  • Apparatus portable mag-30

    The portable device MAG-30 successfully passed clinical trials in 1984-1989.in a number of clinics in Moscow( NN Burdenko GUHCG, in M.F. Vladimirsky MONIKI, at the ZOPIUV, at the NI Pirogov CITO).When studying the effect of the alternating magnetic field produced by the MAG-30 apparatus on the neurohumoral regulation of the patient's body, it was established that the treatment with the device does not have a direct strong effect on the neuroendocrine system of the body, even with an increase in the exposure time when performing the corresponding procedures by 1/3.This makes it possible to use the MAG-30 apparatus for long-term courses of treatment of chronic diseases. Studies of the central nervous system of patients during the treatment period allowed to conclude that treatment with the MAG-30 device positively affects the psychoemotional state of patients, which plays an important role in the recovery of patients. In addition, from the side of the autonomic nervous system, a positive dynamics of the conductivity of the nerve endings was observed upon exposure to the spinal cord region( when the MAG-30 apparatus was used to treat the osteochondrosis of the spine).

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    The Ministry of Health of Russia approved the following indications for the use of the MAG-30 apparatus.

    1. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

    • deforming osteoarthritis of the joints of the upper and lower extremities;

    • osteochondrosis of the spine( with reflex and radicular syndromes);

    • humeroscapular periarthrosis;

    • arthritis;

    • picondylitis;

    • chronic osteomyelitis;

    • bursitis.

    • 2. Damage to the musculoskeletal system and their consequences:

    • bone fracture;

    • internal injuries of the joints;

    • Post traumatic contracture of joints;

    • wounds;

    • bruises of soft tissues;

    • hematomas;

    • damage to ligaments and muscles;

    • Post traumatic edema.

    3. Diseases of the genital area:

    • inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages in the subacute phase of the disease;

    • diseases caused by ovarian hypofunction, algodismenorea;

    • menopause and premenstrual syndrome;

    • complications after operative delivery( caesarean section, violation of perineal integrity), postoperative sutures, scars;

    • lactostasis.

    4. Diseases of the venous system of the upper and lower extremities:

    • deep vein thrombosis of the lower leg - acute and chronic;

    • Ileofemoral thrombosis of the lower limb - acute and chronic;

    • chronic thrombophlebitis in the stage of trophic disorders;

    • thrombosis of the subclavian vein;

    • Varicose disease.

    5. Diseases of the cardiovascular system:

    • hypertensive disease of the I and II stages;

    • ischemic heart disease;

    • stable angina pectoris II and III functional class.

    6. Complications of diabetes:

    • diabetic angiopathy;

    • diabetic polyneuropathy.

    7. Dermatological diseases:

    • conditions after dermal plastic surgery;

    • itching dermatoses.

    Contraindications to the use of the apparatus MAG-30:

    • inflammatory diseases in the acute period;

    • bleeding and tendency to it;

    • hypotension;

    • febrile conditions;

    • purulent processes before surgical treatment;

    • severe course of ischemic heart disease;

    • early post-infarction period;

    • acute period of cerebral circulation disorder;

    • pregnancy;

    • systemic blood diseases;

    • oncological diseases;

    • thyrotoxicosis;

    • diencephalic syndrome;

    • presence of an implantable pacemaker at the site of exposure.

    Note. The presence of titanium metal structures in bone tissue after fracture of the limbs does not serve as a contraindication to the appointment of treatment with the device in therapeutic doses. Magnetotherapy procedures using the MAG-30 apparatus are carried out by superimposing its working surface on the areas of the patient's body recommended for each disease. If the area of ​​influence is small and the treatment does not require the movement of the apparatus, then it is fixed with an elastic bandage or gauze dressing. In those cases where the area of ​​the pathological focus is greater than the working surface of the apparatus, the effect is carried out by arbitrary smooth movements, covering the entire area of ​​the lesion. The duration of the procedure for each disease is indicated in the instructions accompanying the device( or in the operating instructions).The increase in the procedure time for each disease is 2-3 minutes uncritical and does not lead to any undesirable consequences. The use of the apparatus MAG-30 can be combined with other physiotherapeutic effects, as well as conduct complex treatment with medications. Before the procedure with the MAG-30 apparatus or after it, various external agents can be used: ointments, solutions, tinctures, therapeutic muds, creams, etc. The use of herbal medicines, shown for certain diseases, during the treatment with the device makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the treatment.

    There are following general rules concerning physiotherapeutic procedures:

    • procedures should be performed regularly at a specific time, resting 30-60 minutes after the end of the procedure;

    • Repeat for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes courses of magnetotherapeutic treatment 3-4 times a year( anti-relapse courses);

    • do not follow procedures after taking alcohol;

    • Do not perform procedures after taking soothing and psychotropic medications if the patient takes these medications irregularly or their dose exceeds the medication or prescribed by the doctor;

    • do not exercise during the course of treatment;

    • Do not perform procedures against the background of fatigue both psychological and physical.

    The maximum therapeutic effect of treatment with the device is noted when it is applied in the acute period of the disease. In acute inflammatory process, the MAG-30 apparatus is started on the 3-5th day from the onset of the disease or when the temperature drops to normal. In the postoperative period, after fractures of bones, bruises of large joints, this device is used on the 2-3rd day from the moment of trauma or surgical intervention. With bruises of soft tissues for the prevention of extensive hematomas and edema, the device should be used immediately after an injury. The device MAG-30 can be used to prevent complications of frostbite immediately after the occurrence of frostbite. In chronic diseases, the maximum effect of treatment with the MAG-30 device is noted during the procedure during the exacerbation of the disease. In the phase of remission of a chronic disease with the use of the device, there is an easy therapeutic effect. Due to the fact that the variable magnetic field of the MAG-30 apparatus has a sufficiently high penetrating power, the treatment can be carried out through light clothing, gypsum and gauze dressings using the medicines prescribed by the attending physician. In connection with the trace nature of the effect of magnetotherapy on the human body, the expected improvement may occur in 15-20 days. Severe and chronic forms of diseases require a second course of treatment, because for one course of treatment the body can not reorganize for a long time. The second course is carried out 40 days after the first if necessary. Supportive treatment courses with the MAG-30 should be carried out 3-4 times a year. Procedures appoint an average of 10-20 for the entire course of treatment, while it is recommended to be held at the same time, preferably 1-2 hours before meals. The first procedures are carried out for 7 to 10 minutes, then gradually, within 3-4 days, brought to a maximum duration of 15-20 minutes. If the patient has several diseases, then during one course one is treated first, the most difficult, which most worries the patient, then go to the treatment of others( if they have evidence for the use of the same apparatus MAG-30).Treatment of chronic diseases sometimes occurs through exacerbation of painful sensations in the first 3-5 days, which disappear after several procedures. This indicates the restoration of an adequate reaction of nerve endings in the area of ​​the effect of the MAG-30 apparatus on the pathological focus. The medical practice of using the MAG-30 apparatus for 20 years has shown that with proper magnetotherapy procedures, good tolerability is observed in weakened patients, elderly patients suffering from concomitant diseases of the cardiovascular system. MAG-30 - the winner of the contest "100 best goods of Russia" 1998, 1999, 2001.It is exported to Europe and Asia, has international certification ISO-9001-2000CE0044.