  • Myrtle as a medicinal plant

    Myrtle as a medicinal plant is of particular value. In 1948, the employee of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, biologist MN Artemova, was able to scientifically confirm that aqueous extracts from myrtle leaves have antibacterial action. A few years later, the biochemist AP Degtyareva found that they also contain antimicrobial substances, which are 500 times stronger than the essential oil extracted from this plant. Suffice it to say that

    they are able to destroy microbes resistant to penicillin, streptomycin and some other strong antibiotics. There is evidence that with the help of myrtle preparations, a kind of tuberculosis that does not respond to antibiotics is treated - its biologically active substances defeat the tubercle bacillus even in small doses.

    The enumeration of the medicinal properties of myrtle preparations will take quite a bit of place, let's say only that they are especially effective for treating diseases in the initial stage, since the myrtle mobilizes the defenses of the body.

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    With myrtle, treat diseases of the bladder, tumors, intestines. Its special value as a drug is in mild action on the body.

    Myrth, its infusions, tinctures are treated for bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, diphtheria, sinusitis, heart disease, blood, throat, bones, brain, including epilepsy. Infusions, tinctures and dry leaves of myrtle with success are used in the treatment of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including dysbiosis, in the treatment of cystitis, prostatitis, pyelonephritis, hemorrhoids. Myrtle is more effective than streptomycin, aeromycin and many antibiotics. It is good to give to children when you are allergic to antibiotics. Contraindications to its use are not revealed.

    Tinctures, decoctions, myrtle packs are well combined with many other medicinal herbs, especially in collections for the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, etc. For many infectious-inflammatory diseases of internal organs, the myrtle is one of the best means. Myrtle cope well with external inflammations, including fistulas, purulent wounds, shingles, pimples, osteomyelitis. The use of tincture of myrtle has shown itself well in diseases of the oral cavity, periodontitis. Mouthwash daily tincture of myrtle , especially in combination with tincture of black walnut, can reliably stop many putrefactive processes, including tooth decay. Daily use of myrtle tincture is an excellent preventative against many diseases. In folk medicine myrtle is used for diseases of the bladder, prostatitis, gynecological inflammatory diseases, numerous intestinal problems.

    The positive effect of treating myrtle often manifests itself fairly quickly. In reference books and literature, there is no mention of the antiallergic properties of myrtle, but practice also confirms this property, which is probably due to its good antidiabacterial properties. It is known that allergies are of different nature, but nevertheless myrtle often helps in a variety of types of allergies, including chronically current ones.