  • General care of the patient

    Great importance during the treatment of any disease is paid to care for the patient.

    The position of the patient in bed largely depends on the severity and nature of the disease. In those cases when the patient can get out of bed on his own, walk, sit, his position is called active. The position of the patient, who is unable to move, turn, raise his head and arms, is called passive. The position that the patient takes on his own, trying to alleviate his suffering, is called forced. In any case, in whatever position the stationary patient is, most of his time he spends in bed, so an important role for the well-being of the patient and his recovery is given to bed comfort.

    The position of the patient in bed

    The patient in the ward is located on the bed. It is desirable that it be made of a material that is easy to wash and handle and should be sufficient in size.

    Beds in the room should stand with an interval of at least 1.5 m and the head end to the wall. It is better if in the room there are functional beds consisting of three moving sections, the position of which can be changed by means of special devices or handles, which makes it possible to give the patient the most comfortable position. Mesh on the bed should be well stretched and have a flat surface. On top of her put a mattress without bumps and hollows.

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    The care of patients will be more convenient if you use a mattress consisting of separate parts, each of which can be replaced as needed.

    It is strictly forbidden to place the patient on chairs or other ancillary facilities!

    For patients suffering from incontinence of urine and feces, an oilcloth that prevents contamination of the mattress is attached over the entire width of the mattress pad. The mattress cover is covered with a sheet, the edges of which need to be turned under the mattress, so that it does not roll down and folds. Pillows are placed so that the bottom( of the pen) was parallel to the length of the bed and protruded slightly from under the upper( down) pillow, which should rest against the back of the bed. The pillows are put on white pillow cases. Persons with allergies to feather and down are given foam rubber( or cotton) pillows. For sheltering the patient, seasonal wadding or blankets are placed in the duvet cover.

    In the absence of a functional bed, special head restraints are used to give the patient a semi-sitting position, and a stop is placed in the legs so that the patient does not crawl off the head restraint.

    The patient's bed regularly( in the morning and in the evening) has to be rearranged( sheet, blanket, pillows are straightened).If the patient can not be turned over, special devices are used to bring the surface of the bed into proper order.

    The patient's bed has a bedside table or bedside table, the height of which should correspond to the height of the bed. For severely ill patients, special bedside tables are used, which are located above the bed, which makes eating convenient.

    In addition to beds, the room should have chairs at every bed, table and hanger, at the door - hang a thermometer indicating the temperature of the air, as well as a trash can.

    Airing chambers is made depending on the season. In summer, the open windows are open 24 hours a day, in the winter time, openings or transoms open 3-4 times a day for 15-20 minutes. It must be ensured that there are no drafts.

    For the successful treatment of great importance is the observance of patients personal hygiene, including the timely change of bed and underwear, skin care, eyes, mouth, hair. It should be remembered: the heavier the patient, the more difficult it is to take care of him, to perform any manipulation.

    Skin Care

    The face, neck and upper body are supposed to be washed daily. If the patient is on strict bed rest, he is washed by a nurse with a sponge or cotton swab. Hands should be washed in the morning, before meals and as contamination during the day. Legs should be washed daily for the night with warm water and soap. The patient, who is on bed rest, should wash his feet 2-3 times a week, putting the basin on the bed.

    Special attention should be paid to the area of ​​the perineum - the erosion of patients, as the accumulation of urine and feces can lead to a violation of the integrity of the skin. Washing is done by a weak warm solution( 30-35 ° C) potassium permanganate or another disinfectant. You can also use aseptic decoctions and infusions, allowing to maintain the purity of the inguinal area, to prevent the purulent-inflammatory complications. For jam use a jug, korntsang, sterile cotton balls.

    Wearing Women. When washing, the woman should lie on her back, bending her knees and slightly spreading her hips. A vessel is placed under the gluteal region. In the left hand take a pitcher with a warm disinfectant solution and water on the external genitalia, and a cotton swab clamped in the corncanga, treat the skin in the direction from the genitals to the anus( from the top down).After that, dry cotton swab wipe the skin in the same direction.

    Washing the men. With a similar position of the patient, water from the pitcher is poured onto the inguinal folds and perineum. Drying of the skin is done in the same direction. After wiping the skin dry, it is lubricated with vaseline oil to prevent intertrigo.

    Hair care

    Patients on a stationary regime should wash their head with warm water and soap every week. In those cases when the patient is assigned to bed rest, the head is washed in bed. After washing, dry your hair and comb it. To facilitate this process, the hair is divided in half and combed individual strands, beginning with the ends.

    Oral Care

    General care is carried out daily( morning and evening) by brushing your teeth with a toothbrush. The severely ill nurse must wipe the mouth after each meal. Using a tweezers or a clamp, she takes a cotton ball moistened with a 0.5% solution of borax, with a spatula, removes the cheek and wipes all teeth, gums, tongue and mucous membrane of the mouth with a cotton ball. To prevent dry lips and cracks in the corners of the mouth, lips are lubricated with petroleum jelly several times a day.

    The nurse also watches the nasal passages, free breathing through the nose prevents drying out of the oral mucosa. When forming dry crusts in the nose, it is necessary to introduce a gauze turunda moistened with vaseline oil for 5-10 minutes, or to drip 1-2 drops of warm water.

    Eye Care

    When nasal secretions appear in the corners of the eyes, the nurse should wash them with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or a solution of furacilin( 1: 1000).To do this, use the left index finger to lower the lower eyelid and pour a small drop of a solution of room temperature into the conjunctival sac. The pipette used for rinsing should be sterile.