
E322: the effect on the body and harm of the emulsifier e322( soy lecithin)

  • E322: the effect on the body and harm of the emulsifier e322( soy lecithin)

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    E322( also called "soy lecithin") is a food additive of a class of emulsifiers and antioxidants. It prevents rapid spoilage of food products and allows to obtain a homogeneous mixture of components that can not normally be mixed with each other under normal conditions.

    Is E322 harmful or not? It is believed that this supplement is not only not harmful, but also useful. At least, there is no data convincingly proving its negative impact on the body. Therefore, it is authorized for use in the Russian Federation, Ukraine, the Customs Union countries, the EU, the countries of the British Commonwealth, the USA and Canada.

    Natural lecithin in any organism performs the most important function of transporting vitamins, minerals and trace elements to all organs and tissues. Without it, in principle, it is impossible to metabolize.

    That is why its synthetic analog is widely used in the medical, cosmetic and food industries.

    Get it as a by-product in the production of any refined vegetable oil. In processed form, E322 is similar to brown wax with a slight nutty flavor, soluble in any fat. Then it is divided into various fractions - liquid, large granules or fine powder of the same color.

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    In the industry, food additive E322 is used in the production of fermented milk products, chocolate and products made from it, creams, soufflé, marmalade. Still - mayonnaise, margarine, any products from the dough. It is "responsible" for increasing the shelf life, preventing mold decay and mold development. Products from cocoa beans, it helps to preserve the presentation - does not form a whitish coating.

    There are no statutory restrictions on its use in the food industry. The limiting concentration is also not established.

    In cosmetology in general it is difficult to find a product where E322 is not included. It is a part of creams, tonics, lotions, masks, shampoos and balms for hair, lipsticks.

    Pharmacological production offers E322 in its pure form as a useful dietary supplement.

    It is also added to oil paints, fat-based solvents, pesticides and fertilizers.

    Effect on the body

    Without lecithin, the human body simply will not be able to function. And even more - about a third of it consists of the liver and kidneys. However, to obtain lecithin is better from natural products. They are rich in nuts, meat, offal, egg yolk, butter, fresh fruit and vegetables.

    Its deficiency leads to disruptions in metabolism, the processes of new cell production and tissue renewal are slowing down, slags and toxins accumulate in the body. Another side effect is that the medications taken are not absorbed completely, their benefits are reduced.

    The harm of the emulsifier E322 is that its excess, unlike the natural lecithin, which is eliminated from the body without problems, accumulates in the tissues. This leads to the fact that in the future may develop an allergy to foods rich in lecithin.

    Is there any harm?

    The effect on the body of E322 is due to the phospholipids contained in its composition. Proved its effectiveness as a dietary supplement in diabetes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, liver, joints and spine.

    However, some facts are alarming:

    1. Most often E322 is made from genetically modified soy. No one can predict what will happen to a person in the long term after using it.
    2. According to some reports, soybean processing products negatively affect memory and reduce brain mass.
    3. It contains isoflavonoids, harmful to the thyroid gland.
    4. Soy is bad for the body's ability to absorb amino acids.
    5. Not proven, but there is an opinion that lecithin can cause premature birth.

    Doctors prohibit the use of dietary supplements, which include E322, with individual intolerance of the substance and in the presence of violations in the endocrine system.

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