
Useful and curative properties of oak summer( petiolate)

  • Useful and curative properties of oak summer( petiolate)

    A tree about 40 m high with a powerful branchy root, with a trunk up to 7 m in diameter, with a broadly spreading crown, with a cracked dark brown bark( oprobkovvelshey from above).Leaves are alternate, with early falling stipules, short-petioled, obovate, pinnately lobate. Flowers are bisexual. Male - in dangling brushes( earrings), perianth yellow-green of 5-9 leaflets with 5-10 stamens;Women( number 2-7), dressed with numerous scaly wrappers. Blooms in May. Fruits ripen in September.

    Medicinal raw material is a young smooth bark without a cork layer from the outside and without residues of wood from the inside, sometimes in folk medicine use acorns. The bark is ripped from young branches( in the early spring in the period of sap movement before the dissolution of

    leaves) up to 6 mm thick and thin trunks up to 10 cm in diameter. The smell is weak, the taste is highly astringent. Dry in a shade or ventilated room. Shelf life of raw materials is 5 years.

    The main active ingredient is tannins, containing up to 20% in various parts of the plant and basically determining the practical use of medicinal raw materials. In addition, the oak cortex contains proteinaceous substances, starch, quartzite and levulin, pectic substances, sugar. In acorns - up to 40% of starch, 5-8% of tannins, sugar, fatty oil. In the sheets - tanning, coloring and other chemically active substances.

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    Oak bark is used as an astringent and anti-inflammatory agent, based on the ability of tannic substances to compact cell membranes.

    Apply decoction from the bark of oak as an anti-inflammatory agent in the form of rinses with stomatitis, gingivitis, chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, inside - with gastric bleeding, as opposed to gastritis, as an appetite-improving, antipark and hemostatic agent for ulcerative colitis, enterocolitis, dysentery inmixture with other plants. Outwardly, the decoction of the young oak bark is also used in the complex of treatment of burns, skin diseases accompanied by exudation, excessive sweating of the feet, inflammatory diseases of the urogenital environment( in the form of douching), and trichomonas colpitis.

    In folk medicine, the oak bark is used to stop bleeding from wounds( lotion), with hemorrhoids with bleeding, burns.

    Inside the broth is used for stomach ulcers, gastric bleeding( tarry stool), the presence of blood in the urine, diarrhea and frequent urge to urinate.

    In the form of rinses - with gingivitis, bad breath, stomatitis, tonsillitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx, to strengthen the gums.

    Earlier, the oak bark was very widely used in the treatment of all types of malaria and pulmonary tuberculosis( the bark of oak was a part of the very popular antitubercular so-called "Jewish extract").Inside the broth the bark is used for rickets.

    Warm infusion of leaves, acorns and bark on red wine to the form of compresses used to treat hernia.

    Application of

    Decoction 1: for mouthwash, prepare in a ratio of 1:10.The crust is ground to particles of no more than 3 mm, poured with water at room temperature( water is taken with allowance for boiling losses), closed, heated in a water bath with frequent stirring for half an hour, cooled for 10 minutes, filtered, squeezed and water added tothe volume is 1:10.The preparation perfectly strengthens the gums of teeth.

    Decoction 2: 40 g or 1 tsp bark for 1 liter of water for internal reception.