
When it is better to give birth to a second child: the ideal difference between children

  • When it is better to give birth to a second child: the ideal difference between children

    American scientists have found out when it is better to give birth to a second child - the optimal interval between the first and the next birth - from 18 to 23 months. The older child no longer requires intensive care, and the age difference will not become an obstacle to mutual understanding. A smaller or larger gap between births increases the risk of developing diseases in children.

    In the event that you do not follow the advice of scientists about the timing of the birth of a second baby, there is the danger of disadvantaged childbirth.

    In mothers who became pregnant within six months after the previous birth, the probability of the appearance of premature or hypotrophic babies was 30-40% higher.

    In women who gave birth in 8 years and later, the risk of birth of a hypotrophic baby increased by a factor of 2, and the risk of preterm delivery was more than half.

    With too short a gap between births, the main cause of complications is that the mother's body has not yet fully recovered. In the case of too large an interval between births, an increased risk of impairment may be associated with a worsening of the blood supply to the uterus.

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    The leader in the field of late motherhood is Italy. In this country, 5 babies out of 100 are born in women who have already crossed the 40-year mark. These figures are almost twice as high as the average world figures recorded in France, Spain, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark and the United States.

    Whether to give birth to a second child

    If you are still thinking about this issue, then maybe you should weigh the pros and cons and finally decide what you want.

    Arguments in favor of two children:

    Two children from a small age learn to communicate, interact, make concessions. Development will be multifaceted, social;

    Children are friends, play together and have fun. They will not be bored and lonely.

    Parents will have a double happiness, because every memorable moment in the life of the child stays in memory for many years. Every smile raises the mood and warms the soul. Do you still doubt whether to give birth to a second child or not?

    Each spilled tear, sickness and adversity, all the difficult moments through which you will pass, after a few years will seem like trifles or as inevitable and in own way pleasant, because all this is in the past.

    There are no arguments against the appearance of the second baby. Despite all the financial and other difficulties of raising children, there should be no doubt.


    The weather is cheerful and fervent, they have many common interests, toys, games.

    As children grow older, they tend to become good friends, love each other.

    But at the preschool age, their relationships are not always smooth. Often you can observe quarrels, fights, the sharing of toys. They will not let my mother get bored. Tips on what to do if the child does not get along with a brother or sister, can also be found on the site "Beautiful and Successful."

    The first years from the appearance of the second baby are promised to be difficult. Both children require increased attention, supervision, care. They will not leave Mom a free minute, especially if she copes with everything alone. If the difference is 1 year, it is better to not give birth to the second child at once, but wait a little.

    Difference 2 years

    For children under the age of 10 this difference in age is already significant. When they become older, it will practically not be felt.

    Although very often, babies communicate perfectly and find a common language. Their interests often coincide. They are willing to play together. In the process of games there can be conflict situations, quarrels, fights. Mom at first can be difficult to cope with them. And yet they are already a bit easier with them, than with the weather. The elder can already do something for himself, for example.

    Difference 3 years

    You can say that the second child is better to give birth when the age difference is 3 years. This is a favorable difference for both mother and her toddlers.

    With the first already much less worries, which is important for the mother in position. He rarely asks for his hands, does not require momentary supervision, knows how to play independently.

    After the birth of the second baby, the older child, as a rule, shows interest in him, there is a desire to help. A child of 3 years willingly fulfills simple, understandable requests of parents, so he can become a good assistant. At least, he has already formed a certain independence. He eats himself, can dress, play himself. This greatly facilitates the mother's efforts.

    Several years later, children willingly play together, can find interesting to both of them games. The younger one imitates the elder, strives to be like him. The relationship between them is good, although not without quarrels.

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