
Is it possible for pregnant women to drink wine, beer, non-alcoholic beer and what consequences can it lead to?

  • Is it possible for pregnant women to drink wine, beer, non-alcoholic beer and what consequences can it lead to?

    To date, the population of our country is increasingly immersed in the "alcohol shroud".For someone, this is just an excuse for maintaining the mood, for some a way of life. But what to do if they decided to give birth to a baby?

    Can pregnant women drink wine, beer and other low-alcohol drinks? Perhaps, nevertheless it is necessary to abandon the harmful drinks in favor of a new life. In turn, doctors recommend to completely abandon alcoholic beverages during pregnancy.

    We can not say that many listen to the advice of specialists, sometimes there are those who do not try to change anything at all, and live as they like, without worrying about what will happen next. During pregnancy, tastes and preferences change, but it is worthwhile to think about the harmfulness for the child.

    Most sources claim that one small glass of one-two a month can still be consumed. Your business, but even if these drinks are low-alcohol, they still contain alcohol, only it is small. You must decide whether to risk your child's health.

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    Remember, alcohol can affect the weight of the baby at birth, as well as the course of pregnancy. That is, excessive consumption of alcoholic products can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.

    By the way, the negative effect of alcohol in any doses on the baby is so great that there is a possibility of birth of a disabled person. And you know that when the mother has already moved away from the effects of alcohol, the baby is still bad? The liberation of the child's body from its influence occurs over a period of two times more than is necessary for an adult.

    Can I drink non-alcoholic beer during pregnancy?

    As for whether it is possible to drink non-alcoholic beer, then an unambiguous answer is possible here, but in moderation. Although the alcohol content in a non-alcoholic beer is close to its content in kvass and kefir, it is often not recommended to drink it because of the abundance of female hormones in it, the excess of which will not lead to anything good.

    Another tip: before buying a non-alcoholic beer, carefully study its composition. If in beer except for water, malt, hops and yeast there is much something "chemical", then such beer is not even worth buying. Well, what good is it to you? Some continuous harmfulness, which during the formation of the fetus does not have the best effect on it.

    And even in alcohol-free beer, alcohol is still contained, albeit in small quantities. It has been proved by many researches that even non-alcoholic beer is very harmful to the heart and affects the hormonal background of a person. Preservatives and nutritional supplements often cause an allergy in a pregnant woman, but in plenty of non-alcoholic beer they are more than enough!

    You should never drink beer to pregnant women who have kidney problems, because they are already working "like horses" in your situation, and a glass of beer in general can knock them out of the rut.

    Aggravates beer and the presence of edema during pregnancy, and extra pounds with it help arrive faster. And if you become addicted to a non-alcoholic beer, you will soon have an irresistible desire to "raise the degree".

    Doctors warn not for the first year: mutagenic properties of alcohol can make themselves known at any age of the born baby. It is possible that the alcoholic dependence will inherit the baby already in the womb.

    Of course, there is no definite answer to the question whether it is possible to drink wine and other low-alcohol drinks during pregnancy. After all, many doctors argue about the benefits of alcohol in a small dosage.

    The decision is made by every woman on their own, giving preference to a complete refusal of alcohol or reducing it to a minimum. It is not necessary to accustom the child to dependence at this age, it is fraught with consequences, one of which may be low immunity, delay in development, poorly developed nervous system, etc.

    Video materials on the topic of the article

    Alcohol and pregnancy - as far as they are compatible:

    The effect of beer on the body:

    Is there alcohol in a non-alcoholic beer:

    A small video about the great harm of beer: