters of electrophoresis are determined by the attending physician based on the results of the medical examination and the general condition of the patient.

    3. Method of treatment with tonsil electrophoresis in chronic angina

    Electrophoresis on the tonsils is carried out using two rectangular electrodes measuring 5 x 7 cm - the first and 5-10 cm - the second. The first electrode is fixed in the submandibular region at the projection of the tonsils on the neck at the angle of the lower jaw, the wire from it is connected to the corresponding terminal of the apparatus. The second electrode is attached to the posterior surface of the neck in the region of the upper cervical vertebrae, if its wire is connected to the anode, or in the region of the lower cervical vertebrae, if it is connected to the cathode. Before fixing the electrodes, a textile bandage moistened in a warm solution of the drug substance is placed under them beforehand, under the elastic bandage, which is determined by the attending physician on the basis of the results of the medical examination. The intensity of the current in the area of ​​the tonsils should be in the range of 2 to 5 mA, the duration of the procedure is from 15 to 20 minutes, the course of treatment - from 10 to 12 procedures.

    In the 1980-1990's. Other methods of electrophoresis were developed with the effect of electrodes on the region of the joints, spine, intercostal nerves, kidneys, pelvic organs, etc.