
Monthly after birth: why they do not come long

  • Monthly after birth: why they do not come long

    Hormonal reorganization during pregnancy affected all processes in the body of a woman. After giving birth, the reverse process begins, and naturally the organism can not recover in one day. Today we will consider the issue of menstruation after childbirth.

    Why the monthly

    does not occur Postpartum recovery usually takes 6-8 weeks. However, this does not apply to the hormonal system and mammary glands, because in the postpartum period the endocrine system is engaged in the production of prolactin or "milk hormone".

    Prolactin, on the one hand, stimulates the production of milk, and on the other - suppresses the production of hormones in the ovaries. Therefore, the eggs do not ripen and ovulation does not occur. Consequently, even critical days after birth do not occur.

    When the menstrual cycle recovers after the birth of

    The recovery of the menstrual cycle depends on how long prolactin will be needed.

    If, for some reason, a woman does not breastfeed, then there is no need to develop prolactin and critical days may occur 10-12 weeks after birth.

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    If there is a mixed feeding, that is, a kid besides mom's milk gets more and mixes, then there is no need to produce prolactin in large quantities. The menstrual cycle will be restored by 3-4 months.

    If feeding takes place only with the breast, then the endocrine system can not be "distracted" from the production of prolactin. Monthly in this case will occur only after the child will begin to introduce complementary foods.

    Thus, the recovery of the menstrual cycle depends on the way the baby is fed.

    Restoring menstruation after childbirth

    After the appearance of the first menstrual period, one can not yet assume that the cycle has been restored. Critical days after birth can occur irregularly for a while. Finally, the cycle is established after 2-3 cycles.

    In addition, the menstrual cycle after childbirth may become more regular than before the birth. Passes a painful condition in critical days. The fact is that after birth the defects of the position of the uterus are smoothed out. If there was a bending of the uterus, then it disappears, and with it pains with menstruation.

    Deviations - an occasion to consult a doctor

    It is believed that the menstrual cycle will fully recover after the first 2-3 menstrual periods and will become regular. If this does not happen - contact a gynecologist. The cause of irregular postpartum periods may be inflammation of internal genital organs, endometriosis, tumors of the uterus and ovaries and many other pathologies.

    The reason for the "non-occurrence" of menstruation may also be a repeated pregnancy, because breastfeeding is not a method of contraception. Usually the first months after birth are abundant. The phenomenon is very natural and normal, if the menstruation lasts no more than a week. However, if such periods are accompanied by dizziness, weakness, palpitations, you should consult a doctor.

    After delivery, it is possible to change the duration of the menstrual cycle and the duration of the menstruation( blood discharge).The normal menstrual cycle is from 21 to 35 days, the period of discharge is not more than 5 days and not less than 3. Any deviation is an occasion to call a doctor.

    Monthly should not be long or plentiful, neither short nor meager. Too long months can indicate a myoma of the uterus.

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