
Useful and medicinal properties of creeping thyme

  • Useful and medicinal properties of creeping thyme

    ( thyme, Bogorodskaya grass)

    Low( up to 10-15 cm tall) evergreen shrub with a woody stem, from which thin branches leave. Leaves 5-10 mm long, elliptical or elongate-elliptical, opposite, short-curved, entire, with convex lateral veins. Flowers are small, bilabiate, with a purple corolla, collected in axillary rings, forming on the tops of branches of inflorescence, similar to the heads. Fruits are four-rooted, in a cup. Blossoms in June-July or from May to September.

    Medicinal raw material is the herb collected during flowering. Raw materials in collection have an aromatic odor, increasing during grinding, and a bitter taste. Shelf life is up to 3 years.

    Thyme contains essential oil, tannic and bitter substances, resins, pigment.

    In scientific medicine, the herb is used for aromatic baths, and also as an extract inward as an expectorant and analgesic for coughing( children), radiculitis;it also enters into the composition of a special preparation for coughing - pertussin.

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    In folk medicine, creeping thyme is used more widely: inside and outside, as an analgesic for radiculitis and neuritis. Inside apply a decoction: 15 g per 200 ml of 1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day, externally apply a warm oil cake to a sore spot. Of the tincture or extract, diluted in a ratio of 1:10, make lotions.

    In addition, creeping thyme is used as a diuretic, diaphoretic, in half with cumin - as an expectorant, analgesic and soothing agent.

    In whooping cough, use the decoction in the same dose as with other diseases, but it is better to use the extract, which is prepared as follows: a decoction of thyme herb mixed in half with the broth of althea root( 10 g per 200 ml), evaporated to half and added 1-2 tsp pure honey on a glass of broth. To the sick child give on 1 ch. To the spoon 3 times a day.

    Preparations from thyme creeping are indicated for pain in the stomach and intestines, as well as for kidney disease, neuralgia, insomnia, scurvy. Tinctures recommend for joint pains instead of ant alcohol.

    With alcoholism, a mixture of the following composition is prepared: 4 parts of creeping thyme, 1 part of wormwood and 1 part of gold-bearing mound. Apply to 1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day;term of treatment - 2-3 months.

    As a disinfectant and analgesic, apply thyme lotion to wounds, infusion and powder.

    Aromatic baths from grass are recommended in people with diseases caused by a metabolic disorder.


    Decoction: 15 g per 200 ml;1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day. Extract: 10 g of Bogorodskaya grass for 90 ml of boiling water, or 2 tsp of boiling water for half a cup of boiling water;evaporate up to polio

    fault and add honey, take 1 tsp 3-4 times a day.

    Infusion: 50 g of dry thyme pour 100 ml of boiling water, insist 4 hours in a warm place, wrapping the vessel with a towel, filter in 5-6 receptions. The infusion is prepared for 1 day. He rubs the sore spots, wrapping them with something warm.