  • Rucola useful properties

    Rukola, or inowa sowing( Induca sativa L.) is one of the popular plants used in modern dietetics. Has many names: rucola sowing, or eruca sowing, or indow.

    This vegetable plant belongs to the cabbage family, it tastes like cress salad. The plant is annual.

    The characteristic features of this culture are: white flowers with dark venation, in the rosette is formed depending on the growing season from 3-10 to 20-30 leaves. Leaves lyrate-pinnately incised with four pairs of lateral lobes, leaf plate fleshy, juicy. Weight 1 000 seeds 1,2 -1,5 g.

    The rucola leaves have an excellent unique taste, which for some people is associated with nut-and-vegetable, for others - with the taste of fried game. The leaves contain mustard oil, rich in vitamin C - from 60 to 120 mg%( mg per 100 g of products), carotene - 2-4 mg%, group B vitamins, vitamin PP, rutin. An important feature is the high content of potassium, calcium salts, as well as the essential salts of phosphorus, iron, iodine. All this determines the dietary value of the rucola.

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    Rukola is a cultural plant originally from Italy. It is fairly widespread in Western Europe.

    Already in Ancient Greece, Rome it is mentioned as a vegetable salad plant along with cabbage, radish, trout, basil. After a long period of oblivion, this plant in the last decade again began to receive widespread recognition as a vegetable culture. In Germany, it has now been distributed under the name Salatrauk( indow salad) or, as a rule, Rukola cultivata and is sold at higher prices than salad.

    Rukola is an unpretentious plant that grows well in the soil( it can be sown from May to September), and it can be grown on a balcony in pots. A few weeks after emergence leaves can be harvested.

    Especially tasty leaves in spring and autumn. If planted in a greenhouse in August or September, the plant can survive the warm winter. In this case, rich in vitamins, mineral salts and essential oils, leaves can be ripped off throughout the winter, adding them to food. The rucola leaves, added to the salad, not only vitaminize it, but also gives it a nut taste.

    Useful properties

    Ruler leaves are used as a component of various salads, finely chopped leaves are used in the preparation of sandwiches, this is a fine side dish for meat and fish dishes. The use of rucola contributes to the improvement of appetite, favors the assimilation of food, strengthens the nervous system, stabilizes blood pressure. Mineral salts, which are part of the rucola, activate the activity of the excretory system of the body.

    The use of arrows improves metabolic processes, improves digestion, strengthens the nervous system. Rukola is indicated for stress and depression, increases hemoglobin levels, removes excess cholesterol, is recommended for anemia. Regular use of this useful herb is useful for people with diabetes. The greenery of arugula is an irreplaceable source of vitamins and microelements during pregnancy, during lactation increases the production of breast milk.

    Rukola has a diuretic and disinfectant effect, facilitates the condition with gout, inflammatory processes in the kidneys and urinary tract. Thanks to β-carotene improves the condition of the skin, nails and hair. Ruler oil is successfully used to strengthen hair follicles and prevents hair loss.

    Using arugula is useful for obesity, doctors recommend arranging unloading days with the inclusion of only rukola in the menu, the vitamins contained in the greens will provide the necessary energy, and a minimum of calories will help get rid of excess weight. In 100g of grass contains only 25 calories. The low caloric content of rucola and the biologically active substances contained in it allow the slimming to maintain good performance and vigor of the spirit, which is very important for people who are weakened by diet. Nutritionists recommend eating a daily serving of salad from rucola to improve metabolism and weight control. The leaves of the plant are rich in fiber, which allows you to create a feeling of satiety. By the way, it is the rukola that is the basis of the ration of many models.

    Another important feature of arugula: the strongest antiyazvennye qualities. It effectively fights against the damage to the walls of the stomach, significantly reduces the size of already existing ulcers, prevents the development of new foci of the disease, even with certain violations in the medical diet.

    It has been known for some time that rukola is the strongest aphrodisiac, the useful properties of this plant have been widely used to improve erectile function in men. And the Italian chefs prepared with a rukol secret drug to stir passion( mixed black pepper, honey and grass in a 1: 1: 10 ratio) and took it daily.
    Use of arugula is contraindicated for individual intolerance, greens should be used with caution in urolithiasis.