
Technique and technique of conducting procedures

  • Technique and technique of conducting procedures

    In medical practice, there are 2 main groups of UFO - general and local.

    In case of general UFO , the front and back surfaces of the human torso and limbs are exposed to the effect, the delayed scheme being applied to the weakened patient with reduced nutrition and weakened reactivity, and the accelerated one to the healthy one.

    The basic group-scheme UFO is used for patients with sufficiently good reactivity of the body or healthy for the prevention of influenza, skin diseases, and in some cases - for pregnant women.

    In the slowed-down scheme, UFOs start with 1/8 of the biodoside, gradually incrementing to 2.5 biodoses with repeated procedures. At the same time, UFO procedures are usually conducted daily, and for the entire course of treatment, 26 to 28 procedures are prescribed.

    In the basic scheme, a general UV procedure starts with 1/4 of the biodoside and is brought to a maximum of 3 biodosises. For the entire course of treatment, 16 to 20 UFO procedures are prescribed, administered every other day or every day.

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    The accelerated scheme of the general UFD starts with 1/2 of the bio-dose and is adjusted to 4 bio-doses, used practically healthy people or young people with good reactivity for fractures of bones. If it is necessary to conduct a repeated course of UFO procedures, a break between them should be at least 2 months.

    In carrying out procedures of UFD local exposure to the skin in the area of ​​the pathological focus, erythematous doses are most often used, which are subdivided into small doses ranging from 1 to 2 biodosises, medium intensity from 3 to 4 biodosises, and high intensity of over 8 biodoses.

    In its turn, the general UFO is subdivided into 3 sub-schemes:

    • basic:

    • delayed;

    • accelerated.

    When performing one procedure with erythema UVA, one can irradiate the skin area in the area of ​​the pathological focus with an area of ​​not more than 600 cm2.As the long-term medical practice of UFO has shown, when there is an intense erythema on large areas of the skin in the patient, such phenomena as fever, headache, nervous and muscle fatigue are observed( the same phenomena are also observed with prolonged exposure of the human body to sunlightweather in the summer).Repeated UFO in certain biodosomes, when exposed to the same patch of skin, is usually performed 1-3 days after the first procedure, when the arisen erythema begins to weaken. The same patch of skin in the area of ​​the pathological focus can not be irradiated with erythematous doses of UFO more than 3-4 times due to the fact that with multiple procedures of the UV of the same area, the sensitivity of the skin decreases. But in some cases of intensive therapy of UFD of the mucous membranes, the wound area of ​​the procedure is performed at the same place many times - from 10 to 15 procedures or more( in the absence of unforeseen complications).

    Erythmic UFDs are performed with:

    • exposure to the lesion in the form of wounds, furuncles, erysipelas, etc.;

    • Field irradiation in the treatment of pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, radiculitis, intercostal neuralgia and other diseases. In this case, the region of the pathological focus to be irradiated is divided into several sections of a small area( from 50 to 200 cm2), with one or two sections irradiated in one procedure;

    • irradiation of reflexogenic zones: erythemic UVA procedures are carried out in zones: collar, panty, area of ​​segments of the spinal cord. Erythemic UFO collar zone is usually carried out in the presence of slow inflammatory processes of the brain, its membranes, face, as well as vascular disorders of the upper limbs, some diseases of the chest. To carry out erythemic UV of the pelvic organs, peripheral circulation in the lower extremities affects the skin areas corresponding to the lumbosacral segments and the front surface of the thighs;

    • fractional erythemic UFD.This method of treatment of pathological foci involves the use of a perforated localizer made of medical oilcloth with a size of 40x40 cm, in which 160 to 190 holes with a diameter of 2 cm are cut out. In carrying out the procedures of erythemic UV, such an oilcloth with holes is applied to the area of ​​the skin in the area of ​​the pathological focus. This type of erythemic UVA is used, in particular, for certain lung diseases, especially when performing procedures in children's health facilities( bronchopneumonia, bronchial asthma and other diseases).Skin covers in children are more sensitive to the effects of any type of UV, why the biodosylmium is produced in shorter procedures than in adults, so it is recommended to open each window of the biodosimeter 15-30 seconds when determining the bio-dose.

    When carrying out general UFD, the maximum dosage of exposure to pathological foci in children under 2 years is not more than 2 biodosides, and in older UFOs, no more than 3 biodosises. The area of ​​received pathological foci for children under the age of three years old should not exceed 60-80 cm2, at the age of 5-7 years - from 150 to 200 cm2, and in children of older age - 300 cm2.

    For the invocation of erythema with the appropriate UFV, the first effects on pathological foci( or lesions) should not exceed 1.5-2 biodosomes. When carrying out repeated procedures of UVD, the dose of exposure to certain foci is increased by 0.5-1 biodose( for children).

    Indications. General UFOs are applied:

    • for the prevention of solar insufficiency( vitamin deficiency and vitamin D vitamin deficiency in adults, pregnant and children,

    • in the treatment of rickets in children,

    • to increase the general resistance of the adult or child

    Local UFO( erythema)most often with diseases of the internal organs, such as pneumonia, bronchitis, gastritis, rheumatism, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, bronchial asthma, myositis, myalgia, radiculitis

    General and local UFOs are widely used in surgery(with injuries, infected wounds, fractures), in dermatology( for psoriasis, pyoderma, eczema, etc.) UFO is an effective method in the treatment and prevention of influenza and many infectious diseases( in particular,scarlet fever, whooping cough)

    Contraindications for UFD:

    • malignant tumors;

    ; • tendency to bleed;

    ; active pulmonary tuberculosis;

    • blood diseases;

    • pronounced cachexia;

    • hyperthyroidism;

    • lupus erythematosus;

    • circulatory failure of I-II degree;

    • Smallpox.

    Note. In the 1990's.a special method of light therapy was developed-laser therapy using small-size quantum generators-lasers, in which the laser beam has a tremendous power, which creates a variety of possibilities for its application in intensive care. The laser light is characterized by coherence, i.e.consists of waves of one frequency that move and reinforce each other, as a result of which a straight, narrow, far-reaching beam of light is formed. A thermal energy of considerable power is concentrated in the laser light beam. Any substance( including bone and metal) encountered in the path of the laser beam instantly evaporates.

    In these years, attempts were made to treat such pathological foci as a precancerous skin tumor with a laser beam. In this case, the laser setup was tuned to a frequency at which its beam was absorbed by a dark cloth and reflected by a light one. Malignant tumors on the skin of a person often have a dark color, otherwise they can be artificially colored in such a( dark) color to ensure maximum absorption of laser light.

    Since 2000 laser surgery has been actively developed, in particular in the treatment of certain eye diseases, such as myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism. A number of injuries of the retina are now eliminated by a laser beam with a certain power.

    In addition, the laser beam is used to eliminate pain impulses( for example, with pain due to peripheral nerve damage).

    The treatment of certain diseases with the help of a light laser beam has now reached great perfection and is carried out even at the molecular level, which is not able to carry out other methods of light treatment.

    1. Lumbosacral radiculitis. UVO procedures of the lumbosacral zone and the sciatic nerve, 1-2 fields a day, starting with 3-4 biodosides daily. During the execution of the UFO procedures, each field is affected twice.

    2. Tonsillitis. The procedures start with one bio-dose, then add with repeated irradiations from / 2 to 1 biodosys, not more than three biodosomes per each tonsil, daily. For the entire course of treatment, 10 to 12 procedures are prescribed.

    3. Erysipelatous inflammation of the right tibia. Procedures of the right shin of the right tibia, impact on four fields( anterior, posterior and lateral), with simultaneous coverage of healthy skin around the pathological focus from 5 to 7 cm, start with four bio-doses and bring to 10( adding at each subsequent proceduretwo bioadozes).For the entire course of treatment, 4 to 5 procedures are prescribed for UFV administration every other day.